optionName = $optionName; } /** * Get time elapsed since the last update check. * * If there are no recorded update checks, this method returns a large arbitrary number * (i.e. time since the Unix epoch). * * @return int Elapsed time in seconds. */ public function timeSinceLastCheck() { $this->lazyLoad(); return time() - $this->lastCheck; } /** * @return int */ public function getLastCheck() { $this->lazyLoad(); return $this->lastCheck; } /** * Set the time of the last update check to the current timestamp. * * @return $this */ public function setLastCheckToNow() { $this->lazyLoad(); $this->lastCheck = time(); return $this; } /** * @return null|Update */ public function getUpdate() { $this->lazyLoad(); return $this->update; } /** * @param Update|null $update * @return $this */ public function setUpdate(Update $update = null) { $this->lazyLoad(); $this->update = $update; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getCheckedVersion() { $this->lazyLoad(); return $this->checkedVersion; } /** * @param string $version * @return $this */ public function setCheckedVersion($version) { $this->lazyLoad(); $this->checkedVersion = strval($version); return $this; } /** * Get translation updates. * * @return array */ public function getTranslations() { $this->lazyLoad(); if ( isset($this->update, $this->update->translations) ) { return $this->update->translations; } return array(); } /** * Set translation updates. * * @param array $translationUpdates */ public function setTranslations($translationUpdates) { $this->lazyLoad(); if ( isset($this->update) ) { $this->update->translations = $translationUpdates; $this->save(); } } public function save() { $state = new \stdClass(); $state->lastCheck = $this->lastCheck; $state->checkedVersion = $this->checkedVersion; if ( isset($this->update)) { $state->update = $this->update->toStdClass(); $updateClass = get_class($this->update); $state->updateClass = $updateClass; $prefix = $this->getLibPrefix(); if ( Utils::startsWith($updateClass, $prefix) ) { $state->updateBaseClass = substr($updateClass, strlen($prefix)); } } update_site_option($this->optionName, $state); $this->isLoaded = true; } /** * @return $this */ public function lazyLoad() { if ( !$this->isLoaded ) { $this->load(); } return $this; } protected function load() { $this->isLoaded = true; $state = get_site_option($this->optionName, null); if ( !is_object($state) ) { $this->lastCheck = 0; $this->checkedVersion = ''; $this->update = null; return; } $this->lastCheck = intval(Utils::get($state, 'lastCheck', 0)); $this->checkedVersion = Utils::get($state, 'checkedVersion', ''); $this->update = null; if ( isset($state->update) ) { //This mess is due to the fact that the want the update class from this version //of the library, not the version that saved the update. $updateClass = null; if ( isset($state->updateBaseClass) ) { $updateClass = $this->getLibPrefix() . $state->updateBaseClass; } else if ( isset($state->updateClass) ) { $updateClass = $state->updateClass; } $factory = array($updateClass, 'fromObject'); if ( ($updateClass !== null) && is_callable($factory) ) { $this->update = call_user_func($factory, $state->update); } } } public function delete() { delete_site_option($this->optionName); $this->lastCheck = 0; $this->checkedVersion = ''; $this->update = null; } private function getLibPrefix() { //This assumes that the current class is at the top of the versioned namespace. return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\'; } } endif;