'', 'slug' => '', 'checkPeriod' => 12, 'optionName' => '', 'muPluginFile' => '', ); $args = array_merge($defaults, array_intersect_key($args, $defaults)); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); //Check for the service URI if ( empty($metadataUrl) ) { $metadataUrl = self::getServiceURI($fullPath); } /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection These variables are created by extract(), above. */ return self::buildUpdateChecker($metadataUrl, $fullPath, $slug, $checkPeriod, $optionName, $muPluginFile); } /** * Create a new instance of the update checker. * * This method automatically detects if you're using it for a plugin or a theme and chooses * the appropriate implementation for your update source (JSON file, GitHub, BitBucket, etc). * * @see Puc_v4p11_UpdateChecker::__construct * * @param string $metadataUrl The URL of the metadata file, a GitHub repository, or another supported update source. * @param string $fullPath Full path to the main plugin file or to the theme directory. * @param string $slug Custom slug. Defaults to the name of the main plugin file or the theme directory. * @param int $checkPeriod How often to check for updates (in hours). * @param string $optionName Where to store book-keeping info about update checks. * @param string $muPluginFile The plugin filename relative to the mu-plugins directory. * @return Puc_v4p11_Plugin_UpdateChecker|Puc_v4p11_Theme_UpdateChecker|Puc_v4p11_Vcs_BaseChecker */ public static function buildUpdateChecker($metadataUrl, $fullPath, $slug = '', $checkPeriod = 12, $optionName = '', $muPluginFile = '') { $fullPath = self::normalizePath($fullPath); $id = null; //Plugin or theme? $themeDirectory = self::getThemeDirectoryName($fullPath); if ( self::isPluginFile($fullPath) ) { $type = 'Plugin'; $id = $fullPath; } else if ( $themeDirectory !== null ) { $type = 'Theme'; $id = $themeDirectory; } else { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf( 'The update checker cannot determine if "%s" is a plugin or a theme. ' . 'This is a bug. Please contact the PUC developer.', htmlentities($fullPath) )); } //Which hosting service does the URL point to? $service = self::getVcsService($metadataUrl); $apiClass = null; if ( empty($service) ) { //The default is to get update information from a remote JSON file. $checkerClass = $type . '_UpdateChecker'; } else { //You can also use a VCS repository like GitHub. $checkerClass = 'Vcs_' . $type . 'UpdateChecker'; $apiClass = $service . 'Api'; } $checkerClass = self::getCompatibleClassVersion($checkerClass); if ( $checkerClass === null ) { trigger_error( sprintf( 'PUC %s does not support updates for %ss %s', htmlentities(self::$latestCompatibleVersion), strtolower($type), $service ? ('hosted on ' . htmlentities($service)) : 'using JSON metadata' ), E_USER_ERROR ); return null; } //Add the current namespace to the class name(s). if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=') ) { $checkerClass = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $checkerClass; } if ( !isset($apiClass) ) { //Plain old update checker. return new $checkerClass($metadataUrl, $id, $slug, $checkPeriod, $optionName, $muPluginFile); } else { //VCS checker + an API client. $apiClass = self::getCompatibleClassVersion($apiClass); if ( $apiClass === null ) { trigger_error(sprintf( 'PUC %s does not support %s', htmlentities(self::$latestCompatibleVersion), htmlentities($service) ), E_USER_ERROR); return null; } if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>=') && (strpos($apiClass, '\\') === false) ) { $apiClass = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $apiClass; } return new $checkerClass( new $apiClass($metadataUrl), $id, $slug, $checkPeriod, $optionName, $muPluginFile ); } } /** * * Normalize a filesystem path. Introduced in WP 3.9. * Copying here allows use of the class on earlier versions. * This version adapted from WP 4.8.2 (unchanged since 4.5.0) * * @param string $path Path to normalize. * @return string Normalized path. */ public static function normalizePath($path) { if ( function_exists('wp_normalize_path') ) { return wp_normalize_path($path); } $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); $path = preg_replace('|(?<=.)/+|', '/', $path); if ( substr($path, 1, 1) === ':' ) { $path = ucfirst($path); } return $path; } /** * Check if the path points to a plugin file. * * @param string $absolutePath Normalized path. * @return bool */ protected static function isPluginFile($absolutePath) { //Is the file inside the "plugins" or "mu-plugins" directory? $pluginDir = self::normalizePath(WP_PLUGIN_DIR); $muPluginDir = self::normalizePath(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR); if ( (strpos($absolutePath, $pluginDir) === 0) || (strpos($absolutePath, $muPluginDir) === 0) ) { return true; } //Is it a file at all? Caution: is_file() can fail if the parent dir. doesn't have the +x permission set. if ( !is_file($absolutePath) ) { return false; } //Does it have a valid plugin header? //This is a last-ditch check for plugins symlinked from outside the WP root. if ( function_exists('get_file_data') ) { $headers = get_file_data($absolutePath, array('Name' => 'Plugin Name'), 'plugin'); return !empty($headers['Name']); } return false; } /** * Get the name of the theme's directory from a full path to a file inside that directory. * E.g. "/abc/public_html/wp-content/themes/foo/whatever.php" => "foo". * * Note that subdirectories are currently not supported. For example, * "/xyz/wp-content/themes/my-theme/includes/whatever.php" => NULL. * * @param string $absolutePath Normalized path. * @return string|null Directory name, or NULL if the path doesn't point to a theme. */ protected static function getThemeDirectoryName($absolutePath) { if ( is_file($absolutePath) ) { $absolutePath = dirname($absolutePath); } if ( file_exists($absolutePath . '/style.css') ) { return basename($absolutePath); } return null; } /** * Get the service URI from the file header. * * @param string $fullPath * @return string */ private static function getServiceURI($fullPath) { //Look for the URI if ( is_readable($fullPath) ) { $seek = array( 'github' => 'GitHub URI', 'gitlab' => 'GitLab URI', 'bucket' => 'BitBucket URI', ); $seek = apply_filters('puc_get_source_uri', $seek); $data = get_file_data($fullPath, $seek); foreach ($data as $key => $uri) { if ( $uri ) { return $uri; } } } //URI was not found so throw an error. throw new RuntimeException( sprintf('Unable to locate URI in header of "%s"', htmlentities($fullPath)) ); } /** * Get the name of the hosting service that the URL points to. * * @param string $metadataUrl * @return string|null */ private static function getVcsService($metadataUrl) { $service = null; //Which hosting service does the URL point to? $host = parse_url($metadataUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); $path = parse_url($metadataUrl, PHP_URL_PATH); //Check if the path looks like "/user-name/repository". //For GitLab.com it can also be "/user/group1/group2/.../repository". $repoRegex = '@^/?([^/]+?)/([^/#?&]+?)/?$@'; if ( $host === 'gitlab.com' ) { $repoRegex = '@^/?(?:[^/#?&]++/){1,20}(?:[^/#?&]++)/?$@'; } if ( preg_match($repoRegex, $path) ) { $knownServices = array( 'github.com' => 'GitHub', 'bitbucket.org' => 'BitBucket', 'gitlab.com' => 'GitLab', ); if ( isset($knownServices[$host]) ) { $service = $knownServices[$host]; } } return apply_filters('puc_get_vcs_service', $service, $host, $path, $metadataUrl); } /** * Get the latest version of the specified class that has the same major version number * as this factory class. * * @param string $class Partial class name. * @return string|null Full class name. */ protected static function getCompatibleClassVersion($class) { if ( isset(self::$classVersions[$class][self::$latestCompatibleVersion]) ) { return self::$classVersions[$class][self::$latestCompatibleVersion]; } return null; } /** * Get the specific class name for the latest available version of a class. * * @param string $class * @return null|string */ public static function getLatestClassVersion($class) { if ( !self::$sorted ) { self::sortVersions(); } if ( isset(self::$classVersions[$class]) ) { return reset(self::$classVersions[$class]); } else { return null; } } /** * Sort available class versions in descending order (i.e. newest first). */ protected static function sortVersions() { foreach ( self::$classVersions as $class => $versions ) { uksort($versions, array(__CLASS__, 'compareVersions')); self::$classVersions[$class] = $versions; } self::$sorted = true; } protected static function compareVersions($a, $b) { return -version_compare($a, $b); } /** * Register a version of a class. * * @access private This method is only for internal use by the library. * * @param string $generalClass Class name without version numbers, e.g. 'PluginUpdateChecker'. * @param string $versionedClass Actual class name, e.g. 'PluginUpdateChecker_1_2'. * @param string $version Version number, e.g. '1.2'. */ public static function addVersion($generalClass, $versionedClass, $version) { if ( empty(self::$myMajorVersion) ) { $nameParts = explode('_', __CLASS__, 3); self::$myMajorVersion = substr(ltrim($nameParts[1], 'v'), 0, 1); } //Store the greatest version number that matches our major version. $components = explode('.', $version); if ( $components[0] === self::$myMajorVersion ) { if ( empty(self::$latestCompatibleVersion) || version_compare($version, self::$latestCompatibleVersion, '>') ) { self::$latestCompatibleVersion = $version; } } if ( !isset(self::$classVersions[$generalClass]) ) { self::$classVersions[$generalClass] = array(); } self::$classVersions[$generalClass][$version] = $versionedClass; self::$sorted = false; } } endif;