msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Codestar Framework Modified by Fuukei\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-07 14:09+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-07 14:10+0800\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n" "X-Poedit-WPHeader: option-framework.php\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;" "esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;" "_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.min.js\n" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:169 msgid "Error while saving the changes." msgstr "保存时发生错误。" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:229 msgid "Settings successfully imported." msgstr "设置导入成功。" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:241 classes/admin-options.class.php:257 msgid "Default settings restored." msgstr "已恢复默认设置。" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:328 msgid "Settings saved." msgstr "设置已保存。" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:509 msgid "You have unsaved changes, save your changes!" msgstr "有设置已修改,请记得保存!" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:511 msgid "show all settings" msgstr "显示所有选项" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:513 fields/icon/icon.php:57 #: fields/map/map.php:23 msgid "Search..." msgstr "搜索..." #: classes/admin-options.class.php:516 classes/admin-options.class.php:639 msgid "Save" msgstr "保存" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:516 classes/admin-options.class.php:639 msgid "Saving..." msgstr "正在保存..." #: classes/admin-options.class.php:517 classes/admin-options.class.php:640 msgid "Reset Section" msgstr "重置选区" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:517 classes/admin-options.class.php:640 msgid "Are you sure to reset this section options?" msgstr "是否要将本选区所有设置重置为默认值?" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:518 classes/admin-options.class.php:641 msgid "Reset All" msgstr "重置全部" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:518 classes/admin-options.class.php:641 #: fields/backup/backup.php:31 msgid "Reset" msgstr "重置" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:518 classes/admin-options.class.php:641 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default values?" msgstr "是否要将所有设置重置为默认值?" #: classes/admin-options.class.php:616 fields/button_set/button_set.php:56 #: fields/checkbox/checkbox.php:82 fields/radio/radio.php:75 #: fields/select/select.php:113 functions/actions.php:41 msgid "No data available." msgstr "没有可用数据。" #: classes/setup.class.php:588 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "是否确定?" #: classes/setup.class.php:589 #, php-format msgid "Please enter %s or more characters" msgstr "请输入至少 %s 字符" #: classes/setup.class.php:590 msgid "Searching..." msgstr "搜索中..." #: classes/setup.class.php:591 msgid "No results found." msgstr "未找到结果。" #: classes/setup.class.php:692 msgid "Oops! Not allowed." msgstr "哎呀! 不允许。" #: classes/setup.class.php:760 classes/setup.class.php:764 msgid "Field not found!" msgstr "未找到字段!" #: fields/background/background.php:36 fields/media/media.php:59 msgid "Not selected" msgstr "未选中的" #: fields/background/background.php:72 fields/date/date.php:31 #: fields/datetime/datetime.php:36 msgid "From" msgstr "从" #: fields/background/background.php:90 fields/date/date.php:32 #: fields/datetime/datetime.php:37 msgid "To" msgstr "到" #: fields/background/background.php:108 msgid "Direction" msgstr "方向" #: fields/background/background.php:114 msgid "Gradient Direction" msgstr "渐变方向" #: fields/background/background.php:115 msgid "⇓ top to bottom" msgstr "⇓ 从上到下" #: fields/background/background.php:116 msgid "⇒ left to right" msgstr "⇒从左到右" #: fields/background/background.php:117 msgid "⇘ corner top to right" msgstr "⇘ 右上角" #: fields/background/background.php:118 msgid "⇙ corner top to left" msgstr "⇘ 左上角" #: fields/background/background.php:161 msgid "Background Position" msgstr "背景位置" #: fields/background/background.php:162 msgid "Left Top" msgstr "左上" #: fields/background/background.php:163 msgid "Left Center" msgstr "左中" #: fields/background/background.php:164 msgid "Left Bottom" msgstr "左下" #: fields/background/background.php:165 msgid "Center Top" msgstr "中上" #: fields/background/background.php:166 msgid "Center Center" msgstr "中间" #: fields/background/background.php:167 msgid "Center Bottom" msgstr "中下" #: fields/background/background.php:168 msgid "Right Top" msgstr "右上" #: fields/background/background.php:169 msgid "Right Center" msgstr "右中" #: fields/background/background.php:170 msgid "Right Bottom" msgstr "右下" #: fields/background/background.php:184 msgid "Background Repeat" msgstr "重复背景" #: fields/background/background.php:185 msgid "Repeat" msgstr "重复" #: fields/background/background.php:186 msgid "No Repeat" msgstr "不重复" #: fields/background/background.php:187 msgid "Repeat Horizontally" msgstr "水平重复" #: fields/background/background.php:188 msgid "Repeat Vertically" msgstr "垂直重复" #: fields/background/background.php:202 msgid "Background Attachment" msgstr "背景附着方式" #: fields/background/background.php:203 msgid "Scroll" msgstr "滚动" #: fields/background/background.php:204 msgid "Fixed" msgstr "固定" #: fields/background/background.php:218 msgid "Background Size" msgstr "背景大小" #: fields/background/background.php:219 options/theme-options.php:658 msgid "Cover" msgstr "覆盖" #: fields/background/background.php:220 options/theme-options.php:659 msgid "Contain" msgstr "包含" #: fields/background/background.php:221 options/theme-options.php:660 #: options/theme-options.php:869 msgid "Auto" msgstr "自动" #: fields/background/background.php:235 msgid "Background Origin" msgstr "背景定位" #: fields/background/background.php:236 fields/background/background.php:254 msgid "Padding Box" msgstr "内边距" #: fields/background/background.php:237 fields/background/background.php:253 msgid "Border Box" msgstr "边框" #: fields/background/background.php:238 fields/background/background.php:255 msgid "Content Box" msgstr "内容框" #: fields/background/background.php:252 msgid "Background Clip" msgstr "背景片段" #: fields/background/background.php:269 msgid "Background Blend Mode" msgstr "背景混合模式" #: fields/background/background.php:270 fields/link_color/link_color.php:36 #: fields/typography/typography.php:186 msgid "Normal" msgstr "正常" #: fields/background/background.php:271 msgid "Multiply" msgstr "乘" #: fields/background/background.php:272 msgid "Screen" msgstr "屏幕" #: fields/background/background.php:273 msgid "Overlay" msgstr "覆盖" #: fields/background/background.php:274 msgid "Darken" msgstr "变暗" #: fields/background/background.php:275 msgid "Lighten" msgstr "减轻" #: fields/background/background.php:276 msgid "Color Dodge" msgstr "颜色道奇" #: fields/background/background.php:277 msgid "Saturation" msgstr "饱和度" #: fields/background/background.php:278 options/theme-options.php:95 msgid "Color" msgstr "颜色" #: fields/background/background.php:279 msgid "Luminosity" msgstr "光度" #: fields/backup/backup.php:26 msgid "Import" msgstr "导入" #: fields/backup/backup.php:29 msgid "Export & Download" msgstr "导出 & 下载" #: fields/border/border.php:25 fields/spacing/spacing.php:25 msgid "top" msgstr "顶部" #: fields/border/border.php:26 fields/spacing/spacing.php:26 msgid "right" msgstr "右侧" #: fields/border/border.php:27 fields/spacing/spacing.php:27 msgid "bottom" msgstr "底部" #: fields/border/border.php:28 fields/spacing/spacing.php:28 msgid "left" msgstr "左侧" #: fields/border/border.php:29 fields/spacing/spacing.php:29 msgid "all" msgstr "所有" #: fields/border/border.php:51 fields/typography/typography.php:214 msgid "Solid" msgstr "实线" #: fields/border/border.php:52 fields/typography/typography.php:217 msgid "Dashed" msgstr "虚线" #: fields/border/border.php:53 fields/typography/typography.php:216 msgid "Dotted" msgstr "点线" #: fields/border/border.php:54 fields/typography/typography.php:215 msgid "Double" msgstr "双线" #: fields/border/border.php:55 msgid "Inset" msgstr "插入" #: fields/border/border.php:56 msgid "Outset" msgstr "开始" #: fields/border/border.php:57 msgid "Groove" msgstr "槽" #: fields/border/border.php:58 msgid "ridge" msgstr "凸出" #: fields/border/border.php:59 fields/typography/typography.php:199 #: fields/typography/typography.php:213 msgid "None" msgstr "无" #: fields/checkbox/checkbox.php:23 msgid "Check/Uncheck All" msgstr "" #: fields/dimensions/dimensions.php:22 msgid "width" msgstr "宽度" #: fields/dimensions/dimensions.php:23 msgid "height" msgstr "高度" #: fields/gallery/gallery.php:20 msgid "Add Gallery" msgstr "新增相册" #: fields/gallery/gallery.php:21 msgid "Edit Gallery" msgstr "编辑相册" #: fields/gallery/gallery.php:22 msgid "Clear" msgstr "清空" #: fields/group/group.php:23 msgid "Add New" msgstr "新增" #: fields/group/group.php:41 fields/repeater/repeater.php:27 msgid "Error: Field ID conflict." msgstr "错误: 字段ID冲突。" #: fields/group/group.php:52 fields/group/group.php:107 #: fields/repeater/repeater.php:48 fields/repeater/repeater.php:76 msgid "Are you sure to delete this item?" msgstr "您确定想要删除吗?" #: fields/group/group.php:141 fields/repeater/repeater.php:89 msgid "You cannot add more." msgstr "您不能再添加了。" #: fields/group/group.php:142 fields/repeater/repeater.php:90 msgid "You cannot remove more." msgstr "您无法删除更多。" #: fields/icon/icon.php:20 fields/icon/icon.php:53 msgid "Add Icon" msgstr "新增图标" #: fields/icon/icon.php:21 msgid "Remove Icon" msgstr "移除图标" #: fields/link/link.php:20 msgid "Add Link" msgstr "移除链接" #: fields/link/link.php:21 msgid "Edit Link" msgstr "编辑链接" #: fields/link/link.php:22 msgid "Remove Link" msgstr "移除链接" #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:37 msgid "Hover" msgstr "悬浮" #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:38 msgid "Active" msgstr "激活" #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:39 msgid "Visited" msgstr "访问" #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:40 msgid "Focus" msgstr "焦点" #: fields/map/map.php:24 msgid "Latitude" msgstr "纬度" #: fields/map/map.php:25 msgid "Longitude" msgstr "经度" #: fields/media/media.php:25 fields/upload/upload.php:24 msgid "Upload" msgstr "上传" #: fields/media/media.php:26 fields/upload/upload.php:25 msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" #: fields/sorter/sorter.php:21 msgid "Enabled" msgstr "启用" #: fields/sorter/sorter.php:22 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "已停用" #: fields/switcher/switcher.php:20 msgid "On" msgstr "开" #: fields/switcher/switcher.php:21 options/theme-options.php:820 #: options/theme-options.php:867 options/theme-options.php:1089 #: options/theme-options.php:1269 options/theme-options.php:3141 #: options/theme-options.php:3154 msgid "Off" msgstr "关" #: fields/typography/typography.php:96 msgid "Font Family" msgstr "字体" #: fields/typography/typography.php:97 msgid "Select a font" msgstr "样式" #: fields/typography/typography.php:105 msgid "Backup Font Family" msgstr "导出设置" #: fields/typography/typography.php:119 fields/typography/typography.php:132 #: fields/typography/typography.php:145 fields/typography/typography.php:160 #: fields/typography/typography.php:176 fields/typography/typography.php:189 #: fields/typography/typography.php:203 fields/typography/typography.php:221 #: options/theme-options.php:681 msgid "Default" msgstr "默认" #: fields/typography/typography.php:130 msgid "Font Style" msgstr "样式" #: fields/typography/typography.php:144 fields/typography/typography.php:145 msgid "Load Extra Styles" msgstr "加载额外样式" #: fields/typography/typography.php:158 msgid "Subset" msgstr "子集" #: fields/typography/typography.php:168 msgid "Text Align" msgstr "文字对齐" #: fields/typography/typography.php:170 msgid "Inherit" msgstr "继承" #: fields/typography/typography.php:171 msgid "Left" msgstr "左" #: fields/typography/typography.php:172 msgid "Center" msgstr "居中" #: fields/typography/typography.php:173 msgid "Right" msgstr "右" #: fields/typography/typography.php:174 msgid "Justify" msgstr "两端对齐" #: fields/typography/typography.php:175 msgid "Initial" msgstr "初始" #: fields/typography/typography.php:184 msgid "Font Variant" msgstr "样式" #: fields/typography/typography.php:187 msgid "Small Caps" msgstr "小写" #: fields/typography/typography.php:188 msgid "All Small Caps" msgstr "全部小写" #: fields/typography/typography.php:197 msgid "Text Transform" msgstr "文字转换" #: fields/typography/typography.php:200 msgid "Capitalize" msgstr "大写" #: fields/typography/typography.php:201 msgid "Uppercase" msgstr "大写" #: fields/typography/typography.php:202 msgid "Lowercase" msgstr "小写" #: fields/typography/typography.php:211 msgid "Text Decoration" msgstr "文字装饰" #: fields/typography/typography.php:218 msgid "Wavy" msgstr "波浪" #: fields/typography/typography.php:219 msgid "Overline" msgstr "上划线" #: fields/typography/typography.php:220 msgid "Line-through" msgstr "删除线" #: fields/typography/typography.php:233 msgid "Font Size" msgstr "字体大小" #: fields/typography/typography.php:245 msgid "Line Height" msgstr "行高" #: fields/typography/typography.php:257 msgid "Letter Spacing" msgstr "间距" #: fields/typography/typography.php:269 msgid "Word Spacing" msgstr "字间距" #: fields/typography/typography.php:284 msgid "Font Color" msgstr "链接颜色" #: fields/typography/typography.php:295 msgid "Custom Style" msgstr "自定样式" #: fields/typography/typography.php:362 msgid "Custom Web Fonts" msgstr "自定义web字体" #: fields/typography/typography.php:368 msgid "Safe Web Fonts" msgstr "Web 安全字体" #: fields/typography/typography.php:388 msgid "Google Web Fonts" msgstr "Google网页字体" #: functions/actions.php:16 functions/actions.php:68 functions/actions.php:106 #: functions/actions.php:141 functions/actions.php:170 msgid "Error: Invalid nonce verification." msgstr "错误: 无效的nonce验证。" #: functions/actions.php:72 functions/actions.php:110 msgid "Error: Invalid key." msgstr "错误: 无效密钥。" #: functions/actions.php:114 msgid "Error: The response is not a valid JSON response." msgstr "错误: 此响应不是合法的JSON响应。" #: functions/actions.php:174 msgid "Error: Invalid term ID." msgstr "错误: 无效的项目ID。" #: functions/actions.php:180 msgid "Error: You do not have permission to do that." msgstr "错误: 您没有权限执行此操作。" #: functions/validate.php:14 functions/validate.php:86 msgid "Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "请输入正确的邮箱地址。" #: functions/validate.php:32 functions/validate.php:106 msgid "Please enter a valid number." msgstr "请输入有效的数字。" #: functions/validate.php:50 functions/validate.php:126 msgid "This field is required." msgstr "此字段为必填字段。" #: functions/validate.php:68 functions/validate.php:146 msgid "Please enter a valid URL." msgstr "请输入有效网址。" #: options/theme-options.php:15 msgid "iro-Options" msgstr "iro 主题设置" #: options/theme-options.php:20 msgid "Hello!" msgstr "你好!" #: options/theme-options.php:26 msgid "News+" msgstr "资讯+" #: options/theme-options.php:31 msgid "" "\"News_Plus\"" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:39 msgid "Preliminary Options" msgstr "初步设置" #: options/theme-options.php:46 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:52 msgid "Personal Avatar" msgstr "个人头像" #: options/theme-options.php:53 options/theme-options.php:495 #: options/theme-options.php:1860 options/theme-options.php:2013 #: options/theme-options.php:2038 msgid "The best length-width ratio of is 1:1" msgstr "最佳比例1比1" #: options/theme-options.php:60 msgid "Mashiro Special Effects Text" msgstr "白猫特效文字" #: options/theme-options.php:61 msgid "" "After turned on, the personal avatar will be replaced by the text as the " "home page display content" msgstr "开启之后将替换个人头像作为首页显示内容" #: options/theme-options.php:68 msgid "Mashiro Special Effects Text Options" msgstr "白猫特效文字选项" #: options/theme-options.php:74 msgid "Text" msgstr "文本" #: options/theme-options.php:75 msgid "" "The text content should not be too long, and the recommended length is 16 " "bytes." msgstr "文本内容建议不要过长,推荐长度为16个字节。" #: options/theme-options.php:80 msgid "Font" msgstr "字体" #: options/theme-options.php:81 options/theme-options.php:460 #: options/theme-options.php:613 options/theme-options.php:788 #: options/theme-options.php:796 options/theme-options.php:913 #: options/theme-options.php:1512 options/theme-options.php:2203 #: options/theme-options.php:2859 msgid "Fill in the font name. For example: Noto Serif SC" msgstr "填写字体名称。例如:Noto Serif SC" #: options/theme-options.php:86 msgid "Size" msgstr "大小" #: options/theme-options.php:87 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 70-90" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为70-90" #: options/theme-options.php:96 options/theme-options.php:1461 #: options/theme-options.php:1707 options/theme-options.php:2283 msgid "Customize the colors, light colors are recommended" msgstr "自定义颜色,建议使用浅色系颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:109 msgid "Navigation Menu Logo" msgstr "导航菜单Logo" #: options/theme-options.php:110 msgid "" "The best size is 40px, and the nav menu text logo will not be displayed " "after filling in" msgstr "最佳尺寸40px,填写后导航菜单文字Logo不显示" #: options/theme-options.php:117 msgid "Site Icon" msgstr "站点Icon" #: options/theme-options.php:118 msgid "" "Fill in the address, which decides the icon next to the title above the " "browser" msgstr "填写地址,站点Logo即浏览器上方标题旁的图标" #: options/theme-options.php:125 msgid "Custom Site Keywords and Descriptions" msgstr "自定义站点关键词和描述" #: options/theme-options.php:126 msgid "After turning on, you can customize the site keywords and descriptions" msgstr "开启之后可自定义填写站点关键词和描述" #: options/theme-options.php:133 msgid "Site Keywords" msgstr "站点关键词" #: options/theme-options.php:135 msgid "" "The keywords should be separated with half width comma \",\" and it's better " "to set within 5 keywords" msgstr "各关键字间用半角逗号\",\"分割,数量在5个以内最佳" #: options/theme-options.php:141 msgid "Site Descriptions" msgstr "站点描述" #: options/theme-options.php:143 msgid "" "Use concise words to describe the site, it is recommended to write within " "120 words" msgstr "用简洁的文字描述本站点,字数建议在120个字以内" #: options/theme-options.php:151 msgid "Global Options" msgstr "全局设置" #: options/theme-options.php:157 msgid "Appearance Options" msgstr "外观设置" #: options/theme-options.php:164 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the " "options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:169 msgid "Color Schemes" msgstr "色彩搭配" #: options/theme-options.php:175 msgid "Theme Color" msgstr "主题色" #: options/theme-options.php:176 options/theme-options.php:184 #: options/theme-options.php:197 options/theme-options.php:1060 #: options/theme-options.php:1069 options/theme-options.php:2835 #: options/theme-options.php:2843 options/theme-options.php:3375 #: options/theme-options.php:3383 options/theme-options.php:3391 #: options/theme-options.php:3399 options/theme-options.php:3407 msgid "Customize the colors" msgstr "自定义颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:183 msgid "Matching Color" msgstr "主题搭配色" #: options/theme-options.php:190 msgid "Dark Mode" msgstr "深色模式" #: options/theme-options.php:196 msgid "Dark Mode Theme Color" msgstr "深色模式主题色" #: options/theme-options.php:203 msgid "Automatically Switch to Dark Mode" msgstr "深色模式自动切换" #: options/theme-options.php:204 options/theme-options.php:1381 msgid "Default on" msgstr "默认开启" #: options/theme-options.php:210 msgid "" "

Client local time:Dark mode will switch on automatically " "from 22:00 to 7:00

Follow client settings:Follow " "client browser settings

Always on:Always on, except " "being configured by the client

" msgstr "" "



永" "远开启:永远开启,除非客户端另有配置

" #: options/theme-options.php:219 msgid "Automatic Switch Strategy of Dark Mode" msgstr "深色模式自动切换策略" #: options/theme-options.php:222 msgid "Client local time" msgstr "客户端当地时间" #: options/theme-options.php:223 msgid "Follow client settings" msgstr "跟随客户端设置" #: options/theme-options.php:224 msgid "Always on" msgstr "永远开启" #: options/theme-options.php:232 msgid "Dark Mode Image Brightness" msgstr "深色模式图像亮度" #: options/theme-options.php:233 options/theme-options.php:244 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 0.6-0.8" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为0.6-0.8" #: options/theme-options.php:243 msgid "Dark Mode Component Transparency" msgstr "深色模式部件透明度" #: options/theme-options.php:253 msgid "Dark mode Background Transparency" msgstr "深色模式背景透明度" #: options/theme-options.php:254 msgid "" "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 0.6-0.8. In order to ensure " "the best appearance, please keep the display of the frontend background image" msgstr "" "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为0.6-0.8。为保证最佳观感,使用此项最好保留前台背景图像" "的显示" #: options/theme-options.php:263 msgid "Other Appearance Related" msgstr "其他外观相关" #: options/theme-options.php:269 msgid "Commemorate Mode" msgstr "纪念模式" #: options/theme-options.php:270 msgid "" "After turning on, a black and white filter will be added to the global theme" msgstr "开启之后主题全局将添加黑白滤镜" #: options/theme-options.php:277 msgid "Occupying SVG while Loading Control Units" msgstr "加载控件单元占位SVG" #: options/theme-options.php:278 msgid "" "Fill in the address, which is the SVG displayed when loading control units" msgstr "填写地址,此为加载控件单元时占位显示的SVG" #: options/theme-options.php:287 msgid "Font Options" msgstr "字体设置" #: options/theme-options.php:294 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the " "options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:299 msgid "Global" msgstr "全局设置" #: options/theme-options.php:305 msgid "Non-Emphasis Text Weight" msgstr "非强调文本字重" #: options/theme-options.php:306 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 300-500" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为300-500" #: options/theme-options.php:316 msgid "Text Font Size" msgstr "文本字体大小" #: options/theme-options.php:317 options/theme-options.php:1524 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 15-18" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为15-18" #: options/theme-options.php:327 msgid "External Fonts" msgstr "外部字体" #: options/theme-options.php:333 msgid "Reference External Fonts" msgstr "引用外部字体" #: options/theme-options.php:334 msgid "" "After turning on, you can use external fonts as the default font or other " "component fonts, but it may affect performance" msgstr "开启之后可以使用外部字体作为默认字体或其他部件字体,但可能影响性能" #: options/theme-options.php:341 msgid "External Font Options" msgstr "外部字体选项" #: options/theme-options.php:347 msgid "Font 1 Name" msgstr "字体 1 名称" #: options/theme-options.php:352 msgid "Font 1 Link" msgstr "字体 1 链接" #: options/theme-options.php:357 msgid "Font 2 Name" msgstr "字体 2 名称" #: options/theme-options.php:362 msgid "Font 2 Link" msgstr "字体 2 链接" #: options/theme-options.php:376 msgid "Google Fonts Api Link" msgstr "Google字体API地址" #: options/theme-options.php:383 msgid "Google Fonts Name" msgstr "Google字体名称" #: options/theme-options.php:384 msgid "" "Please make sure that the added fonts can be referenced in Google Fonts " "library. Fill in the font names. The added fonts must be preceded by \"|\". " "If multiple fonts are referenced, use \"|\" as the separator. If the font " "name has spaces, use a plus sign instead. For example: | zcool + xiaowei| Ma " "+ Shan + Zheng" msgstr "" "请确保添加的字体在谷歌字体库内可被引用,填写字体名称。添加的字体前面必须" "有”|“。如果引用多个字体,请使用“|”作为分割符,如果字体名称有空格,请用加号替" "代。例如:|ZCOOL+XiaoWei|Ma+Shan+Zheng" #: options/theme-options.php:392 msgid "Navigation Menu Options" msgstr "导航菜单设置" #: options/theme-options.php:399 msgid "" "You can click here to learn " "how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在" "此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:405 msgid "Nav Menu Style" msgstr "导航菜单样式" #: options/theme-options.php:416 msgid "Nav Menu Radius" msgstr "导航菜单圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:418 options/theme-options.php:513 #: options/theme-options.php:2296 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value is 15" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值为15" #: options/theme-options.php:427 msgid "Nav Menu Content Display Method" msgstr "导航菜单内容显示" #: options/theme-options.php:428 msgid "You can choose to unfold or fold the nav menu contents" msgstr "你可以选择展开显示或者收缩显示导航菜单内容" #: options/theme-options.php:430 msgid "Unfold" msgstr "展开" #: options/theme-options.php:431 msgid "Fold" msgstr "收缩" #: options/theme-options.php:439 msgid "Nav Menu Animation Effects" msgstr "导航菜单动画时间" #: options/theme-options.php:440 msgid "" "It is on by default. If it is off, the nav menu content will be displayed " "directly without effects" msgstr "默认开启,如果关闭,则导航内容将直接显示" #: options/theme-options.php:447 msgid "Nav Menu Animation Time" msgstr "导航菜单动画时间" #: options/theme-options.php:449 options/theme-options.php:1422 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 1-2" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为1-2" #: options/theme-options.php:459 msgid "Nav Menu Font" msgstr "导航菜单字体" #: options/theme-options.php:467 msgid "Nav Menu Search" msgstr "导航菜单搜索" #: options/theme-options.php:468 msgid "It is on by default. Click to enter the search area" msgstr "默认开启,点击将进入搜索区域" #: options/theme-options.php:475 msgid "Search Area Background Image" msgstr "搜索区域背景图片" #: options/theme-options.php:476 msgid "" "Set the background image of your search area. Leave this option blank to " "display a white background" msgstr "设置你的搜索区域背景图片,此选项留空则显示白色背景" #: options/theme-options.php:485 msgid "Nav Menu User Avatar" msgstr "导航菜单用户头像" #: options/theme-options.php:486 msgid "It is on by default. Click to enter the login interface" msgstr "默认开启,点击将进入登录界面" #: options/theme-options.php:493 msgid "Nav Menu Unlisted User Avatar" msgstr "导航菜单用户未登录头像" #: options/theme-options.php:503 msgid "Secondary Menu Prompt Arrow" msgstr "二级菜单提示箭头" #: options/theme-options.php:504 msgid "" "After turning on, the menu prompt arrow will appear in the secondary menu of " "the navigation menu" msgstr "开启之后菜单提示箭头将出现在二级菜单" #: options/theme-options.php:511 msgid "Secondary Menu Radius" msgstr "二级菜单圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:522 msgid "Mashiro Logo Style" msgstr "白猫样式Logo" #: options/theme-options.php:523 msgid "" "After turning on, the Mashiro Logo will appear and replace the navigation " "menu logo position" msgstr "开启之后白猫样式Logo将出现并替换导航菜单Logo位置" #: options/theme-options.php:530 msgid "Nav Menu Text Logo Options" msgstr "导航菜单文字Logo选项" #: options/theme-options.php:536 msgid "Text A" msgstr "文本A" #: options/theme-options.php:541 msgid "Text B" msgstr "文本B" #: options/theme-options.php:546 msgid "Text C" msgstr "文本C" #: options/theme-options.php:551 msgid "Secondary Text" msgstr "二级文字" #: options/theme-options.php:557 msgid "Font Name" msgstr "字体名称" #: options/theme-options.php:574 msgid "Widgets Panel and Frontend Related Options" msgstr "小组件面板和前台相关设置" #: options/theme-options.php:581 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 " "此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:586 msgid "Widgets Panel" msgstr "小组件面板" #: options/theme-options.php:592 msgid "Widgets Panel Button Radius" msgstr "小组件面板按钮圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:593 options/theme-options.php:603 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value is 10" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值为10" #: options/theme-options.php:602 msgid "Widgets Panel Widget Radius" msgstr "小组件面板组件圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:612 msgid "Widgets Panel Font" msgstr "小组件面板字体" #: options/theme-options.php:620 msgid "Widgets Panel WP Widget Area" msgstr "小组件面板WP小工具区" #: options/theme-options.php:621 msgid "When turned on, the WP Widget Area will be displayed in Widgets Panel" msgstr "开启之后WP小工具区将显示在小组件面板" #: options/theme-options.php:628 msgid "Widgets Panel Shuoshuo" msgstr "小组件面板说说" #: options/theme-options.php:629 msgid "" "When turned on, the Latest Shuoshuo text will be displayed in Widgets Panel" msgstr "开启之后最新发布的说说将显示在小组件面板" #: options/theme-options.php:636 msgid "Widgets Panel Day&Night Switching" msgstr "小部件面板浅色/深色模式切换" #: options/theme-options.php:637 msgid "" "Enabled by default, the Day&Night Switching will be displayed in Widgets " "Panel" msgstr "默认开启,小组件面板将出现浅色/深色模式切换组件" #: options/theme-options.php:644 msgid "Widgets Panel Font Switching" msgstr "小组件面板字体切换" #: options/theme-options.php:645 msgid "" "Enabled by default, the Font Switching will be displayed in Widgets Panel" msgstr "默认开启,小组件面板将出现字体切换组件" #: options/theme-options.php:651 msgid "Frontend Background" msgstr "前台背景" #: options/theme-options.php:662 msgid "Frontend Background Scaling Method" msgstr "前台背景缩放方式" #: options/theme-options.php:663 msgid "" "You can choose two ways to scale the frontend background, the default is " "auto-scaling" msgstr "你可以选择两种方式缩放前台背景,默认自动缩放" #: options/theme-options.php:670 msgid "Background Transparency Blur" msgstr "前台背景模糊" #: options/theme-options.php:671 msgid "After opening Background Transparency Blur" msgstr "开启之后前台背景模糊" #: options/theme-options.php:678 msgid "Widgets Panel Background Switching(Frontend Background)" msgstr "小组件面板背景切换(前台背景)" #: options/theme-options.php:687 options/theme-options.php:703 #: options/theme-options.php:719 options/theme-options.php:735 #: options/theme-options.php:751 msgid "Image" msgstr "图片" #: options/theme-options.php:692 msgid "Heart Shaped" msgstr "心形形状" #: options/theme-options.php:698 options/theme-options.php:714 #: options/theme-options.php:730 options/theme-options.php:746 msgid "Switch" msgstr "开关" #: options/theme-options.php:708 msgid "Star Shaped" msgstr "星形形状" #: options/theme-options.php:724 msgid "Square Shaped" msgstr "方形形状" #: options/theme-options.php:740 msgid "Lemon Shaped" msgstr "柠檬形状" #: options/theme-options.php:771 msgid "Background Transparency in the Frontend" msgstr "前台背景透明度" #: options/theme-options.php:772 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended sliding value range is 0.6-0.8" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为0.6-0.8" #: options/theme-options.php:781 msgid "Frontend Font" msgstr "前台字体" #: options/theme-options.php:787 msgid "Global Default Font/Widgets Panel Font Switching A" msgstr "默认字体/小组件面板字体切换 A" #: options/theme-options.php:794 msgid "Widgets Panel Font Switching B" msgstr "小组件面板字体切换 B" #: options/theme-options.php:804 msgid "Footer Options" msgstr "页尾设置" #: options/theme-options.php:811 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the " "options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:817 msgid "Footer Online Music Player" msgstr "页尾在线音乐播放器" #: options/theme-options.php:818 msgid "" "A button will appear at the bottom left corner of the footer after turning " "on, click it and the footer online player will be displayed" msgstr "开启之后页尾左下角将出现按钮,点击按钮后页尾在线播放器将显示" #: options/theme-options.php:821 msgid "Netease Cloud Music" msgstr "网易云音乐" #: options/theme-options.php:822 msgid "Kugou Music(may not be available)" msgstr "酷狗音乐(可能无法使用)" #: options/theme-options.php:823 msgid "Baidu Music(not available on servers overseas)" msgstr "千千音乐(海外服务器无法使用)" #: options/theme-options.php:824 msgid "QQ Music(may not be available)" msgstr "QQ音乐(可能无法使用)" #: options/theme-options.php:832 msgid "Footer Online Music Player Proxy" msgstr "页尾在线音乐播放器代理" #: options/theme-options.php:834 msgid "" "Ex. Reference:" "CURLOPT_PROXY.html" msgstr "" "例如: 请参考:" "html" #: options/theme-options.php:841 msgid "Footer Online Music Player Songlist ID" msgstr "页尾在线播放器歌单ID" #: options/theme-options.php:843 msgid "" "Fill in the song ID, e.g. " "SongID:5380675133" msgstr "" "填写歌单ID,例如:的歌单ID是" "5380675133" #: options/theme-options.php:850 msgid "Footer Online Music Player Mode" msgstr "页尾在线音乐播放器模式" #: options/theme-options.php:852 msgid "Select music player mode" msgstr "选择音乐播放器模式" #: options/theme-options.php:854 msgid "List" msgstr "列表播放" #: options/theme-options.php:855 msgid "Random" msgstr "随机播放" #: options/theme-options.php:863 msgid "Footer Online Music Player Preload" msgstr "页尾在线音乐播放器预加载" #: options/theme-options.php:865 msgid "Whether to preload songs" msgstr "选择是否预加载歌曲" #: options/theme-options.php:868 msgid "Preload Metadata" msgstr "预加载元数据" #: options/theme-options.php:877 msgid "Default Volume of Footer Online Music Player" msgstr "页尾在线音乐播放器默认音量" #: options/theme-options.php:879 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended sliding value range is 0.4-0.6" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为0.4-0.6" #: options/theme-options.php:888 msgid "Netease Cloud Music Cookies" msgstr "网易云音乐Cookies" #: options/theme-options.php:890 msgid "" "If you want to play VIP music on Netease Cloud Music Platform, please fill " "in your account cookies in this option." msgstr "如果你想播放网易云音乐会员专享音乐,请在此选项填入你的帐号Cookies。" #: options/theme-options.php:896 msgid "Footer Sakura Icon" msgstr "页尾樱花图标" #: options/theme-options.php:897 msgid "Enabled by default, sakura icon will appear on the footer" msgstr "默认开启,将在页尾显示樱花图标" #: options/theme-options.php:904 msgid "Footer Info" msgstr "页尾信息" #: options/theme-options.php:905 msgid "Footer description text, supports HTML code" msgstr "页尾说明文字,支持HTML代码" #: options/theme-options.php:912 msgid "Footer Text Font" msgstr "页尾文本字体" #: options/theme-options.php:920 msgid "Footer Load Occupancy Query" msgstr "页尾负载占用查询" #: options/theme-options.php:921 msgid "" "Load occupancy information will appear at the end of the page after turning " "it on. Not recommended in production environment." msgstr "" "开始之后将加载占用信息,该信息将显示在页面末尾。不建议在生产环境中使用。" #: options/theme-options.php:928 msgid "Footer Upyun League Logo" msgstr "页尾又拍云联盟Logo" #: options/theme-options.php:929 msgid "Upyun Logo will appear at the end of the page after turning it on" msgstr "开始之后将显示又拍云联盟Logo及信息" #: options/theme-options.php:937 msgid "Footer Addition" msgstr "页尾附加代码" #: options/theme-options.php:938 msgid "" "Add HTML code at the end of the page. Useful for adding customize JavaScript." msgstr "在页尾添加HTML代码。可用于添加 JavaScript" #: options/theme-options.php:943 msgid "Hitokoto" msgstr "一言" #: options/theme-options.php:949 msgid "Footer Hitokoto" msgstr "页尾一言" #: options/theme-options.php:950 msgid "Hitokoto will appear at the end of the page after turning it on" msgstr "开启之后页尾将出现一言" #: options/theme-options.php:957 msgid "" "

Hitokoto API Setup Instructions

Fill in as the example: " "[\"\", \"\"], where " "the first API will be used first and the next ones will be the backup.

" "

Official API: See the documentation for how to use it, and the " "parameter \"return code\" should not be anything except JSON.

" "

Maho API: An reverse proxy mirror of the official API. " "

" msgstr "" "


\n" "

填写示例: [\"\",\"" "\"],此时会优先使用第一项API,以后一项为后备。

\n" "

官方API:使用方法请参阅文档,参数\"返回编码\"不应设置为JSON以外的其他" "值。

\n" "

Maho API:官方API的反代镜像。

" #: options/theme-options.php:966 msgid "Hitokoto API address" msgstr "一言API地址" #: options/theme-options.php:968 msgid "Fill in the address in JavaScript array format" msgstr "填写地址,格式为JavaScript数组" #: options/theme-options.php:977 msgid "Cursor Options" msgstr "光标设置" #: options/theme-options.php:984 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the " "options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:990 msgid "Standard Cursor Style" msgstr "标准光标样式" #: options/theme-options.php:991 msgid "Apply to global, fill in \".cur\" mouse file link" msgstr "应用于全局,填写Cur鼠标文件链接" #: options/theme-options.php:998 msgid "Selected Cursor Style" msgstr "选定光标样式" #: options/theme-options.php:999 msgid "Apply to multiple styles, fill in \".cur\" file link" msgstr "应用于多种样式,填写Cur鼠标文件链接" #: options/theme-options.php:1006 msgid "Selected Control Unit Cursor Style" msgstr "选中控件单元光标样式" #: options/theme-options.php:1007 msgid "Apply to selected control unit, fill in \".cur\" file link" msgstr "应用于选中某个控件单元,填写Cur鼠标文件链接" #: options/theme-options.php:1014 msgid "Selected Text Cursor Style" msgstr "选中文本光标样式" #: options/theme-options.php:1015 msgid "Apply to selected text, fill in \".cur\" file link" msgstr "应用于选中文本,填写Cur鼠标文件链接" #: options/theme-options.php:1022 msgid "Work Status Cursor Style" msgstr "工作状态光标样式" #: options/theme-options.php:1023 msgid "Apply to load control unit, fill in \".cur\" file link" msgstr "应用于加载控件单元,填写Cur鼠标文件链接" #: options/theme-options.php:1032 msgid "Additional Options" msgstr "额外设置" #: options/theme-options.php:1039 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the " "options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:1044 msgid "Effects&Animations" msgstr "特效及动画" #: options/theme-options.php:1050 msgid "Preload Animation" msgstr "预加载动画" #: options/theme-options.php:1051 msgid "" "Preload animation before new pages load; To enable this option, ensure your " "page resources can load properly." msgstr "开启之后新页面加载前会有预加载动画,此选项需确保你的页面资源正常加载。" #: options/theme-options.php:1058 msgid "Preload Animation Color A" msgstr "预加载动画颜色A" #: options/theme-options.php:1067 msgid "Preload Animation Color B" msgstr "预加载动画颜色B" #: options/theme-options.php:1075 msgid "Preload Animation Blur Transition Effect" msgstr "预加载模糊过渡效果" #: options/theme-options.php:1077 msgid "Blur transition duration in milliseconds ms, off when set to 0." msgstr "模糊过渡持续时间,单位毫秒ms,为0时关闭。" #: options/theme-options.php:1087 msgid "Sakura Falling Effects" msgstr "樱花飘落特效" #: options/theme-options.php:1090 msgid "Native Quantity" msgstr "原生数量" #: options/theme-options.php:1091 msgid "Quarter Quantity" msgstr "四分之一数量" #: options/theme-options.php:1092 msgid "Half Quantity" msgstr "二分之一数量" #: options/theme-options.php:1093 msgid "Less Quantity" msgstr "少量数量" #: options/theme-options.php:1101 msgid "Particles Effects" msgstr "粒子特效" #: options/theme-options.php:1103 msgid "" "Particles effects will appear in the global background. Please open the " "Cover-and-Frontend-Background-Integration Options to get the best experience" msgstr "" "粒子特效将会出现在全局背景,请打开封面与前台背景一体化选项以获取最佳体验" #: options/theme-options.php:1111 msgid "Particles JSON" msgstr "粒子特效 JSON" #: options/theme-options.php:1113 msgid "" "You can go to the Project Address to generate your unique Particles Effects" msgstr "" "你可以访问 项目地址 " "以生成属于你的独特粒子特效" #: options/theme-options.php:1230 msgid "Note Touch Effects" msgstr "音符触动特效" #: options/theme-options.php:1231 msgid "" "After turning on, there will be a note sound alert when the back to top " "button and Mashiro style logo touch" msgstr "开启之后返回顶部按钮和白猫样式Logo触碰时将有音符声音提示" #: options/theme-options.php:1237 msgid "Feature" msgstr "功能" #: options/theme-options.php:1243 msgid "PJAX Partial Refresh" msgstr "PJAX局部刷新" #: options/theme-options.php:1244 msgid "Enabled by default, clicking to a new page will not require reloading" msgstr "默认开启,点击新页面将不需要重新加载" #: options/theme-options.php:1251 msgid "NProgress Loading Progress Bar" msgstr "NProgress加载进度条" #: options/theme-options.php:1252 msgid "" "Enabled by default, when loading page there will be a progress bar alert" msgstr "默认开启,加载页面将有进度条提示" #: options/theme-options.php:1259 msgid "Global Smooth Scroll" msgstr "全局平滑滚动" #: options/theme-options.php:1260 msgid "Enabled by default, page scrolling will be smoother" msgstr "默认开启,页面滚动将更加平滑" #: options/theme-options.php:1267 msgid "Captcha Selection" msgstr "验证码选项" #: options/theme-options.php:1270 msgid "Theme Built in Captcha" msgstr "主题内建验证码" #: options/theme-options.php:1271 msgid "Vaptcha" msgstr "Vaptcha验证码" #: options/theme-options.php:1279 msgid "Vaptcha VID" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:1281 msgid "Fill in your Vaptcha VID" msgstr "填写你的 Vaptcha VID" #: options/theme-options.php:1287 msgid "Vaptcha KEY" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:1289 msgid "Fill in your Vaptcha KEY" msgstr "填写你的 Vaptcha KEY" #: options/theme-options.php:1295 msgid "Vaptcha Scene" msgstr "Vaptcha场景" #: options/theme-options.php:1311 msgid "Pagination Mode" msgstr "分页模式" #: options/theme-options.php:1313 msgid "Ajax Load" msgstr "Ajax加载" #: options/theme-options.php:1314 msgid "Page Up/Down" msgstr "上下页" #: options/theme-options.php:1322 msgid "Next Page Auto Load" msgstr "下一页自动加载" #: options/theme-options.php:1325 msgid "do not autoload" msgstr "不自动加载" #: options/theme-options.php:1326 msgid "0 Sec" msgstr "0 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1327 msgid "1 Sec" msgstr "1 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1328 msgid "2 Sec" msgstr "2 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1329 msgid "3 Sec" msgstr "3 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1330 msgid "4 Sec" msgstr "4 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1331 msgid "5 Sec" msgstr "5 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1332 msgid "6 Sec" msgstr "6 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1333 msgid "7 Sec" msgstr "7 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1334 msgid "8 Sec" msgstr "8 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1335 msgid "9 Sec" msgstr "9 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1336 msgid "10 Sec" msgstr "10 秒" #: options/theme-options.php:1344 msgid "Placeholder SVG when loading the next page" msgstr "加载下一页占位 SVG" #: options/theme-options.php:1345 msgid "" "Fill in the address, this is the SVG that will be displayed as a placeholder " "when the next page is loading" msgstr "填写地址,此为加载下一页时占位显示的SVG" #: options/theme-options.php:1353 msgid "HomePage Options" msgstr "主页设置" #: options/theme-options.php:1359 msgid "Cover Options" msgstr "封面设置" #: options/theme-options.php:1366 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the " "options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:1372 msgid "Cover Switch" msgstr "封面开关" #: options/theme-options.php:1373 msgid "On by default, if off, all options below will be disabled" msgstr "默认开启,如果关闭,则下文所有选项均将失效" #: options/theme-options.php:1380 msgid "Cover Full Screen" msgstr "封面全屏显示" #: options/theme-options.php:1389 msgid "Cover Arc Occlusion (Below)" msgstr "封面弧形遮挡(下方)" #: options/theme-options.php:1390 msgid "An arc occlusion will appear below the cover when turned on" msgstr "开启之后封面下方将出现弧形遮挡" #: options/theme-options.php:1401 msgid "Cover Radius" msgstr "封面圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:1402 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 15-20" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为15-20" #: options/theme-options.php:1412 msgid "Cover Animation" msgstr "封面动画" #: options/theme-options.php:1413 msgid "On by default, if off, the cover will be displayed directly" msgstr "默认开启,如果关闭,则封面将直接显示" #: options/theme-options.php:1421 msgid "Cover Animation Time" msgstr "封面动画时间" #: options/theme-options.php:1436 msgid "Cover Info Bar" msgstr "封面信息栏" #: options/theme-options.php:1437 msgid "" "Enabled by default, show avatar, Mashiro effects text, signature bar, " "shuoshuo bar, social area" msgstr "默认开启,显示头像、白猫特效文字、签名栏、说说栏、社交区域" #: options/theme-options.php:1445 msgid "Cover Info Bar Style" msgstr "封面信息栏" #: options/theme-options.php:1460 msgid "Cover Info Bar Background Color" msgstr "封面信息栏背景颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:1472 msgid "Cover Info Bar Avatar Radius" msgstr "封面信息栏头像圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:1473 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value is 100" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值为10" #: options/theme-options.php:1485 msgid "Cover Info Bar Rounded" msgstr "封面信息栏圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:1486 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range 10-20" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为10-20" #: options/theme-options.php:1499 msgid "Cover Signature Field Text" msgstr "封面签名栏文本" #: options/theme-options.php:1500 options/theme-options.php:2765 msgid "A self-descriptive quote" msgstr "一段自我描述的话" #: options/theme-options.php:1511 msgid "Cover Signature Field Text Font" msgstr "封面签名栏文本字体" #: options/theme-options.php:1523 msgid "Cover Signature Field Text Font Size" msgstr "封面签名栏文本字体大小" #: options/theme-options.php:1538 msgid "Cover Signature Bar Typing Effects" msgstr "封面签名栏打字特效" #: options/theme-options.php:1539 msgid "" "When turned on, the signature bar text will have an additional paragraph of " "text and will be rendered with typing effects" msgstr "开启之后签名栏文本将增加一段文本并呈现打字特效" #: options/theme-options.php:1550 msgid "Cover Signature Field Typing Effects Double Quotes" msgstr "封面签名栏打字特效双引号" #: options/theme-options.php:1556 msgid "Typing effects will be appended with double quotes when turned on" msgstr "开启之后打字特效将追加双引号" #: options/theme-options.php:1563 msgid "Cover Signature Field Typing Effects Placeholder" msgstr "封面签名栏打字特效占位语句" #: options/theme-options.php:1576 msgid "Typed.js initial option" msgstr "Typed.js初始化选项" #: options/theme-options.php:1588 msgid "Cover Random Image Options" msgstr "封面随机图片选项" #: options/theme-options.php:1590 msgid "External API" msgstr "外部API" #: options/theme-options.php:1591 msgid "Webp optimized" msgstr "Webp优化" #: options/theme-options.php:1592 msgid "Local" msgstr "本地" #: options/theme-options.php:1601 msgid "Cover Random Image Multi-terminal Separation" msgstr "封面随机图片多终端分离" #: options/theme-options.php:1602 msgid "" "Enabled by default, desktop and mobile devices will use separate random " "image addresses" msgstr "默认开启,桌面端和移动端会分别使用不同的随机图片地址" #: options/theme-options.php:1610 msgid "Webp Optimization/External API Desktop Side Random Graphics Address" msgstr "Webp优化/外部API桌面端随机图片地址" #: options/theme-options.php:1611 options/theme-options.php:1630 msgid "Fill in an URL" msgstr "填写URL" #: options/theme-options.php:1624 msgid "External API Mobile Devices Random Image Address" msgstr "外部API手机端随机图片地址" #: options/theme-options.php:1639 msgid "Cover Random Background Image Cache" msgstr "封面随机背景图片缓存" #: options/theme-options.php:1640 msgid "" "Enabled by default, this feature will cache a cover image locally, which can " "improve the loading speed of the first cover after entering the homepage. " "Note: This feature needs the cover APIs that accept cross-domain requests." msgstr "" "默认开启,此功能会在本地缓存一份封面图片,可提升进入主页后第一张封面的加载速" "度。注意:此功能需要封面API能接受跨域请求。" #: options/theme-options.php:1648 msgid "Cover and Frontend Background Integration" msgstr "封面与前台背景一体化" #: options/theme-options.php:1649 msgid "" "When enabled, the background of the cover will be set to transparent, while " "the frontend background will use the cover's random image API" msgstr "开启之后,封面的背景将设置为透明,同时前台背景将使用封面的随机图API" #: options/theme-options.php:1657 msgid "Cover Random Images Filter" msgstr "封面随机图片滤镜" #: options/theme-options.php:1659 msgid "No filter" msgstr "无滤镜" #: options/theme-options.php:1660 msgid "Light filter" msgstr "浅色滤镜" #: options/theme-options.php:1661 msgid "Dimmed filter" msgstr "暗淡滤镜" #: options/theme-options.php:1662 msgid "Grid filter" msgstr "网格滤镜" #: options/theme-options.php:1663 msgid "Dot filter" msgstr "点状滤镜" #: options/theme-options.php:1672 msgid "Cover Wave Effects" msgstr "封面波浪特效" #: options/theme-options.php:1673 msgid "" "Wave effect will appear at the bottom of the cover of the home page after " "turning on, and it will be forced off in the dark mode" msgstr "开启之后首页封面底部将出现波浪特效,深色模式下将强制关闭" #: options/theme-options.php:1681 msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow" msgstr "封面下拉箭头" #: options/theme-options.php:1682 msgid "Enabled by default, show a dropdown arrow at bottom of home cover" msgstr "默认开启,首页封面底部显示下拉箭头" #: options/theme-options.php:1690 msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow Display on Mobile Devices" msgstr "封面下拉箭头移动端显示" #: options/theme-options.php:1695 msgid "" "Drop down arrow will appear at the bottom of the mobile devices' home cover " "after turning it on" msgstr "开启之后移动端首页封面底部将出现下拉箭头" #: options/theme-options.php:1702 msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow Color" msgstr "封面下拉箭头颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:1714 msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow Color (Dark Mode)" msgstr "封面下拉箭头颜色(深色模式)" #: options/theme-options.php:1719 msgid "Customize the colors, dark colors are recommended" msgstr "自定义颜色,建议使用浅色系颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:1726 msgid "Cover Video" msgstr "封面视频" #: options/theme-options.php:1727 msgid "Use a video instead of the images as the cover" msgstr "将会使用视频替换随机图片作为封面" #: options/theme-options.php:1735 msgid "Cover Video Loop" msgstr "封面视频循环" #: options/theme-options.php:1740 msgid "Video will loop automatically when enabled." msgstr "开启之后视频将自动循环" #: options/theme-options.php:1747 msgid "Cover Video Auto Resume" msgstr "封面视频自动恢复" #: options/theme-options.php:1752 msgid "" "Cover Video will resume automatically when coming back to homepage while " "Pjax enabled." msgstr "开启之后返回首页时视频将恢复播放,需要开启Pjax功能" #: options/theme-options.php:1759 msgid "Cover Video URL Base Path" msgstr "封面视频URL根路径" #: options/theme-options.php:1765 msgid "" "Fill in the base path your video located at. For example: https://localhost. " "Your site's URL is used as default. Please pay attention to the protocol " "name of the URL." msgstr "" "填写视频所在的根路径。例如:https://localhost. 你站点的URL将作为默认URL。请注" "意URL的协议名称。" #: options/theme-options.php:1771 msgid "Cover Video File Name" msgstr "封面视频文件名称" #: options/theme-options.php:1776 msgid "" "For example: abc.mp4. Multiple videos should be separated by English commas " "like \"abc.mp4,efg.mp4,\" Random play is on by default." msgstr "" "例如:abc.mp4,多个视频请用英文逗号隔开如abc.mp4,efg.mp4。默认随机播放。" #: options/theme-options.php:1784 msgid "Cover Social Area Options" msgstr "封面社交区域设置" #: options/theme-options.php:1791 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 " "此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:1796 msgid "Related Options" msgstr "相关设置" #: options/theme-options.php:1802 msgid "Cover Social Area" msgstr "封面社交区域" #: options/theme-options.php:1803 msgid "" "Enabled by default, show cover random image toggle button and social network " "icons" msgstr "默认开启,显示封面随机图片切换按钮和社交网络图标" #: options/theme-options.php:1810 msgid "Social Icon" msgstr "社交网络图标" #: options/theme-options.php:1811 msgid "" "Select your favorite icon pack. Icon pack references are detailed in the " "\"About Theme\" section" msgstr "选择你喜欢的图标包。图标包引用信息详见关于主题" #: options/theme-options.php:1833 msgid "Cover Social Area Rounded Corners" msgstr "封面社交区域圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:1835 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 10-20" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为10-20" #: options/theme-options.php:1844 msgid "Switch Button of Random Images" msgstr "随机图片切换按钮" #: options/theme-options.php:1846 msgid "Enabled by default, show cover random image toggle button" msgstr "默认开启,显示封面随机图片切换按钮" #: options/theme-options.php:1852 msgid "Social Network" msgstr "社交网络" #: options/theme-options.php:1858 msgid "Wechat" msgstr "微信" #: options/theme-options.php:1867 msgid "QQ" msgstr "QQ" #: options/theme-options.php:1869 msgid "" "Please note the format of filling out the form, e.g. tencent://message/?" "uin=123456" msgstr "请注意填写格式,例如:tencent://message/?uin=123456" #: options/theme-options.php:1875 msgid "Bilibili" msgstr "哔哩哔哩" #: options/theme-options.php:1877 options/theme-options.php:1885 #: options/theme-options.php:1893 options/theme-options.php:1901 #: options/theme-options.php:1909 options/theme-options.php:1917 #: options/theme-options.php:1925 options/theme-options.php:1933 #: options/theme-options.php:1941 options/theme-options.php:1949 #: options/theme-options.php:1957 options/theme-options.php:1965 #: options/theme-options.php:1973 options/theme-options.php:1981 #: options/theme-options.php:1989 options/theme-options.php:1997 #: options/theme-options.php:2022 options/theme-options.php:2329 #: options/theme-options.php:2355 options/theme-options.php:2381 #: options/theme-options.php:2489 msgid "add URL" msgstr "填写地址" #: options/theme-options.php:1883 msgid "NetEase Music" msgstr "网易云音乐" #: options/theme-options.php:1891 msgid "Weibo" msgstr "微博" #: options/theme-options.php:1899 msgid "Github" msgstr "Github" #: options/theme-options.php:1907 msgid "Telegram" msgstr "Telegram" #: options/theme-options.php:1915 msgid "Steam" msgstr "Steam" #: options/theme-options.php:1923 msgid "ZhiHu" msgstr "知乎" #: options/theme-options.php:1931 msgid "QZone" msgstr "QQ空间" #: options/theme-options.php:1939 msgid "Lofter" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:1947 msgid "Youku" msgstr "优酷" #: options/theme-options.php:1955 msgid "Linkedin" msgstr "领英" #: options/theme-options.php:1963 msgid "Twitter" msgstr "推特" #: options/theme-options.php:1971 msgid "Facebook" msgstr "脸书" #: options/theme-options.php:1979 msgid "CSDN" msgstr "CSDN" #: options/theme-options.php:1987 msgid "JianShu" msgstr "简书" #: options/theme-options.php:1995 msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅰ" msgstr "自定义社交网络 Ⅰ" #: options/theme-options.php:2003 msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅰ Title" msgstr "自定义社交网络 Ⅰ 标题" #: options/theme-options.php:2011 msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅰ icon" msgstr "自定义社交网络 Ⅰ 图标" #: options/theme-options.php:2020 msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅱ" msgstr "自定义社交网络 Ⅱ" #: options/theme-options.php:2028 msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅱ Title" msgstr "自定义社交网络 Ⅱ 标题" #: options/theme-options.php:2036 msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅱ icon" msgstr "自定义社交网络 Ⅱ 图标" #: options/theme-options.php:2045 msgid "Email Username" msgstr "电子邮件用户名" #: options/theme-options.php:2047 msgid "" " fo name, the full address can be known only when there is a " "js runtime in the frontend, you can fill in with confidence" msgstr "" "name@domain.com的name部分,前端仅具有 js 运行环境时才能获取完整地址,可放心填" "写" #: options/theme-options.php:2053 msgid "Email Domain" msgstr "电子邮件域" #: options/theme-options.php:2055 msgid " fo" msgstr "name@domain.com的domain.com部分" #: options/theme-options.php:2063 msgid "Bulletin Board and Area Title Options" msgstr "公告板和区域标题设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2070 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 " "此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:2075 options/theme-options.php:2081 msgid "Bulletin Board" msgstr "公告板" #: options/theme-options.php:2082 msgid "When enabled the bulletin board will be displayed below the front cover" msgstr "开启之后公告板将在首页封面下方显示" #: options/theme-options.php:2089 msgid "Bulletin Board Style" msgstr "公告板样式" #: options/theme-options.php:2092 msgid "Picture Background" msgstr "图片背景" #: options/theme-options.php:2093 msgid "Color Background" msgstr "颜色背景" #: options/theme-options.php:2101 msgid "Bulletin Board \"Notice\" Icon" msgstr "公告板\"公告\"图标" #: options/theme-options.php:2103 msgid "" "The \"Notice\" icon will be displayed on the left side of the announcement " "bar" msgstr "\"公告\"图标将显示在公告版的左侧" #: options/theme-options.php:2110 msgid "Bulletin Board Background" msgstr "公告板背景" #: options/theme-options.php:2115 msgid "Best width 820px, best height 67px" msgstr "最佳宽度820px,最佳高度67px" #: options/theme-options.php:2123 msgid "Bulletin Board Border Color" msgstr "公告板边框颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2128 msgid "" "Customize the colors, it is recommended to use a light color that " "corresponds with the theme color" msgstr "自定义颜色,建议使用与主题色相同色系且属于浅色系的颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2135 msgid "Bulletin Board Text" msgstr "公告板文本" #: options/theme-options.php:2137 msgid "Fill in the announcement text, the text beyond 142 bytes will be hidden" msgstr "填写公告文本,文本超出142个字节将会被隐藏" #: options/theme-options.php:2143 msgid "Bulletin Board Alignment" msgstr "公告板对齐方向" #: options/theme-options.php:2156 msgid "Bulletin Board Text Color" msgstr "公告板文本颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2158 options/theme-options.php:2246 #: options/theme-options.php:2442 options/theme-options.php:2678 #: options/theme-options.php:2948 options/theme-options.php:2956 #: options/theme-options.php:3036 options/theme-options.php:3044 msgid "" "Customize the colors, suggest using a corresponding color with the " "background color" msgstr "自定义颜色,建议根据背景颜色搭配合适的颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2164 msgid "Area Title" msgstr "区域标题" #: options/theme-options.php:2170 msgid "Display Area Icon" msgstr "展示区域图标" #: options/theme-options.php:2171 msgid "" "Default is \"fa-solid fa-laptop\", You can check the FontAwesome Website to see the icons " "that can be filled in" msgstr "" "默认为“fa-solid fa-laptop”,你可以前往 FontAwesome 网站 查看可以填写的图标" #: options/theme-options.php:2178 msgid "Display Area Title" msgstr "展示区域标题" #: options/theme-options.php:2179 msgid "" "Default is \"Display\", you can change it to anything else, but of course it " "CANNOT be used as an ad! Not allowed!!!" msgstr "默认为“Display”,你可以修改为其他,当然不能当广告用!不允许!!" #: options/theme-options.php:2186 msgid "Post Area Icon" msgstr "文章区域图标" #: options/theme-options.php:2187 msgid "" "Default is \"fa-regular fa-bookmark\", You can check the FontAwesome Website to see the icons " "that can be filled in" msgstr "" "默认为“fa-regular fa-bookmark”,你可以前往 FontAwesome 网站 查看可以填写的图标" #: options/theme-options.php:2194 msgid "Post Area Title" msgstr "文章区域标题" #: options/theme-options.php:2195 msgid "" "Default is \"Article\", you can change it to anything else, but of course it " "CANNOT be used as an ad! Not allowed!!!" msgstr "默认为“Article”,你可以修改为其他,当然不能当广告用!不允许!!" #: options/theme-options.php:2202 msgid "Area Title Font" msgstr "区域标题字体" #: options/theme-options.php:2210 msgid "Area Title Alignment" msgstr "区域标题对齐方向" #: options/theme-options.php:2224 options/theme-options.php:2304 msgid "Display Area Options" msgstr "展示区域设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2231 msgid "" "You can click here to learn " "how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在" "此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:2237 msgid "Display Area" msgstr "展示区域" #: options/theme-options.php:2238 msgid "Enabled by default, display area is above article area" msgstr "默认开启,展示区域显示在文章区域上方" #: options/theme-options.php:2245 msgid "Display Area Matching Color" msgstr "展示区域搭配色" #: options/theme-options.php:2254 msgid "Display Area Style" msgstr "展示区域样式" #: options/theme-options.php:2266 msgid "Display Area Compatibility Mode" msgstr "展示区域兼容模式" #: options/theme-options.php:2271 msgid "" "Enabled by default, this option avoids the problem of misaligned display " "areas" msgstr "默认开启,此选项避免了展示区域可能出现错位的问题" #: options/theme-options.php:2278 msgid "Display Area Background Color" msgstr "展示区域背景颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2290 msgid "Display Area Rounded Corners" msgstr "展示区域圆角" #: options/theme-options.php:2308 msgid "First Display Area" msgstr "第一展示区域" #: options/theme-options.php:2313 options/theme-options.php:2339 #: options/theme-options.php:2365 msgid "image" msgstr "图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2314 options/theme-options.php:2340 #: options/theme-options.php:2366 msgid "best width 260px, best height 160px" msgstr "最佳宽度 260px,最佳高度 160px" #: options/theme-options.php:2319 options/theme-options.php:2345 #: options/theme-options.php:2371 msgid "title" msgstr "标题" #: options/theme-options.php:2324 options/theme-options.php:2350 #: options/theme-options.php:2376 msgid "description" msgstr "描述" #: options/theme-options.php:2334 msgid "Second Display Area" msgstr "第二展示区域" #: options/theme-options.php:2360 msgid "Third Display Area" msgstr "第三展示区域" #: options/theme-options.php:2407 msgid "Article Area Options" msgstr "文章区域设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2414 msgid "" "You can click here to learn " "how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在" "此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:2420 msgid "Article Area Display Style" msgstr "文章区域显示样式" #: options/theme-options.php:2431 msgid "Article Area Matching Color" msgstr "文章区域搭配色" #: options/theme-options.php:2433 msgid "" "Customize the colors, This option only supports filling in hexadecimal " "colors, suggest the same as the matching color" msgstr "" "自定义颜色,此选项仅支持填写16进制色。建议使用与主题色搭配色相同色系的颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2440 msgid "Article Area Border Shadow Color" msgstr "文章区域边框阴影颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2449 msgid "Article Area Featured Image Display Shapes" msgstr "文章区域装饰特色图片展示形状" #: options/theme-options.php:2451 msgid "" "You can choose a circular or a rectangular display of the featured image" msgstr "你可以选择圆形展示或者矩形展示文章区域装饰特色图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2462 msgid "Article Area Featured Image Alignment" msgstr "文章区域装饰特色图片对齐方向" #: options/theme-options.php:2464 msgid "You can choose different directions to display the featured images" msgstr "你可以选择不同方向展示文章区域装饰特色图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2476 msgid "Article Area Featured Image Options" msgstr "文章区域装饰特色图片选项" #: options/theme-options.php:2478 msgid "Cover Random Image" msgstr "封面随机图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2479 msgid "External API Random Image" msgstr "外部API随机图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2487 msgid "Article Area Featured Image External API Random Image Address" msgstr "文章区域装饰特色图片外部API随机图片地址" #: options/theme-options.php:2497 msgid "Article Area Title Font Size" msgstr "文章区域标题字体大小" #: options/theme-options.php:2498 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 16-20" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为16-20" #: options/theme-options.php:2510 msgid "Article Area Time Display Area Font Size" msgstr "文章区域时间提示区域字体大小" #: options/theme-options.php:2512 msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended values range is 10-14" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为10-14" #: options/theme-options.php:2523 msgid "Article Area Author Info" msgstr "文章区域“作者信息”" #: options/theme-options.php:2524 msgid "" "When turned on, author information will be added to the article metadata " "section." msgstr "开启之后,文章元数据部分将增加作者信息。" #: options/theme-options.php:2533 msgid "Page Options" msgstr "页面设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2539 msgid "Common Options" msgstr "综合设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2546 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the " "options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:2552 msgid "Page Style" msgstr "页面样式" #: options/theme-options.php:2563 msgid "Page Layout Style" msgstr "页面排版样式" #: options/theme-options.php:2565 msgid "Default Style" msgstr "默认样式" #: options/theme-options.php:2566 msgid "Github Style" msgstr "Github样式" #: options/theme-options.php:2574 msgid "Page Decoration Image" msgstr "页面装饰图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2575 msgid "" "Enabled by default, show on article pages, standalone pages and category " "pages" msgstr "默认开启,显示在文章页面,独立页面和分类页" #: options/theme-options.php:2582 msgid "Page Title Animation" msgstr "页面标题动画" #: options/theme-options.php:2583 msgid "Page title will have float-in animation when turned on" msgstr "开启之后页面标题将有浮入动画" #: options/theme-options.php:2590 msgid "Page Title Animation Time" msgstr "页面标题动画时间" #: options/theme-options.php:2592 msgid "Slide to adjust, recommended value range is 1-2" msgstr "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为1-2" #: options/theme-options.php:2602 msgid "Page Clipboard Copyright Notice" msgstr "页面剪切板版权提示" #: options/theme-options.php:2603 msgid "" "Enabled by default, users will have copyright notice text when copying text " "content over 30 bytes" msgstr "默认开启,用户在复制文字内容超过30字节时,会有版权提示文本" #: options/theme-options.php:2610 msgid "Page LazyLoad" msgstr "页面LazyLoad" #: options/theme-options.php:2611 msgid "" "LazyLoad effect for page images, WordPress block editor already comes with " "similar effect, not recommended to turn on" msgstr "" "开启之后页面图片会有LazyLoad加载效果,WordPress区块编辑器已经自带相似效果,不" "建议开启" #: options/theme-options.php:2618 msgid "Page LazyLoad Placeholder SVG" msgstr "页面LazyLoad加载占位SVG" #: options/theme-options.php:2620 msgid "" "Fill in the address, this is the placeholder image that will be displayed " "when the page LazyLoad is being loaded" msgstr "填写地址,此为页面LazyLoad加载时会显示的占位图" #: options/theme-options.php:2627 msgid "Page Image Placeholder SVG" msgstr "页面图像加载占位SVG" #: options/theme-options.php:2628 msgid "" "Fill address, this is the SVG that will be displayed as a placeholder when " "the page image is being loaded" msgstr "填写地址,此为加载页面图像时占位显示的SVG" #: options/theme-options.php:2637 msgid "Article Page Options" msgstr "文章页面设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2644 msgid "" "You can click here to learn " "how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在" "此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:2650 msgid "Article Page Title Font Size" msgstr "文章页面标题字体大小" #: options/theme-options.php:2651 msgid "" "Slide to adjust, recommended value range is 28-36. This option is only " "available for article pages that have a featured image set" msgstr "" "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为28-36。此选项仅对已经设置了特色图片的文章页面生效" #: options/theme-options.php:2661 msgid "Article Page Title Underline Animation" msgstr "文章页面标题下划线动画" #: options/theme-options.php:2662 msgid "" "Article title will have underline animation when this is enabled and article " "has a featured image set" msgstr "开启且文章设置了特色图片之后,文章标题将有下划线动画" #: options/theme-options.php:2669 msgid "Article Page Auto Show Menu" msgstr "文章页面自动显示菜单" #: options/theme-options.php:2670 msgid "" "Enabled by default, the article page will automatically show the menu. PHP " "extension \"DOM\" is required for this feature." msgstr "默认开启,文章页面会自动显示菜单,此功能需要 PHP 扩展\"DOM\"。" #: options/theme-options.php:2677 msgid "Inline Code Background Color" msgstr "内联代码背景色" #: options/theme-options.php:2685 msgid "Inline Code Background Color In Dark Mode" msgstr "深色模式内联代码背景色" #: options/theme-options.php:2686 msgid "" "Customize the colors, suggest using a corresponding color with the " "background color,this color is only displayed in dark mode" msgstr "自定义颜色,建议使用与深色模式背景颜色相对应的颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2692 msgid "Article Expansion Area" msgstr "文章扩展区" #: options/theme-options.php:2698 msgid "Article Page Function Bar" msgstr "文章页面功能栏" #: options/theme-options.php:2699 msgid "" "Enabled by default, will be displayed on the article page with the features " "enabled below" msgstr "默认开启,将在文章页显示下方开启的功能" #: options/theme-options.php:2706 msgid "Article Lincenses" msgstr "文章知识共享协议" #: options/theme-options.php:2708 msgid "Enabled by default, Article lincenses will appear on the function bar" msgstr "默认开启,将在文章页面功能栏显示知识共享协议信息" #: options/theme-options.php:2715 msgid "Article Page Appreciation Function (Alipay QR Code)" msgstr "文章页面赞赏功能(支付宝二维码)" #: options/theme-options.php:2717 msgid "Upload Alipay Receipt QR Code Image" msgstr "上传支付宝收款码图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2724 msgid "Article Page Appreciation Function (Wechat QR Code)" msgstr "文章页面赞赏功能(微信二维码)" #: options/theme-options.php:2726 msgid "Upload WeChat Receipt QR Code Image" msgstr "上传微信收款码图片" #: options/theme-options.php:2733 msgid "Article Page Author Avatar" msgstr "文章页面作者头像" #: options/theme-options.php:2735 msgid "Enabled by default, Author avatar will appear on the function bar" msgstr "默认开启,将在文章页面功能栏显示作者头像" #: options/theme-options.php:2742 msgid "Article Page Author Name" msgstr "文章页面作者名字" #: options/theme-options.php:2744 msgid "Author name will appear on the function bar when enabled" msgstr "开启之后文章页面功能栏将出现作者信息" #: options/theme-options.php:2751 msgid "Article Page Author Signature" msgstr "文章页面作者签名" #: options/theme-options.php:2753 msgid "Enabled by default, Author signature will appear on the function bar" msgstr "默认开启,将在文章页面功能栏显示作者签名" #: options/theme-options.php:2760 msgid "Article Page Author Info Signature Text" msgstr "文章页面作者签名文本" #: options/theme-options.php:2772 msgid "Article Last Update Time" msgstr "文章最后更新时间" #: options/theme-options.php:2774 msgid "Article last update time will appear on the function bar when enabled" msgstr "开启之后文章页面功能栏将出现文章最后更新时间" #: options/theme-options.php:2781 msgid "Article Tag" msgstr "文章标签" #: options/theme-options.php:2783 msgid "Enabled by default, Article tag will appear on the function bar" msgstr "默认开启,将在文章页面功能栏显示文章标签" #: options/theme-options.php:2790 msgid "Article Page Prev/Next Article Switcher" msgstr "文章页面上下文章切换" #: options/theme-options.php:2791 msgid "" "Enabled by default, the previous and next article switch will appear on the " "article pages" msgstr "默认开启,将在文章页面显示上下文章切换" #: options/theme-options.php:2800 msgid "Template Page Options" msgstr "模板页面设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2807 msgid "" "You can click here to learn " "how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在" "此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:2812 msgid "Public Settings" msgstr "共用设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2818 msgid "Template Page Title Font Size" msgstr "模板页面标题字体大小" #: options/theme-options.php:2819 msgid "" "Slide to adjust, recommended value range is 36-48. This option is only " "available for template pages with featured images already set" msgstr "" "滑动滑块,推荐数值范围为36-48。此选项仅对已经设置了特色图片的模板页面生效" #: options/theme-options.php:2828 msgid "ShuoShuo Template Settings" msgstr "说说模板设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2834 msgid "Ideas Template Background ColorⅠ" msgstr "说说模板说说背景颜色Ⅰ" #: options/theme-options.php:2842 msgid "Ideas Template Background Color II" msgstr "说说模板说说背景颜色Ⅱ" #: options/theme-options.php:2850 msgid "Ideas Template Tip Arrow" msgstr "说说模板说说提示箭头" #: options/theme-options.php:2851 msgid "" "After turning on the alert arrow will appear on the left side of the comment" msgstr "开启之后提示箭头将出现在说说左侧上方" #: options/theme-options.php:2858 msgid "Ideas Template Font" msgstr "说说模板说说字体" #: options/theme-options.php:2866 msgid "Number Of ShuoShuo" msgstr "每页说说显示数量" #: options/theme-options.php:2867 msgid "" "Enter a positive integer or \"-1\" to control the number of ShuoShuo " "displayed on each page. Enter \"-1\" to display all messages." msgstr "填写正数则在一页中展示对应数量的说说,填写“-1“则将直接显示全部说说" #: options/theme-options.php:2873 msgid "Bangumi Template Settings" msgstr "追番模板设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2879 msgid "Bangumi Template Source" msgstr "追番模板源" #: options/theme-options.php:2890 msgid "My Anime List Username" msgstr "My Anime List用户名" #: options/theme-options.php:2892 msgid "Username on" msgstr " 上的用户名" #: options/theme-options.php:2899 msgid "My Anime List Sort" msgstr "My Anime List顺序" #: options/theme-options.php:2902 msgid "Status and Last Updated" msgstr "状态和上次更新" #: options/theme-options.php:2903 msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "上次更新" #: options/theme-options.php:2904 msgid "Status" msgstr "状态" #: options/theme-options.php:2912 msgid "Bilibili Account UID" msgstr "哔哩哔哩UID" #: options/theme-options.php:2913 msgid "" "Fill in your account ID, e.g., just the " "number part \"13972644\"" msgstr "" "填写你的帐号ID,例如:,只需填写数" "字“13972644”部分" #: options/theme-options.php:2921 msgid "Bilibili Account Cookies" msgstr "哔哩哔哩帐号Cookies" #: options/theme-options.php:2922 msgid "" "Fill in your account cookies, F12 to open your browser web panel, go to your " "bilibili homepage to get cookies. If left empty, it will not show the " "progress of catching up bangumis" msgstr "" "填写你的帐号Cookies,F12打开浏览器网络面板,前往你的B站主页获取Cookies。如果" "留空,将不会显示追番进度" #: options/theme-options.php:2929 msgid "Friend Link Template Settings" msgstr "友情链接模板设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2935 msgid "Friend Link Template Unit Alignment" msgstr "友情链接模板单元对齐方向" #: options/theme-options.php:2947 msgid "Friend Link Template Unit Matching Color" msgstr "友情链接模板单元搭配色" #: options/theme-options.php:2955 msgid "Friend Link Template Unit Border Shadow Color" msgstr "友情链接模板单元边框阴影颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:2963 msgid "Friend Link Sorting Mode" msgstr "友情链接列表排序模式" #: options/theme-options.php:2964 msgid "Select the friend link sorting mode, \"Name\" is used by Default." msgstr "选择友情链接列表排序模式,默认使用“名称”排序。" #: options/theme-options.php:2966 msgid "Name" msgstr "名称" #: options/theme-options.php:2967 msgid "Rating" msgstr "评级" #: options/theme-options.php:2968 msgid "Updated" msgstr "更新时间" #: options/theme-options.php:2969 msgid "Rand" msgstr "随机" #: options/theme-options.php:2977 msgid "Ascending OR Descending" msgstr "升序或降序" #: options/theme-options.php:2978 msgid "Order friend link in ascending or descending." msgstr "按升序或降序排序友情链接列表" #: options/theme-options.php:2981 msgid "Ascending" msgstr "升序" #: options/theme-options.php:2982 msgid "Descending" msgstr "降序" #: options/theme-options.php:2989 msgid "Login Template Settings" msgstr "登录模板设置" #: options/theme-options.php:2995 msgid "Login Template Registration Function" msgstr "登录模板注册功能" #: options/theme-options.php:2996 msgid "Login template will allow registration when enabled" msgstr "开启之后登录模板将允许注册" #: options/theme-options.php:3005 msgid "Comment-related Options" msgstr "评论相关设置" #: options/theme-options.php:3012 msgid "" "You can click here to learn " "how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在" "此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:3017 msgid "Comment Area Style" msgstr "评论区域样式" #: options/theme-options.php:3023 msgid "Page Comment Area Display" msgstr "页面评论区域显示" #: options/theme-options.php:3024 msgid "You can choose to expand or shirink the content of the comment area" msgstr "你可以选择展开显示或者收缩显示评论区域内容" #: options/theme-options.php:3026 msgid "Expand" msgstr "展开" #: options/theme-options.php:3027 msgid "Shrink" msgstr "收缩" #: options/theme-options.php:3035 msgid "Page Comment Area Matching Color" msgstr "页面评论区域搭配色" #: options/theme-options.php:3043 msgid "Page Comment Area Shadow Color" msgstr "页面评论区域阴影颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:3051 msgid "Page Comment Area Bottom Right Background Image" msgstr "页面评论区域右下背景图片" #: options/theme-options.php:3052 msgid "" "If this option is blank, there will be no image, no best recommendation here" msgstr "如果此选项为空白,则没有图像,无最佳推荐" #: options/theme-options.php:3058 msgid "Comment Area Function" msgstr "评论区域功能" #: options/theme-options.php:3064 msgid "Comment Area Emoticon" msgstr "评论区域表情" #: options/theme-options.php:3065 msgid "" "Select the emoticons to be displayed in the comment area input box. Uncheck " "all to turn off the comment input box emoticon function." msgstr "" "选择要在评论区域输入框中显示的表情。全部取消选中可关闭评论区域输入框表情功" "能。" #: options/theme-options.php:3068 msgid "BiliBili Emoticon Pack" msgstr "哔哩哔哩表情包" #: options/theme-options.php:3069 msgid "Baidu Tieba Emoticon Pack" msgstr "百度贴吧表情包" #: options/theme-options.php:3070 msgid "Emoji" msgstr "颜文字" #: options/theme-options.php:3071 msgid "Customized Emoticon Pack" msgstr "自定义表情包" #: options/theme-options.php:3079 msgid "Customized Emoticon Column Name" msgstr "自定义表情包名称" #: options/theme-options.php:3080 msgid "" "It is recommended to enter less than 4 Chinese characters in length to avoid " "causing compatibility issues on mobile terminals." msgstr "建议输入少于4个汉字的内容,以免造成移动端的兼容性问题。" #: options/theme-options.php:3088 msgid "Path To Custom Expression" msgstr "自定义表情包路径" #: options/theme-options.php:3089 msgid "" "Click here updating emoticon list. Specific usage reference: " "Comment related settings" msgstr "" "点击 这" "里 更新表情包列表。使用方法请参考:评论相关设置" #: options/theme-options.php:3096 msgid "Custom Emoticon Proxy Address" msgstr "自定义表情包代理地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3097 msgid "" "Fill in the CDN address of the emoticon image. If left blank, the CDN proxy " "function will not be enabled." msgstr "填写表情图片的 CDN 地址。如果留空,则不会启用 CDN 代理功能。" #: options/theme-options.php:3107 msgid "Page Comment Area UA Info" msgstr "页面评论区域 UA 信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3108 msgid "" "When enabled, the page comment area will display the user’s browser, " "operating system information" msgstr "开启之后页面评论区域将显示用户的浏览器,操作系统信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3115 msgid "Page Comment Area Location Information" msgstr "页面评论区域位置信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3116 msgid "" "When enabled, the page comment area will show the user’s location information" msgstr "开启之后页面评论区域将显示用户的位置信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3123 msgid "Private Comment Function" msgstr "私人评论功能" #: options/theme-options.php:3124 msgid "" "When enabled, users are allowed to set their comments to be invisible to " "others" msgstr "开启之后将允许用户设置自己的评论对其他人不可见" #: options/theme-options.php:3131 msgid "Page Comment Area Bot Verification" msgstr "页面评论区域机器人验证" #: options/theme-options.php:3132 msgid "After turning on user comments need to be verified before posting" msgstr "开启之后用户评论前需要经过验证后才可发布" #: options/theme-options.php:3139 msgid "QQ Avatar Link Encryption" msgstr "QQ头像链接加密" #: options/theme-options.php:3142 msgid "Redirect (low security)" msgstr "重定向(低安全性)" #: options/theme-options.php:3143 msgid "Get avatar data in the backend (medium security)" msgstr "后端获取头像数据(中安全性)" #: options/theme-options.php:3144 msgid "Parse avatar interface in the backend (high security, slow)" msgstr "后端解析头像接口(高安全性,慢速)" #: options/theme-options.php:3152 msgid "Page Comment Area Upload Image Interface" msgstr "页面评论区域上传图片接口" #: options/theme-options.php:3166 msgid "Imgur Client ID" msgstr "Imgur Client ID" #: options/theme-options.php:3168 msgid "" "Fill in Client ID here, to register please visit" "oauth2/addclient" msgstr "此处填写Client ID,注册请访问" #: options/theme-options.php:3174 msgid "Imgur Upload Proxy" msgstr "Imgur上传代理" #: options/theme-options.php:3176 msgid "" "The proxy used by the backend when uploading images to Imgur. You can refer " "to the tutorial:" "imgur-api/" msgstr "" "后端上传图片到 Imgur 的时候使用的代理。你可以参考教程:https://2heng." "xin/2018/06/06/javascript-upload-images-with-imgur-api/" #: options/theme-options.php:3183 msgid "SM.MS Secret Token" msgstr "SM.MS Secret Token" #: options/theme-options.php:3185 msgid "" "Fill in your Key here, to get it please visit" msgstr "此处填写Key,获取请访问" #: options/theme-options.php:3191 msgid "Chevereto API v1 Key" msgstr "Chevereto API v1 Key" #: options/theme-options.php:3193 msgid "" "Fill in the Key here, to get please visit your Chevereto home page address/" "dashboard/settings/api" msgstr "此处填写Key,获取请访问你的Chevereto首页地址/dashboard/settings/api" #: options/theme-options.php:3199 msgid "Chevereto Address" msgstr "Chevereto地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3201 msgid "" "Your Chevereto home page address. Please note that there is no \"/\" at the " "end, e.g." msgstr "" "你的Chevereto首页地址, 注意结尾没有 /, 例如:" #: options/theme-options.php:3207 msgid "Lsky Pro v1 Token" msgstr "Lsky Pro v1 Token" #: options/theme-options.php:3209 msgid "" "Fill in the Token here, Please note that there is no \"Bearer \" at first, " "to get please visit your Lsky Pro home page address/api" msgstr "" "在这里填写令牌,请注意,首先没有“Bearer”,要获得请访问您的Lsky Pro主页地址/ " "api" #: options/theme-options.php:3215 msgid "Lsky Pro Address" msgstr "Lsky Pro地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3217 msgid "" "Your Lsky Pro home page address. Please note that there is no \"/\" at the " "end, e.g." msgstr "你的Lsky Pro首页地址, 注意结尾没有 /, 例如:" #: options/theme-options.php:3223 msgid "Comment Image Proxy" msgstr "评论图片代理" #: options/theme-options.php:3224 msgid "Proxy for the image displayed on the frontend" msgstr "前端显示的图片的代理" #: options/theme-options.php:3231 msgid "Comment Email Notification" msgstr "评论邮件通知" #: options/theme-options.php:3237 msgid "Mail Template Featured Image" msgstr "邮件模板特色图片" #: options/theme-options.php:3238 msgid "Set the background image of your reply email" msgstr "设置你的回复邮件上方背景图片" #: options/theme-options.php:3246 msgid "Mail Template Sending Address Prefix" msgstr "邮件模板发件地址前缀" #: options/theme-options.php:3247 msgid "" "Used to send system mail. The sender address will be displayed in the user's " "mailbox, don't use Non-English Characters. The default system mail address " "is bibi@your domain" msgstr "" "用于发送系统邮件,在用户的邮箱中显示的发件人地址,不要使用中文,默认系统邮件" "地址为 bibi@你的域名" #: options/theme-options.php:3254 msgid "User Mail Reply Notification" msgstr "用户邮件回复通知" #: options/theme-options.php:3255 msgid "" "By default WordPress will use email notifications to notify users when their " "comments receive a reply. After turning it on users are allowed to set " "whether to use email notifications when their comments receive a reply" msgstr "" "WordPress默认会使用邮件通知用户评论收到回复,开启之后允许用户设置自己的评论收" "到回复时是否使用邮件通知" #: options/theme-options.php:3262 msgid "Admin Email Reply Notification" msgstr "管理员邮件回复通知" #: options/theme-options.php:3263 msgid "" "Use email notifications when admin comments receive a reply after turning it " "on" msgstr "开启之后当管理员评论收到回复时使用邮件通知" #: options/theme-options.php:3272 msgid "Other Options" msgstr "其他设置" #: options/theme-options.php:3278 msgid "Login Screen and Dashboard Related Options" msgstr "登录界面和仪表盘相关设置" #: options/theme-options.php:3285 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 " "此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:3290 msgid "Login Screen" msgstr "登录界面" #: options/theme-options.php:3296 msgid "Custom Login Screen" msgstr "定制登录界面" #: options/theme-options.php:3297 msgid "Default on, custom login screen will replace the default login screen" msgstr "默认开启,定制登录界面将取代默认登录界面" #: options/theme-options.php:3304 msgid "Login Screen Background Image" msgstr "登录界面背景图片" #: options/theme-options.php:3305 msgid "" "Set your login screen background image, leave this option blank to show the " "default" msgstr "设置你的登录界面背景图片,此选项留空则显示默认背景" #: options/theme-options.php:3314 msgid "Login Screen Background Blur" msgstr "登录界面背景虚化" #: options/theme-options.php:3315 msgid "Login screen background image will be blurred when enabled" msgstr "开启之后登录界面背景图片将被虚化" #: options/theme-options.php:3323 msgid "Login Screen Logo" msgstr "登录界面Logo" #: options/theme-options.php:3324 msgid "Set your login screen Logo" msgstr "设置你的登录界面Logo" #: options/theme-options.php:3333 msgid "Jump after login" msgstr "登录后跳转" #: options/theme-options.php:3334 msgid "Jump to backend for admins and home for users after turning on." msgstr "开启之后管理员跳转至后台,用户跳转至主页。" #: options/theme-options.php:3341 msgid "Login Screen Language Option" msgstr "登录界面语言选项" #: options/theme-options.php:3342 msgid "Login screen language option will be display when enabled" msgstr "开启之后登录界面将显示语言选项" #: options/theme-options.php:3348 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "仪表盘" #: options/theme-options.php:3354 msgid "Dashboard Background Image" msgstr "仪表盘背景图片" #: options/theme-options.php:3355 msgid "" "Set your dashboard background image, leave this option blank to show white " "background" msgstr "设置你的仪表盘背景图片,此选项留空则显示白色背景" #: options/theme-options.php:3363 msgid "Dashboard Options Menu Style" msgstr "仪表板设置菜单样式" #: options/theme-options.php:3374 msgid "Dashboard Primary Menu Color" msgstr "仪表盘一级菜单颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:3382 msgid "Dashboard Secondary Menu Color" msgstr "仪表盘二级菜单颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:3390 msgid "Dashboard Emphasis Color" msgstr "仪表板强调颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:3398 msgid "Dashboard Button Color" msgstr "仪表板按钮颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:3406 msgid "Dashboard Text Color" msgstr "仪表盘文本颜色" #: options/theme-options.php:3416 msgid "ChatGPT Options" msgstr "ChatGPT 设置" #: options/theme-options.php:3423 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to set the options on " "this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:3429 msgid "ChatGPT Function" msgstr "ChatGPT 功能" #: options/theme-options.php:3430 msgid "After turning on ChatGPT Function will be available" msgstr "开启之后 ChatGPT 功能将可以使用" #: options/theme-options.php:3437 msgid "ChatGPT Base URL" msgstr "ChatGPT 访问地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3438 msgid "Fill in the ChatGPT Base URL, The default is" msgstr "填写ChatGPT访问地址,默认使用" #: options/theme-options.php:3446 msgid "ChatGPT API keys" msgstr "ChatGPT API密钥" #: options/theme-options.php:3447 msgid "" "Fill in Your ChatGPT API keys, You can go to OpenAI Website to get your API Keys" msgstr "" "填写您的 ChatGPT API 密钥,您可以访问 OpenAI 网站 获取您的 API 密钥" #: options/theme-options.php:3454 msgid "ChatGPT Article Summarize" msgstr "ChatGPT 文章摘要" #: options/theme-options.php:3455 msgid "After turning on ChatGPT will automatically generate article abstracts" msgstr "开启之后 ChatGPT 会自动生成文章摘要" #: options/theme-options.php:3462 msgid "" "Each update of your post will trigger a request to generate a summary. Due " "to current API limitations, if your article exceeds 4097 Token, the system " "will only send the unexceeded portion to generate a summary" msgstr "" "你的每次文章更新都会触发生成摘要请求。由于目前API限制,如果你的文章超过 4097 " "Token,系统将会只发送未超出部分以生成摘要" #: options/theme-options.php:3472 msgid "Article IDs that do not Require ChatGPT Summarize" msgstr "不需要 ChatGPT 生成摘要的文章ID" #: options/theme-options.php:3473 msgid "" "Enter the article IDs that do not need to generate ChatGPT Summarize, and " "split multiple article IDs with \",\"" msgstr "输入不需要ChatGPT 生成摘要的文章 ID,并使用“,” 拆分多个文章 ID" #: options/theme-options.php:3484 msgid "ChatGPT Article Summarize Init Prompt" msgstr "ChatGPT 文章摘要初始化提示" #: options/theme-options.php:3489 msgid "" "Fill in the Init Prompt, Please make changes if you know how to configure it " "correctly. Init Prompt will be passed to ChatGPT as \"system\" role" msgstr "" "填写初始化提示,请你在知道如何正确配置的情况下进行修改,初始化提示将作为“系" "统”角色设定传递给 ChatGPT" #: options/theme-options.php:3500 msgid "ChatGPT Article Summarize Ask Prompt" msgstr "ChatGPT 文章摘要要求提示" #: options/theme-options.php:3505 msgid "" "Fill in the Ask Prompt, Use preset value when option is empty, Please make " "changes if you know how to configure it correctly" msgstr "" "填写询问文本,选项为空时使用预设值,请你在知道如何正确配置的情况下进行修改" #: options/theme-options.php:3513 msgid "Low Use Options" msgstr "低使用设置" #: options/theme-options.php:3520 msgid "" "You can click here to learn how to " "set the options on this page" msgstr "" "您可以单击 此处 了解如何在此页面上" "设置选项" #: options/theme-options.php:3526 msgid "Statistics API" msgstr "统计接口" #: options/theme-options.php:3527 msgid "" "You can choose WP-Statistics plugin statistics or theme built-in statistics " "to display" msgstr "你可以选择WP-Statistics插件统计或者主题内建统计作为统计结果" #: options/theme-options.php:3529 msgid "Theme Built in Statistics" msgstr "主题内建统计" #: options/theme-options.php:3530 msgid "WP-Statistics Plugin Statistics" msgstr "WP-Statistics插件统计" #: options/theme-options.php:3538 msgid "Statistics display format" msgstr "统计数据显示格式" #: options/theme-options.php:3539 msgid "You can choose from four different data display formats" msgstr "你可以选择四种不同的数据显示格式" #: options/theme-options.php:3541 msgid "23333 Visits" msgstr "23333次访问" #: options/theme-options.php:3542 msgid "23,333 Visits" msgstr "23,333次访问" #: options/theme-options.php:3543 msgid "23 333 Visits" msgstr "23 333次访问" #: options/theme-options.php:3544 msgid "23K Visits" msgstr "23K次访问" #: options/theme-options.php:3552 msgid "Live Search" msgstr "实时搜索" #: options/theme-options.php:3553 msgid "" "After turning on the live search in the frontend, call Rest API to update " "the cache once an hour. You can set the cache time manually in api.php" msgstr "" "开启之后将在前台实现实时搜索,调用 Rest API 每小时更新一次缓存,可在 api.php " "里手动设置缓存时间" #: options/theme-options.php:3560 msgid "Live Search Comment Support" msgstr "实时搜索评论支援" #: options/theme-options.php:3562 msgid "" "Enable to search for comments in live search (not recommended if site has " "too many comments)" msgstr "启开启之后将在可在实时搜索中搜索评论(如果网站评论数量太多不建议开启)" #: options/theme-options.php:3569 msgid "Google Analytics Id" msgstr "谷歌统计ID" #: options/theme-options.php:3570 msgid "If you already have a plugin to handle it, please keep here empty." msgstr "如果已有类似功能插件,请将此处留空" #: options/theme-options.php:3576 msgid "Custom CSS Styles" msgstr "自定义CSS样式" #: options/theme-options.php:3577 msgid "Fill in the CSS code without writing style tag" msgstr "填写CSS代码,不需要写style标签" #: options/theme-options.php:3584 msgid "Code inserted in the header" msgstr "自定义插入 Header 代码" #: options/theme-options.php:3585 msgid "Insert HTML code right before ." msgstr "在前插入HTML代码" #: options/theme-options.php:3591 msgid "Timezone Fix" msgstr "时区修正" #: options/theme-options.php:3592 msgid "" "Slide to adjust. If the comment has a time difference problem, adjust it " "here, fill in an integer. Calculation method: actual time = time of display " "error - the integer you entered (in hours)" msgstr "" "滑动滑块,如果评论出现时差问题在这里调整,填入一个整数,计算方法:实际时间=显" "示错误的时间-你输入的整数(单位:小时)" #: options/theme-options.php:3601 msgid "Gravatar Service Proxy" msgstr "Gravatar服务代理" #: options/theme-options.php:3602 msgid "" "You can select multiple proxy as the Gravatar Service Proxy. By default, " "Tianli is used as the Gravatar Service Proxy." msgstr "" "你可以选择多种代理作为Gravatar服务代理。默认使用Tianli作为Gravatar服务代理。" #: options/theme-options.php:3604 msgid "Weavatar Service" msgstr "Weavatar服务" #: options/theme-options.php:3605 msgid "Cravatar Service" msgstr "Cravatar服务" #: options/theme-options.php:3606 msgid "Geekzu" msgstr "极客族" #: options/theme-options.php:3607 msgid "Loli Net" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:3608 msgid "Official" msgstr "官方" #: options/theme-options.php:3609 options/theme-options.php:3617 msgid "Custom Proxy Address" msgstr "自定义代理地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3618 msgid "" "Enter your Gravatar proxy address without starting with \"http(s)://\" and " "ending with \"/\". Example:" msgstr "" "输入你的头像代理地址,请勿以\"http(s)://\" 开头 “/” 结尾。示例" "avatar。" #: options/theme-options.php:3625 msgid "Lightbox" msgstr "灯箱" #: options/theme-options.php:3631 msgid "BaguetteBox Lightbox Effect" msgstr "BaguetteBox灯箱效果" #: options/theme-options.php:3632 msgid "BaguetteBox will be used as the image lightbox effect when turned on" msgstr "开启之后将使用BaguetteBox作为图片灯箱效果" #: options/theme-options.php:3644 msgid "FancyBox Lightbox Effect" msgstr "FancyBox灯箱效果" #: options/theme-options.php:3645 msgid "" "FancyBox will be used as an image lightbox effect after turning on, " "additional JQ libraries will be loaded" msgstr "开启之后将使用FancyBox作为图片灯箱效果,将会额外加载JQ库" #: options/theme-options.php:3657 msgid "LightGallery Lightbox Effect" msgstr "LightGallery灯箱效果" #: options/theme-options.php:3658 msgid "LightGallery will be used as an image lightbox effect after turning on." msgstr "开启之后将使用LightGallery作为图片灯箱效果" #: options/theme-options.php:3668 msgid "" "Attension: Please read License Instruction before use.
Demos | Reference | Plugin List
Please " "write settings in JavaScript. An example has been provided as default " "setting.
It should be captiable for Most User using WordPress " "Guttenberg Editor.
Submit new discussion on Github for assistance. " "" msgstr "" "注意:使用前请阅读许可证 说明。
演示站点 | " "参考 | 插件列表
请使用JavaScript语" "言来编写设置。示例已在默认设置提供。
对于大多数使用 WordPress 古腾堡编辑" "器用户来说应该是可被接受的。
提交关于 Github 的新讨论以寻求帮助。https://" "" #: options/theme-options.php:3679 msgid "" "Start from Sakurairo v2.4.0, plugins names in LightGallery option follow the " "form cite in official document (eg. lgHash instead of \"hash\")" msgstr "" "从Sakurairo v2.4.0开始,LightGallery中的插件名称会与官方文档中引用的表格保持" "一致(例如“hash”将被表示为IgHash)" #: options/theme-options.php:3687 msgid "LightGallery Lightbox Effect Options" msgstr "LightGallery灯箱效果" #: options/theme-options.php:3698 msgid "Code Highlighting" msgstr "代码高亮" #: options/theme-options.php:3703 msgid "" "

Highlight.js: Default. Automatic language recognition.

Prism.js: Requires a language to be specified, see basic usage and How to code highlight " "dynamically loaded files.

Custom: For cases " "where another configuration is available.

" msgstr "" "

Highlight.js: 默认值,自动识别语言。

Prism.js: 需要指定语言,使用方法请参阅 基本用法如何代码高亮动态载入的文件

自定义: 适用于另有配置的情况。

" #: options/theme-options.php:3711 msgid "Code Highlight Method" msgstr "代码高亮程序" #: options/theme-options.php:3715 msgid "Custom Program" msgstr "自定义" #: options/theme-options.php:3723 msgid "Prism.js: Add Line Number Display for All Code Blocks" msgstr "Prism.js:为所有代码块增加行数显示" #: options/theme-options.php:3727 msgid "" "See the plugin " "description documentation" msgstr "" "请参阅 插件描述文档" #: options/theme-options.php:3733 msgid "Prism.js: Autoload Address" msgstr "Prism.js:自动加载地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3737 msgid "Leave blank to use default values" msgstr "留空以使用默认值" #: options/theme-options.php:3744 msgid "Prism.js: Code Highlight Theme" msgstr "Prism.js:代码高亮主题" #: options/theme-options.php:3745 options/theme-options.php:3756 msgid "Relative to autoload address. Leave blank to use default values" msgstr "相对于自动加载地址。留空以使用默认值" #: options/theme-options.php:3755 msgid "Prism.js: Code Highlight Theme (Dark Mode)" msgstr "Prism.js:代码高亮主题(深色模式)" #: options/theme-options.php:3766 msgid "" "The following Options are not recommended to be modified blindly, please use " "them under the guidance of others" msgstr "以下设置不推荐盲目进行修改,请在他人的指导下使用" #: options/theme-options.php:3772 msgid "Image CDN" msgstr "图片 CDN" #: options/theme-options.php:3773 msgid "" "Note: fill in the format https://your CDN domain/. This means that images " "with original path http://your.domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx.png will " "be loaded from http://your CDN domain/2018/05/xx.png" msgstr "" "注意:填写格式为 http(s)://你的CDN域名/。也就是说,原路径为 http://your." "domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx.png 的图片将从 http://你的CDN域" "名/2018/05/xx.png 加载" #: options/theme-options.php:3780 msgid "Articles Categories (Do not display)" msgstr "文章分类(不显示)" #: options/theme-options.php:3781 options/theme-options.php:3788 msgid "Fill in category ID, seperate in English\" , \" when more than one" msgstr "填写分类ID,多个用英文“ , ”分开" #: options/theme-options.php:3787 msgid "Image Display Category" msgstr "图片展示分类" #: options/theme-options.php:3794 msgid "Specify Login Address" msgstr "指定登录地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3795 msgid "" "Force not to use the WordPress login page address to login, fill in the new " "login page address, such as: Note that before " "filling in the new page you can test the normal opening, so as not to cause " "the inability to enter the background, etc." msgstr "" "强制不使用WordPress登录页面地址登录,填写新建的登陆页面地址,比如:http://" "。注意填写前先测试下你新建的页面是可以正常打开的,以免造成无" "法进入后台等情况。" #: options/theme-options.php:3801 msgid "Specify Registration Address" msgstr "指定注册地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3802 msgid "" "This address is used as the registration entry on the login page, if you " "specify a login address, it is recommended to fill in" msgstr "该地址在登录页面作为注册入口,如果你指定了登录地址,则建议填写" #: options/theme-options.php:3808 msgid "Version Control" msgstr "版本控制" #: options/theme-options.php:3809 msgid "Used to update front-end cookies and browser cache, can use any string" msgstr "用于更新前端Cookie和浏览器缓存,可使用任意字符串" #: options/theme-options.php:3815 msgid "Backup&Recovery" msgstr "备份恢复" #: options/theme-options.php:3817 msgid "Backup or Recovery your theme options" msgstr "备份或恢复你的主题设置" #: options/theme-options.php:3828 msgid "About Theme" msgstr "关于主题" #: options/theme-options.php:3834 msgid "Version Info" msgstr "版本信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3839 msgid "" "" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:3845 #, php-format msgid "" "Theme Sakurairo Version %s | Internal Version %s | Project Address" msgstr "" "Sakurairo 主题版本 %s | 内部版本 %s | 项目地址" #: options/theme-options.php:3850 msgid "Update Related" msgstr "更新相关" #: options/theme-options.php:3856 msgid "Theme Update Source" msgstr "主题更新源" #: options/theme-options.php:3862 msgid "" "If you are using a server set up in mainland China, please use the Upyun " "source or the official theme source as your theme update source" msgstr "" "如果你使用的是架设在国内的服务器,请使用又拍云源或主题官方源作为你的主题更新" "源" #: options/theme-options.php:3869 msgid "Theme Update Test Channel Disclaimer" msgstr "主题更新测试通道免责声明" #: options/theme-options.php:3875 msgid "" "Please copy the text in quotes after ensure that you have carefully " "understood the risks associated with participating in the test and are " "willing to assume all consequences at your own risk (including but " "not limited to possible data loss) into the options text box \"I " "agree and am willing to bear all unexpected consequences\"" msgstr "" "请在 确保你已经认真了解参与测试带来的风险并且愿意自行承担一切后果 (包括但不限于可能的数据丢失)之后,复制后文引号内的文本到选项文本框" "内 \"I agree and am willing to bear all unexpected consequences\" " #: options/theme-options.php:3881 msgid "Theme Update Channel" msgstr "主题更新频道" #: options/theme-options.php:3888 msgid "" "You can toggle the update channel here to participate in the testing of the " "new version" msgstr "你可以在此切换更新频道以参与到新版本的测试中" #: options/theme-options.php:3890 msgid "Stable Channel" msgstr "正式通道" #: options/theme-options.php:3891 msgid "Beta Channel" msgstr "公共测试频道" #: options/theme-options.php:3892 msgid "Preview Channel" msgstr "预览测试频道" #: options/theme-options.php:3899 msgid "Resource Control" msgstr "资源控制" #: options/theme-options.php:3905 msgid "Provide Critical Frontend Resource locally" msgstr "本地提供关键前端资源" #: options/theme-options.php:3906 msgid "" "Enabeld by default. Critical resources are those resources whose loading " "performance will have a significant impact on the user experience." msgstr "默认开启。关键资源是指那些其加载性能将对用户体验产生重大影响的资源。" #: options/theme-options.php:3913 msgid "Provide Other Frontend Resource locally" msgstr "本地提供其他前端资源" #: options/theme-options.php:3914 msgid "Less important frontend resource in the theme's folder." msgstr "主题文件夹中不太重要的前端资源。" #: options/theme-options.php:3921 msgid "Provide 3rd-party library from public CDN" msgstr "从公共 CDN 提供第三方库" #: options/theme-options.php:3922 msgid "" "When disabled, 3rd-party dependencies, which have been built to bundles " "along with themes's entry script, will be loaded from the exact same origin " "with Critical Frontend Resource. " msgstr "" "当禁用时,与主题脚本一起被构建打包的第三方依赖,将从与关键前端资源完全相同的" "来源加载。" #: options/theme-options.php:3929 msgid "Public CDN Basepath" msgstr "公共 CDN 路径" #: options/theme-options.php:3941 msgid "Vision Resource Basepath" msgstr "视觉资源路径" #: options/theme-options.php:3942 msgid "" "This link directory structure needs to be consistent with the Sakurairo Vision " "repositories officially provided by fuukei, otherwise some resources 404 may " "appear. The image source officially provided by Upyun is adopted by default." msgstr "" "此链接目录结构需要与 Fuukei 官方提供的 Sakurairo Vision 公共仓库保持一致,否则可能会出现一些" "资源 404。默认采用 又拍云 提供的镜像" "源。" #: options/theme-options.php:3948 msgid "Theme Sponsors" msgstr "赞助信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3953 msgid "" "\"sponsors\"" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:3958 msgid "Theme Contributors" msgstr "贡献者" #: options/theme-options.php:3963 msgid "" "\"Theme" msgstr "" #: options/theme-options.php:3968 msgid "Privacy information" msgstr "隐私信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3973 msgid "" "

The theme respects your privacy

\n" "

However, when you use a service provider pre-populated by the " "theme to provide relevant services in mainland China, the service provider " "may collect data about your visitors and compile statistics

\n" "

You can reduce the amount of information sent to third parties by " "localising the theme-related resources, which are pre-configured with " "options for you to modify

" msgstr "" "


\n" "

但是,当你使用主题预置的中国大陆服务商提供的服务时,服务商可能会收集有关你" "的访问者的数据并统计数据

\n" "

你可以通过本地化与主题相关的资源来减少发送给第三方的信息,主题提供相关选项" "配置

" #: options/theme-options.php:3981 msgid "Send Theme Version to Fuukei" msgstr "发送主题版本到 Fuukei 官方" #: options/theme-options.php:3982 msgid "" "The theme will only send time and version information to Fuukei officials " "and the data will be cleaned regularly and used only to count version " "updates." msgstr "" "主题只会向 Fuukei 官方发送时间和版本信息,数据将定期清理并仅用于统计版本更" "新。" #: options/theme-options.php:3988 msgid "Reference Information" msgstr "引用信息" #: options/theme-options.php:3993 msgid "" "

Fluent Design Icon Referenced by Paradox Fluent Icon Pack

\n" "

MUH2 Design Icon Referenced by 缄默 MUH2 Icon Pack

\n" "

Mashiro Style Logo References the Original Theme Author Mashiro, " "As Provided and Referenced by Hyacm

" msgstr "" "

流畅设计图标引用了由 Paradox 设计的 Fluent图标包

\n" "

沐氢图标引用了由 缄默 设计的 沐氢图标包

\n" "

白猫样式Logo参考原主题作者白猫,由 Hyacm 提供方案并引用

" #: options/theme-options.php:4000 msgid "Dependency Information" msgstr "依赖信息" #: options/theme-options.php:4005 msgid "" "

Options Framework Relies on the Codestar Open Source Codestar Framework Project

\n" "

Update Function Relies on YahnisElsts Open Source Plugin Update " "Checker Project

\n" "

ChatGPT-related Capabilities Relies on HaoZi-Team Open Source ChatGPT PHP Project" msgstr "" "

设置框架依赖于 Codestar 开源的 Codestar Framework 项目

\n" "

更新功能依赖于 YahnisElsts 开源的 Plugin Update Checker 项目

\n" "

ChatGPT 相关能力依赖于 HaoZi-Team 开源的 ChatGPT PHP 项目

" #: options/theme-options.php:4012 msgid "" "\"Theme \"Theme \"Theme" msgstr "" #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme msgid "Sakurairo_CSF" msgstr "" #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme msgid "" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin/theme msgid "A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework for Sakurairo" msgstr "一个简单,轻量的WordPress设置框架,专为Sakurairo设计" #. Author of the plugin/theme msgid "Codestar with Fuukei" msgstr "" #. Author URI of the plugin/theme msgid "" msgstr ""