repositoryHost = wp_parse_url($repositoryUrl, PHP_URL_HOST) . $port; if ( $this->repositoryHost !== '' ) { $this->repositoryProtocol = wp_parse_url($repositoryUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME); } //Find the repository information $path = wp_parse_url($repositoryUrl, PHP_URL_PATH); if ( preg_match('@^/?(?P[^/]+?)/(?P[^/#?&]+?)/?$@', $path, $matches) ) { $this->userName = $matches['username']; $this->repositoryName = $matches['repository']; } elseif ( ($this->repositoryHost === '') ) { //This is probably a repository in a subgroup, e.g. "/organization/category/repo". $parts = explode('/', trim($path, '/')); if ( count($parts) < 3 ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid repository URL: "' . $repositoryUrl . '"'); } $lastPart = array_pop($parts); $this->userName = implode('/', $parts); $this->repositoryName = $lastPart; } else { //There could be subgroups in the URL: if ( $subgroup !== null ) { $path = str_replace(trailingslashit($subgroup), '', $path); } //This is not a traditional url, it could be gitlab is in a deeper subdirectory. //Get the path segments. $segments = explode('/', untrailingslashit(ltrim($path, '/'))); //We need at least /user-name/repository-name/ if ( count($segments) < 2 ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid GitLab repository URL: "' . $repositoryUrl . '"'); } //Get the username and repository name. $usernameRepo = array_splice($segments, -2, 2); $this->userName = $usernameRepo[0]; $this->repositoryName = $usernameRepo[1]; //Append the remaining segments to the host if there are segments left. if ( count($segments) > 0 ) { $this->repositoryHost = trailingslashit($this->repositoryHost) . implode('/', $segments); } //Add subgroups to username. if ( $subgroup !== null ) { $this->userName = $usernameRepo[0] . '/' . untrailingslashit($subgroup); } } parent::__construct($repositoryUrl, $accessToken); } /** * Get the latest release from GitLab. * * @return Reference|null */ public function getLatestRelease() { $releases = $this->api('/:id/releases', array('per_page' => $this->releaseFilterMaxReleases)); if ( is_wp_error($releases) || empty($releases) || !is_array($releases) ) { return null; } foreach ($releases as $release) { if ( //Skip invalid/unsupported releases. !is_object($release) || !isset($release->tag_name) //Skip upcoming releases. || ( !empty($release->upcoming_release) && $this->shouldSkipPreReleases() ) ) { continue; } $versionNumber = ltrim($release->tag_name, 'v'); //Remove the "v" prefix from "v1.2.3". //Apply custom filters. if ( !$this->matchesCustomReleaseFilter($versionNumber, $release) ) { continue; } $downloadUrl = $this->findReleaseDownloadUrl($release); if ( empty($downloadUrl) ) { //The latest release doesn't have valid download URL. return null; } if ( !empty($this->accessToken) ) { $downloadUrl = add_query_arg('private_token', $this->accessToken, $downloadUrl); } return new Reference(array( 'name' => $release->tag_name, 'version' => $versionNumber, 'downloadUrl' => $downloadUrl, 'updated' => $release->released_at, 'apiResponse' => $release, )); } return null; } /** * @param object $release * @return string|null */ protected function findReleaseDownloadUrl($release) { if ( $this->releaseAssetsEnabled ) { if ( isset($release->assets, $release->assets->links) ) { //Use the first asset link where the URL matches the filter. foreach ($release->assets->links as $link) { if ( $this->matchesAssetFilter($link) ) { return $link->url; } } } if ( $this->releaseAssetPreference === Api::REQUIRE_RELEASE_ASSETS ) { //Falling back to source archives is not allowed, so give up. return null; } } //Use the first source code archive that's in ZIP format. foreach ($release->assets->sources as $source) { if ( isset($source->format) && ($source->format === 'zip') ) { return $source->url; } } return null; } /** * Get the tag that looks like the highest version number. * * @return Reference|null */ public function getLatestTag() { $tags = $this->api('/:id/repository/tags'); if ( is_wp_error($tags) || empty($tags) || !is_array($tags) ) { return null; } $versionTags = $this->sortTagsByVersion($tags); if ( empty($versionTags) ) { return null; } $tag = $versionTags[0]; return new Reference(array( 'name' => $tag->name, 'version' => ltrim($tag->name, 'v'), 'downloadUrl' => $this->buildArchiveDownloadUrl($tag->name), 'apiResponse' => $tag, )); } /** * Get a branch by name. * * @param string $branchName * @return null|Reference */ public function getBranch($branchName) { $branch = $this->api('/:id/repository/branches/' . $branchName); if ( is_wp_error($branch) || empty($branch) ) { return null; } $reference = new Reference(array( 'name' => $branch->name, 'downloadUrl' => $this->buildArchiveDownloadUrl($branch->name), 'apiResponse' => $branch, )); if ( isset($branch->commit, $branch->commit->committed_date) ) { $reference->updated = $branch->commit->committed_date; } return $reference; } /** * Get the timestamp of the latest commit that changed the specified branch or tag. * * @param string $ref Reference name (e.g. branch or tag). * @return string|null */ public function getLatestCommitTime($ref) { $commits = $this->api('/:id/repository/commits/', array('ref_name' => $ref)); if ( is_wp_error($commits) || !is_array($commits) || !isset($commits[0]) ) { return null; } return $commits[0]->committed_date; } /** * Perform a GitLab API request. * * @param string $url * @param array $queryParams * @return mixed|\WP_Error */ protected function api($url, $queryParams = array()) { $baseUrl = $url; $url = $this->buildApiUrl($url, $queryParams); $options = array('timeout' => wp_doing_cron() ? 10 : 3); if ( !empty($this->httpFilterName) ) { $options = apply_filters($this->httpFilterName, $options); } $response = wp_remote_get($url, $options); if ( is_wp_error($response) ) { do_action('puc_api_error', $response, null, $url, $this->slug); return $response; } $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); if ( $code === 200 ) { return json_decode($body); } $error = new \WP_Error( 'puc-gitlab-http-error', sprintf('GitLab API error. URL: "%s", HTTP status code: %d.', $baseUrl, $code) ); do_action('puc_api_error', $error, $response, $url, $this->slug); return $error; } /** * Build a fully qualified URL for an API request. * * @param string $url * @param array $queryParams * @return string */ protected function buildApiUrl($url, $queryParams) { $variables = array( 'user' => $this->userName, 'repo' => $this->repositoryName, 'id' => $this->userName . '/' . $this->repositoryName, ); foreach ($variables as $name => $value) { $url = str_replace("/:{$name}", '/' . urlencode($value), $url); } $url = substr($url, 1); $url = sprintf('%1$s://%2$s/api/v4/projects/%3$s', $this->repositoryProtocol, $this->repositoryHost, $url); if ( !empty($this->accessToken) ) { $queryParams['private_token'] = $this->accessToken; } if ( !empty($queryParams) ) { $url = add_query_arg($queryParams, $url); } return $url; } /** * Get the contents of a file from a specific branch or tag. * * @param string $path File name. * @param string $ref * @return null|string Either the contents of the file, or null if the file doesn't exist or there's an error. */ public function getRemoteFile($path, $ref = 'master') { $response = $this->api('/:id/repository/files/' . $path, array('ref' => $ref)); if ( is_wp_error($response) || !isset($response->content) || $response->encoding !== 'base64' ) { return null; } return base64_decode($response->content); } /** * Generate a URL to download a ZIP archive of the specified branch/tag/etc. * * @param string $ref * @return string */ public function buildArchiveDownloadUrl($ref = 'master') { $url = sprintf( '%1$s://%2$s/api/v4/projects/%3$s/repository/', $this->repositoryProtocol, $this->repositoryHost, urlencode($this->userName . '/' . $this->repositoryName) ); $url = add_query_arg('sha', urlencode($ref), $url); if ( !empty($this->accessToken) ) { $url = add_query_arg('private_token', $this->accessToken, $url); } return $url; } /** * Get a specific tag. * * @param string $tagName * @return void */ public function getTag($tagName) { throw new \LogicException('The ' . __METHOD__ . ' method is not implemented and should not be used.'); } protected function getUpdateDetectionStrategies($configBranch) { $strategies = array(); if ( ($configBranch === 'main') || ($configBranch === 'master') ) { $strategies[self::STRATEGY_LATEST_RELEASE] = array($this, 'getLatestRelease'); $strategies[self::STRATEGY_LATEST_TAG] = array($this, 'getLatestTag'); } $strategies[self::STRATEGY_BRANCH] = function () use ($configBranch) { return $this->getBranch($configBranch); }; return $strategies; } public function setAuthentication($credentials) { parent::setAuthentication($credentials); $this->accessToken = is_string($credentials) ? $credentials : null; } /** * Use release assets that link to GitLab generic packages (e.g. .zip files) * instead of automatically generated source archives. * * This is included for backwards compatibility with older versions of PUC. * * @return void * @deprecated Use enableReleaseAssets() instead. * @noinspection PhpUnused -- Public API */ public function enableReleasePackages() { $this->enableReleaseAssets( /** @lang RegExp */ '/\.zip($|[?&#])/i', Api::REQUIRE_RELEASE_ASSETS ); } protected function getFilterableAssetName($releaseAsset) { if ( isset($releaseAsset->url) ) { return $releaseAsset->url; } return null; } } endif;