array(), 'customize_options' => array(), 'metabox_options' => array(), 'nav_menu_options' => array(), 'profile_options' => array(), 'taxonomy_options' => array(), 'widget_options' => array(), 'comment_options' => array(), 'shortcode_options' => array(), ); // Shortcode instances public static $shortcode_instances = array(); private static $instance = null; public static function init( $file = __FILE__ ) { // Set file constant self::$file = $file; // Set constants self::constants(); // Include files self::includes(); if ( is_null( self::$instance ) ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } // Initalize public function __construct() { // Init action do_action( 'csf_init' ); // Setup textdomain self::textdomain(); add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( 'Sakurairo_CSF', 'setup' ) ); add_action( 'init', array( 'Sakurairo_CSF', 'setup' ) ); add_action( 'switch_theme', array( 'Sakurairo_CSF', 'setup' ) ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( 'Sakurairo_CSF', 'add_admin_enqueue_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( 'Sakurairo_CSF', 'add_typography_enqueue_styles' ), 80 ); add_action( 'wp_head', array( 'Sakurairo_CSF', 'add_custom_css' ), 80 ); add_filter( 'admin_body_class', array( 'Sakurairo_CSF', 'add_admin_body_class' ) ); } // Setup frameworks public static function setup() { // Setup admin option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Options' ) && ! empty( self::$args['admin_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['admin_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Options::instance( $key, $params ); if ( ! empty( $value['show_in_customizer'] ) ) { $value['output_css'] = false; $value['enqueue_webfont'] = false; self::$args['customize_options'][$key] = $value; self::$inited[$key] = null; } } } } // Setup customize option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Customize_Options' ) && ! empty( self::$args['customize_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['customize_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Customize_Options::instance( $key, $params ); } } } // Setup metabox option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Metabox' ) && ! empty( self::$args['metabox_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['metabox_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Metabox::instance( $key, $params ); } } } // Setup nav menu option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Nav_Menu_Options' ) && ! empty( self::$args['nav_menu_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['nav_menu_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Nav_Menu_Options::instance( $key, $params ); } } } // Setup profile option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Profile_Options' ) && ! empty( self::$args['profile_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['profile_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Profile_Options::instance( $key, $params ); } } } // Setup taxonomy option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Taxonomy_Options' ) && ! empty( self::$args['taxonomy_options'] ) ) { $taxonomy = ( isset( $_GET['taxonomy'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['taxonomy'] ) ) : ''; foreach ( self::$args['taxonomy_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Taxonomy_Options::instance( $key, $params ); } } } // Setup widget option framework if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Widget' ) && class_exists( 'WP_Widget_Factory' ) && ! empty( self::$args['widget_options'] ) ) { $wp_widget_factory = new WP_Widget_Factory(); global $wp_widget_factory; foreach ( self::$args['widget_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { self::$inited[$key] = true; $wp_widget_factory->register( CSF_Widget::instance( $key, $value ) ); } } } // Setup comment option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Comment_Metabox' ) && ! empty( self::$args['comment_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['comment_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Comment_Metabox::instance( $key, $params ); } } } // Setup shortcode option framework $params = array(); if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Shortcoder' ) && ! empty( self::$args['shortcode_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['shortcode_options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( ! empty( self::$args['sections'][$key] ) && ! isset( self::$inited[$key] ) ) { $params['args'] = $value; $params['sections'] = self::$args['sections'][$key]; self::$inited[$key] = true; CSF_Shortcoder::instance( $key, $params ); } } // Once editor setup for gutenberg and media buttons if ( class_exists( 'CSF_Shortcoder' ) && ! empty( self::$shortcode_instances ) ) { foreach ( self::$shortcode_instances as $instance ) { if ( ! empty( $instance['show_in_editor'] ) ) { CSF_Shortcoder::once_editor_setup(); break; } } } } do_action( 'csf_loaded' ); } // Create options public static function createOptions( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['admin_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create customize options public static function createCustomizeOptions( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['customize_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create metabox options public static function createMetabox( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['metabox_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create menu options public static function createNavMenuOptions( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['nav_menu_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create shortcoder options public static function createShortcoder( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['shortcode_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create taxonomy options public static function createTaxonomyOptions( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['taxonomy_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create profile options public static function createProfileOptions( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['profile_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create widget public static function createWidget( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['widget_options'][$id] = $args; self::set_used_fields( $args ); } // Create comment metabox public static function createCommentMetabox( $id, $args = array() ) { self::$args['comment_options'][$id] = $args; } // Create section public static function createSection( $id, $sections ) { self::$args['sections'][$id][] = $sections; self::set_used_fields( $sections ); } // Set directory constants public static function constants() { // We need this path-finder code for set URL of framework $dirname = str_replace( '//', '/', wp_normalize_path( dirname( dirname( self::$file ) ) ) ); $theme_dir = str_replace( '//', '/', wp_normalize_path( get_parent_theme_file_path() ) ); $plugin_dir = str_replace( '//', '/', wp_normalize_path( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) ); $plugin_dir = str_replace( '/opt/bitnami', '/bitnami', $plugin_dir ); $located_plugin = ( preg_match( '#'. self::sanitize_dirname( $plugin_dir ) .'#', self::sanitize_dirname( $dirname ) ) ) ? true : false; $directory = ( $located_plugin ) ? $plugin_dir : $theme_dir; $directory_uri = ( $located_plugin ) ? WP_PLUGIN_URL : get_parent_theme_file_uri(); $foldername = str_replace( $directory, '', $dirname ); $protocol_uri = ( is_ssl() ) ? 'https' : 'http'; $directory_uri = set_url_scheme( $directory_uri, $protocol_uri ); self::$dir = $dirname; self::$url = $directory_uri . $foldername; } // Include file helper public static function include_plugin_file( $file, $load = true ) { $path = ''; $file = ltrim( $file, '/' ); $override = apply_filters( 'csf_override', 'csf-override' ); if ( file_exists( get_parent_theme_file_path( $override .'/'. $file ) ) ) { $path = get_parent_theme_file_path( $override .'/'. $file ); } elseif ( file_exists( get_theme_file_path( $override .'/'. $file ) ) ) { $path = get_theme_file_path( $override .'/'. $file ); } elseif ( file_exists( self::$dir .'/'. $override .'/'. $file ) ) { $path = self::$dir .'/'. $override .'/'. $file; } elseif ( file_exists( self::$dir .'/'. $file ) ) { $path = self::$dir .'/'. $file; } if ( ! empty( $path ) && ! empty( $file ) && $load ) { global $wp_query; if ( is_object( $wp_query ) && function_exists( 'load_template' ) ) { load_template( $path, true ); } else { require_once( $path ); } } else { return self::$dir .'/'. $file; } } // Is active plugin helper public static function is_active_plugin( $file = '' ) { return in_array( $file, (array) get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ) ); } // Sanitize dirname public static function sanitize_dirname( $dirname ) { return preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z]/', '', $dirname ); } // Set url constant public static function include_plugin_url( $file ) { return esc_url( self::$url ) .'/'. ltrim( $file, '/' ); } // Include files public static function includes() { // Include common functions self::include_plugin_file( 'functions/actions.php' ); self::include_plugin_file( 'functions/helpers.php' ); self::include_plugin_file( 'functions/sanitize.php' ); self::include_plugin_file( 'functions/validate.php' ); // Include free version classes self::include_plugin_file( 'classes/abstract.class.php' ); self::include_plugin_file( 'classes/fields.class.php' ); self::include_plugin_file( 'classes/admin-options.class.php' ); // Include all framework fields $fields = apply_filters( 'csf_fields', array( 'accordion', 'background', 'backup', 'border', 'button_set', 'callback', 'checkbox', 'code_editor', 'color', 'color_group', 'content', 'date', 'datetime', 'dimensions', 'fieldset', 'gallery', 'group', 'heading', 'icon', 'image_select', 'link', 'link_color', 'map', 'media', 'notice', 'number', 'palette', 'radio', 'repeater', 'select', 'slider', 'sortable', 'sorter', 'spacing', 'spinner', 'subheading', 'submessage', 'switcher', 'tabbed', 'text', 'textarea', 'typography', 'upload', 'wp_editor', ) ); if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) { foreach ( $fields as $field ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'CSF_Field_'. $field ) && class_exists( 'CSF_Fields' ) ) { self::include_plugin_file( 'fields/'. $field .'/'. $field .'.php' ); } } } } // Setup textdomain public static function textdomain() { load_textdomain( 'sakurairo_csf', self::$dir .'/languages/'. get_locale() .'.mo' ); } // Set all of used fields public static function set_used_fields( $sections ) { if ( ! empty( $sections['fields'] ) ) { foreach ( $sections['fields'] as $field ) { if ( ! empty( $field['fields'] ) ) { self::set_used_fields( $field ); } if ( ! empty( $field['tabs'] ) ) { self::set_used_fields( array( 'fields' => $field['tabs'] ) ); } if ( ! empty( $field['accordions'] ) ) { self::set_used_fields( array( 'fields' => $field['accordions'] ) ); } if ( ! empty( $field['elements'] ) ) { self::set_used_fields( array( 'fields' => $field['elements'] ) ); } if ( ! empty( $field['type'] ) ) { self::$fields[$field['type']] = $field; } } } } // Enqueue admin and fields styles and scripts public static function add_admin_enqueue_scripts() { if ( ! self::$enqueue ) { // Loads scripts and styles only when needed $wpscreen = get_current_screen(); if ( ! empty( self::$args['admin_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['admin_options'] as $argument ) { if ( substr( $wpscreen->id, -strlen( $argument['menu_slug'] ) ) === $argument['menu_slug'] ) { self::$enqueue = true; } } } if ( ! empty( self::$args['metabox_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['metabox_options'] as $argument ) { if ( in_array( $wpscreen->post_type, (array) $argument['post_type'] ) ) { self::$enqueue = true; } } } if ( ! empty( self::$args['taxonomy_options'] ) ) { foreach ( self::$args['taxonomy_options'] as $argument ) { if ( in_array( $wpscreen->taxonomy, (array) $argument['taxonomy'] ) ) { self::$enqueue = true; } } } if ( ! empty( self::$shortcode_instances ) ) { foreach ( self::$shortcode_instances as $argument ) { if ( ( $argument['show_in_editor'] && $wpscreen->base === 'post' ) || $argument['show_in_custom'] ) { self::$enqueue = true; } } } if ( ! empty( self::$args['widget_options'] ) && ( $wpscreen->id === 'widgets' || $wpscreen->id === 'customize' ) ) { self::$enqueue = true; } if ( ! empty( self::$args['customize_options'] ) && $wpscreen->id === 'customize' ) { self::$enqueue = true; } if ( ! empty( self::$args['nav_menu_options'] ) && $wpscreen->id === 'nav-menus' ) { self::$enqueue = true; } if ( ! empty( self::$args['profile_options'] ) && ( $wpscreen->id === 'profile' || $wpscreen->id === 'user-edit' ) ) { self::$enqueue = true; } if ( ! empty( self::$args['comment_options'] ) && $wpscreen->id === 'comment' ) { self::$enqueue = true; } if ( $wpscreen->id === 'tools_page_csf-welcome' ) { self::$enqueue = true; } } if ( ! apply_filters( 'csf_enqueue_assets', self::$enqueue ) ) { return; } // Check for developer mode $min = ( self::$debug && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? '' : '.min'; // Admin utilities wp_enqueue_media(); // Wp color picker wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' ); // Font awesome 4 and 5 loader if ( apply_filters( 'csf_fa4', false ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'csf-fa', ''. $min .'.css', array(), '4.7.0', 'all' ); } else { wp_enqueue_style( 'csf-fa5', ''. $min .'.css', array(), '5.15.5', 'all' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'csf-fa5-v4-shims', ''. $min .'.css', array(), '5.15.5', 'all' ); } // Main style wp_enqueue_style( 'sakurairo_csf', self::include_plugin_url( 'assets/css/style'. $min .'.css' ), array(), self::$version, 'all' ); // Main RTL styles if ( is_rtl() ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'csf-rtl', self::include_plugin_url( 'assets/css/style-rtl'. $min .'.css' ), array(), self::$version, 'all' ); } // Main scripts wp_enqueue_script( 'csf-plugins', self::include_plugin_url( 'assets/js/plugins'. $min .'.js' ), array(), self::$version, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'sakurairo_csf', self::include_plugin_url( 'assets/js/main'. $min .'.js' ), array( 'csf-plugins' ), self::$version, true ); // Main variables wp_localize_script( 'sakurairo_csf', 'csf_vars', array( 'color_palette' => apply_filters( 'csf_color_palette', array() ), 'i18n' => array( 'confirm' => esc_html__( 'Are you sure?', 'sakurairo_csf' ), 'typing_text' => esc_html__( 'Please enter %s or more characters', 'sakurairo_csf' ), 'searching_text' => esc_html__( 'Searching...', 'sakurairo_csf' ), 'no_results_text' => esc_html__( 'No results found.', 'sakurairo_csf' ), ), ) ); // Enqueue fields scripts and styles $enqueued = array(); if ( ! empty( self::$fields ) ) { foreach ( self::$fields as $field ) { if ( ! empty( $field['type'] ) ) { $classname = 'CSF_Field_' . $field['type']; if ( class_exists( $classname ) && method_exists( $classname, 'enqueue' ) ) { $instance = new $classname( $field ); if ( method_exists( $classname, 'enqueue' ) ) { $instance->enqueue(); } unset( $instance ); } } } } do_action( 'csf_enqueue' ); } // Add typography enqueue styles to front page public static function add_typography_enqueue_styles() { if ( ! empty( self::$webfonts ) ) { if ( ! empty( self::$webfonts['enqueue'] ) ) { $query = array(); $fonts = array(); foreach ( self::$webfonts['enqueue'] as $family => $styles ) { $fonts[] = $family . ( ( ! empty( $styles ) ) ? ':'. implode( ',', $styles ) : '' ); } if ( ! empty( $fonts ) ) { $query['family'] = implode( '%7C', $fonts ); } if ( ! empty( self::$subsets ) ) { $query['subset'] = implode( ',', self::$subsets ); } $query['display'] = 'swap'; wp_enqueue_style( 'csf-google-web-fonts', esc_url( add_query_arg( $query, '//' ) ), array(), null ); } if ( ! empty( self::$webfonts['async'] ) ) { $fonts = array(); foreach ( self::$webfonts['async'] as $family => $styles ) { $fonts[] = $family . ( ( ! empty( $styles ) ) ? ':'. implode( ',', $styles ) : '' ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'csf-google-web-fonts', esc_url( '//' ), array(), null ); wp_localize_script( 'csf-google-web-fonts', 'WebFontConfig', array( 'google' => array( 'families' => $fonts ) ) ); } } } // Add admin body class public static function add_admin_body_class( $classes ) { if ( apply_filters( 'csf_fa4', false ) ) { $classes .= 'csf-fa5-shims'; } return $classes; } // Add custom css to front page public static function add_custom_css() { if ( ! empty( self::$css ) ) { echo ''; } } // Add a new framework field public static function field( $field = array(), $value = '', $unique = '', $where = '', $parent = '' ) { // Check for unallow fields if ( ! empty( $field['_notice'] ) ) { $field_type = $field['type']; $field = array(); $field['content'] = esc_html__( 'Oops! Not allowed.', 'sakurairo_csf' ) .' ('. $field_type .')'; $field['type'] = 'notice'; $field['style'] = 'danger'; } $depend = ''; $visible = ''; $unique = ( ! empty( $unique ) ) ? $unique : ''; $class = ( ! empty( $field['class'] ) ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $field['class'] ) : ''; $is_pseudo = ( ! empty( $field['pseudo'] ) ) ? ' csf-pseudo-field' : ''; $field_type = ( ! empty( $field['type'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $field['type'] ) : ''; if ( ! empty( $field['dependency'] ) ) { $dependency = $field['dependency']; $depend_visible = ''; $data_controller = ''; $data_condition = ''; $data_value = ''; $data_global = ''; if ( is_array( $dependency[0] ) ) { $data_controller = implode( '|', array_column( $dependency, 0 ) ); $data_condition = implode( '|', array_column( $dependency, 1 ) ); $data_value = implode( '|', array_column( $dependency, 2 ) ); $data_global = implode( '|', array_column( $dependency, 3 ) ); $depend_visible = implode( '|', array_column( $dependency, 4 ) ); } else { $data_controller = ( ! empty( $dependency[0] ) ) ? $dependency[0] : ''; $data_condition = ( ! empty( $dependency[1] ) ) ? $dependency[1] : ''; $data_value = ( ! empty( $dependency[2] ) ) ? $dependency[2] : ''; $data_global = ( ! empty( $dependency[3] ) ) ? $dependency[3] : ''; $depend_visible = ( ! empty( $dependency[4] ) ) ? $dependency[4] : ''; } $depend .= ' data-controller="'. esc_attr( $data_controller ) .'"'; $depend .= ' data-condition="'. esc_attr( $data_condition ) .'"'; $depend .= ' data-value="'. esc_attr( $data_value ) .'"'; $depend .= ( ! empty( $data_global ) ) ? ' data-depend-global="true"' : ''; $visible = ( ! empty( $depend_visible ) ) ? ' csf-depend-visible' : ' csf-depend-hidden'; } // These attributes has been sanitized above. echo '
'; if ( ! empty( $field_type ) ) { if ( ! empty( $field['title'] ) ) { echo '
'; echo '

'. $field['title'] .'

'; echo ( ! empty( $field['subtitle'] ) ) ? '
'. $field['subtitle'] .'
' : ''; echo '
'; } echo ( ! empty( $field['title'] ) ) ? '
' : ''; $value = ( ! isset( $value ) && isset( $field['default'] ) ) ? $field['default'] : $value; $value = ( isset( $field['value'] ) ) ? $field['value'] : $value; $classname = 'CSF_Field_'. $field_type; if ( class_exists( $classname ) ) { $instance = new $classname( $field, $value, $unique, $where, $parent ); $instance->render(); } else { echo '

'. esc_html__( 'Field not found!', 'sakurairo_csf' ) .'

'; } } else { echo '

'. esc_html__( 'Field not found!', 'sakurairo_csf' ) .'

'; } echo ( ! empty( $field['title'] ) ) ? '
' : ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } } Sakurairo_CSF::init( __FILE__ );