[^/]+?)/(?P[^/#?&]+?)/?$@', $path, $matches) ) { $this->username = $matches['username']; $this->repository = $matches['repository']; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid BitBucket repository URL: "' . $repositoryUrl . '"'); } parent::__construct($repositoryUrl, $credentials); } protected function getUpdateDetectionStrategies($configBranch) { $strategies = array( self::STRATEGY_STABLE_TAG => function () use ($configBranch) { return $this->getStableTag($configBranch); }, ); if ( ($configBranch === 'master' || $configBranch === 'main') ) { $strategies[self::STRATEGY_LATEST_TAG] = array($this, 'getLatestTag'); } $strategies[self::STRATEGY_BRANCH] = function () use ($configBranch) { return $this->getBranch($configBranch); }; return $strategies; } public function getBranch($branchName) { $branch = $this->api('/refs/branches/' . $branchName); if ( is_wp_error($branch) || empty($branch) ) { return null; } //The "/src/{stuff}/{path}" endpoint doesn't seem to handle branch names that contain slashes. //If we don't encode the slash, we get a 404. If we encode it as "%2F", we get a 401. //To avoid issues, if the branch name is not URL-safe, let's use the commit hash instead. $ref = $branch->name; if ((urlencode($ref) !== $ref) && isset($branch->target->hash)) { $ref = $branch->target->hash; } return new Reference(array( 'name' => $ref, 'updated' => $branch->target->date, 'downloadUrl' => $this->getDownloadUrl($branch->name), )); } /** * Get a specific tag. * * @param string $tagName * @return Reference|null */ public function getTag($tagName) { $tag = $this->api('/refs/tags/' . $tagName); if ( is_wp_error($tag) || empty($tag) ) { return null; } return new Reference(array( 'name' => $tag->name, 'version' => ltrim($tag->name, 'v'), 'updated' => $tag->target->date, 'downloadUrl' => $this->getDownloadUrl($tag->name), )); } /** * Get the tag that looks like the highest version number. * * @return Reference|null */ public function getLatestTag() { $tags = $this->api('/refs/tags?sort=-target.date'); if ( !isset($tags, $tags->values) || !is_array($tags->values) ) { return null; } //Filter and sort the list of tags. $versionTags = $this->sortTagsByVersion($tags->values); //Return the first result. if ( !empty($versionTags) ) { $tag = $versionTags[0]; return new Reference(array( 'name' => $tag->name, 'version' => ltrim($tag->name, 'v'), 'updated' => $tag->target->date, 'downloadUrl' => $this->getDownloadUrl($tag->name), )); } return null; } /** * Get the tag/ref specified by the "Stable tag" header in the readme.txt of a given branch. * * @param string $branch * @return null|Reference */ protected function getStableTag($branch) { $remoteReadme = $this->getRemoteReadme($branch); if ( !empty($remoteReadme['stable_tag']) ) { $tag = $remoteReadme['stable_tag']; //You can explicitly opt out of using tags by setting "Stable tag" to //"trunk" or the name of the current branch. if ( ($tag === $branch) || ($tag === 'trunk') ) { return $this->getBranch($branch); } return $this->getTag($tag); } return null; } /** * @param string $ref * @return string */ protected function getDownloadUrl($ref) { return sprintf( 'https://bitbucket.org/%s/%s/get/%s.zip', $this->username, $this->repository, $ref ); } /** * Get the contents of a file from a specific branch or tag. * * @param string $path File name. * @param string $ref * @return null|string Either the contents of the file, or null if the file doesn't exist or there's an error. */ public function getRemoteFile($path, $ref = 'master') { $response = $this->api('src/' . $ref . '/' . ltrim($path)); if ( is_wp_error($response) || !is_string($response) ) { return null; } return $response; } /** * Get the timestamp of the latest commit that changed the specified branch or tag. * * @param string $ref Reference name (e.g. branch or tag). * @return string|null */ public function getLatestCommitTime($ref) { $response = $this->api('commits/' . $ref); if ( isset($response->values, $response->values[0], $response->values[0]->date) ) { return $response->values[0]->date; } return null; } /** * Perform a BitBucket API 2.0 request. * * @param string $url * @param string $version * @return mixed|\WP_Error */ public function api($url, $version = '2.0') { $url = ltrim($url, '/'); $isSrcResource = Utils::startsWith($url, 'src/'); $url = implode('/', array( 'https://api.bitbucket.org', $version, 'repositories', $this->username, $this->repository, $url )); $baseUrl = $url; if ( $this->oauth ) { $url = $this->oauth->sign($url,'GET'); } $options = array('timeout' => wp_doing_cron() ? 10 : 3); if ( !empty($this->httpFilterName) ) { $options = apply_filters($this->httpFilterName, $options); } $response = wp_remote_get($url, $options); if ( is_wp_error($response) ) { do_action('puc_api_error', $response, null, $url, $this->slug); return $response; } $code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response); $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); if ( $code === 200 ) { if ( $isSrcResource ) { //Most responses are JSON-encoded, but src resources just //return raw file contents. $document = $body; } else { $document = json_decode($body); } return $document; } $error = new \WP_Error( 'puc-bitbucket-http-error', sprintf('BitBucket API error. Base URL: "%s", HTTP status code: %d.', $baseUrl, $code) ); do_action('puc_api_error', $error, $response, $url, $this->slug); return $error; } /** * @param array $credentials */ public function setAuthentication($credentials) { parent::setAuthentication($credentials); if ( !empty($credentials) && !empty($credentials['consumer_key']) ) { $this->oauth = new OAuthSignature( $credentials['consumer_key'], $credentials['consumer_secret'] ); } else { $this->oauth = null; } } public function signDownloadUrl($url) { //Add authentication data to download URLs. Since OAuth signatures incorporate //timestamps, we have to do this immediately before inserting the update. Otherwise, //authentication could fail due to a stale timestamp. if ( $this->oauth ) { $url = $this->oauth->sign($url); } return $url; } } endif;