#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 # Update by : https://github.com/cppla/ServerStatus, Update date: 20220530 # 版本:1.0.3, 支持Python版本:2.7 to 3.10 # 支持操作系统: Linux, OSX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD, both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures # 说明: 默认情况下修改server和user就可以了。丢包率监测方向可以自定义,例如:CU = "www.facebook.com"。 SERVER = "" USER = "s01" PASSWORD = "USER_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" PORT = 35601 CU = "cu.tz.cloudcpp.com" CT = "ct.tz.cloudcpp.com" CM = "cm.tz.cloudcpp.com" PROBEPORT = 80 PROBE_PROTOCOL_PREFER = "ipv4" # ipv4, ipv6 PING_PACKET_HISTORY_LEN = 100 INTERVAL = 1 import socket import time import timeit import re import os import sys import json import errno import subprocess import threading try: from queue import Queue # python3 except ImportError: from Queue import Queue # python2 def get_uptime(): with open('/proc/uptime', 'r') as f: uptime = f.readline().split('.', 2) return int(uptime[0]) def get_memory(): re_parser = re.compile(r'^(?P\S*):\s*(?P\d*)\s*kB') result = dict() for line in open('/proc/meminfo'): match = re_parser.match(line) if not match: continue key, value = match.groups(['key', 'value']) result[key] = int(value) MemTotal = float(result['MemTotal']) MemUsed = MemTotal-float(result['MemFree'])-float(result['Buffers'])-float(result['Cached'])-float(result['SReclaimable']) SwapTotal = float(result['SwapTotal']) SwapFree = float(result['SwapFree']) return int(MemTotal), int(MemUsed), int(SwapTotal), int(SwapFree) def get_hdd(): p = subprocess.check_output(['df', '-Tlm', '--total', '-t', 'ext4', '-t', 'ext3', '-t', 'ext2', '-t', 'reiserfs', '-t', 'jfs', '-t', 'ntfs', '-t', 'fat32', '-t', 'btrfs', '-t', 'fuseblk', '-t', 'zfs', '-t', 'simfs', '-t', 'xfs']).decode("Utf-8") total = p.splitlines()[-1] used = total.split()[3] size = total.split()[2] return int(size), int(used) def get_time(): with open("/proc/stat", "r") as f: time_list = f.readline().split(' ')[2:6] for i in range(len(time_list)) : time_list[i] = int(time_list[i]) return time_list def delta_time(): x = get_time() time.sleep(INTERVAL) y = get_time() for i in range(len(x)): y[i]-=x[i] return y def get_cpu(): t = delta_time() st = sum(t) if st == 0: st = 1 result = 100-(t[len(t)-1]*100.00/st) return round(result, 1) def liuliang(): NET_IN = 0 NET_OUT = 0 with open('/proc/net/dev') as f: for line in f.readlines(): netinfo = re.findall('([^\s]+):[\s]{0,}(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)', line) if netinfo: if netinfo[0][0] == 'lo' or 'tun' in netinfo[0][0] \ or 'docker' in netinfo[0][0] or 'veth' in netinfo[0][0] \ or 'br-' in netinfo[0][0] or 'vmbr' in netinfo[0][0] \ or 'vnet' in netinfo[0][0] or 'kube' in netinfo[0][0] \ or netinfo[0][1]=='0' or netinfo[0][9]=='0': continue else: NET_IN += int(netinfo[0][1]) NET_OUT += int(netinfo[0][9]) return NET_IN, NET_OUT def tupd(): ''' tcp, udp, process, thread count: for view ddcc attack , then send warning :return: ''' s = subprocess.check_output("ss -t|wc -l", shell=True) t = int(s[:-1])-1 s = subprocess.check_output("ss -u|wc -l", shell=True) u = int(s[:-1])-1 s = subprocess.check_output("ps -ef|wc -l", shell=True) p = int(s[:-1])-2 s = subprocess.check_output("ps -eLf|wc -l", shell=True) d = int(s[:-1])-2 return t,u,p,d def get_network(ip_version): if(ip_version == 4): HOST = "ipv4.google.com" elif(ip_version == 6): HOST = "ipv6.google.com" try: socket.create_connection((HOST, 80), 2).close() return True except: return False lostRate = { '10010': 0.0, '189': 0.0, '10086': 0.0 } pingTime = { '10010': 0, '189': 0, '10086': 0 } netSpeed = { 'netrx': 0.0, 'nettx': 0.0, 'clock': 0.0, 'diff': 0.0, 'avgrx': 0, 'avgtx': 0 } diskIO = { 'read': 0, 'write': 0 } def _ping_thread(host, mark, port): lostPacket = 0 packet_queue = Queue(maxsize=PING_PACKET_HISTORY_LEN) IP = host if host.count(':') < 1: # if not plain ipv6 address, means ipv4 address or hostname try: if PROBE_PROTOCOL_PREFER == 'ipv4': IP = socket.getaddrinfo(host, None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0] else: IP = socket.getaddrinfo(host, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0] except Exception: pass while True: if packet_queue.full(): if packet_queue.get() == 0: lostPacket -= 1 try: b = timeit.default_timer() socket.create_connection((IP, port), timeout=1).close() pingTime[mark] = int((timeit.default_timer() - b) * 1000) packet_queue.put(1) except socket.error as error: if error.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: pingTime[mark] = int((timeit.default_timer() - b) * 1000) packet_queue.put(1) #elif error.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: else: lostPacket += 1 packet_queue.put(0) if packet_queue.qsize() > 30: lostRate[mark] = float(lostPacket) / packet_queue.qsize() time.sleep(INTERVAL) def _net_speed(): while True: with open("/proc/net/dev", "r") as f: net_dev = f.readlines() avgrx = 0 avgtx = 0 for dev in net_dev[2:]: dev = dev.split(':') if "lo" in dev[0] or "tun" in dev[0] \ or "docker" in dev[0] or "veth" in dev[0] \ or "br-" in dev[0] or "vmbr" in dev[0] \ or "vnet" in dev[0] or "kube" in dev[0]: continue dev = dev[1].split() avgrx += int(dev[0]) avgtx += int(dev[8]) now_clock = time.time() netSpeed["diff"] = now_clock - netSpeed["clock"] netSpeed["clock"] = now_clock netSpeed["netrx"] = int((avgrx - netSpeed["avgrx"]) / netSpeed["diff"]) netSpeed["nettx"] = int((avgtx - netSpeed["avgtx"]) / netSpeed["diff"]) netSpeed["avgrx"] = avgrx netSpeed["avgtx"] = avgtx time.sleep(INTERVAL) def _disk_io(): ''' good luck for opensource! by: cpp.la 磁盘IO:因为IOPS原因,SSD和HDD、包括RAID卡,ZFS等阵列技术。IO对性能的影响还需要结合自身服务器情况来判断。 比如我这里是机械硬盘,大量做随机小文件读写,那么很低的读写也就能造成硬盘长时间的等待。 如果这里做连续性IO,那么普通机械硬盘写入到100Mb/s,那么也能造成硬盘长时间的等待。 磁盘读写有误差:4k,8k ,https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34413926/psutil-vs-dd-monitoring-disk-i-o :return: ''' while True: # pre pid snapshot snapshot_first = {} # next pid snapshot snapshot_second = {} # read count snapshot snapshot_read = 0 # write count snapshot snapshot_write = 0 # process snapshot pid_snapshot = [str(i) for i in os.listdir("/proc") if i.isdigit() is True] for pid in pid_snapshot: try: with open("/proc/{}/io".format(pid)) as f: pid_io = {} for line in f.readlines(): if "read_bytes" in line: pid_io["read"] = int(line.split("read_bytes:")[-1].strip()) elif "write_bytes" in line and "cancelled_write_bytes" not in line: pid_io["write"] = int(line.split("write_bytes:")[-1].strip()) pid_io["name"] = open("/proc/{}/comm".format(pid), "r").read().strip() snapshot_first[pid] = pid_io except: if pid in snapshot_first: snapshot_first.pop(pid) time.sleep(INTERVAL) for pid in pid_snapshot: try: with open("/proc/{}/io".format(pid)) as f: pid_io = {} for line in f.readlines(): if "read_bytes" in line: pid_io["read"] = int(line.split("read_bytes:")[-1].strip()) elif "write_bytes" in line and "cancelled_write_bytes" not in line: pid_io["write"] = int(line.split("write_bytes:")[-1].strip()) pid_io["name"] = open("/proc/{}/comm".format(pid), "r").read().strip() snapshot_second[pid] = pid_io except: if pid in snapshot_first: snapshot_first.pop(pid) if pid in snapshot_second: snapshot_second.pop(pid) for k, v in snapshot_first.items(): if snapshot_first[k]["name"] == snapshot_second[k]["name"] and snapshot_first[k]["name"] != "bash": snapshot_read += (snapshot_second[k]["read"] - snapshot_first[k]["read"]) snapshot_write += (snapshot_second[k]["write"] - snapshot_first[k]["write"]) diskIO["read"] = snapshot_read diskIO["write"] = snapshot_write def get_realtime_data(): ''' real time get system data :return: ''' t1 = threading.Thread( target=_ping_thread, kwargs={ 'host': CU, 'mark': '10010', 'port': PROBEPORT } ) t2 = threading.Thread( target=_ping_thread, kwargs={ 'host': CT, 'mark': '189', 'port': PROBEPORT } ) t3 = threading.Thread( target=_ping_thread, kwargs={ 'host': CM, 'mark': '10086', 'port': PROBEPORT } ) t4 = threading.Thread( target=_net_speed, ) t5 = threading.Thread( target=_disk_io, ) for ti in [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5]: ti.daemon = True ti.start() def byte_str(object): ''' bytes to str, str to bytes :param object: :return: ''' if isinstance(object, str): return object.encode(encoding="utf-8") elif isinstance(object, bytes): return bytes.decode(object) else: print(type(object)) if __name__ == '__main__': for argc in sys.argv: if 'SERVER' in argc: SERVER = argc.split('SERVER=')[-1] elif 'PORT' in argc: PORT = int(argc.split('PORT=')[-1]) elif 'USER' in argc: USER = argc.split('USER=')[-1] elif 'PASSWORD' in argc: PASSWORD = argc.split('PASSWORD=')[-1] elif 'INTERVAL' in argc: INTERVAL = int(argc.split('INTERVAL=')[-1]) socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) get_realtime_data() while True: try: print("Connecting...") s = socket.create_connection((SERVER, PORT)) data = byte_str(s.recv(1024)) if data.find("Authentication required") > -1: s.send(byte_str(USER + ':' + PASSWORD + '\n')) data = byte_str(s.recv(1024)) if data.find("Authentication successful") < 0: print(data) raise socket.error else: print(data) raise socket.error print(data) if data.find("You are connecting via") < 0: data = byte_str(s.recv(1024)) print(data) timer = 0 check_ip = 0 if data.find("IPv4") > -1: check_ip = 6 elif data.find("IPv6") > -1: check_ip = 4 else: print(data) raise socket.error while True: CPU = get_cpu() NET_IN, NET_OUT = liuliang() Uptime = get_uptime() Load_1, Load_5, Load_15 = os.getloadavg() MemoryTotal, MemoryUsed, SwapTotal, SwapFree = get_memory() HDDTotal, HDDUsed = get_hdd() array = {} if not timer: array['online' + str(check_ip)] = get_network(check_ip) timer = 10 else: timer -= 1*INTERVAL array['uptime'] = Uptime array['load_1'] = Load_1 array['load_5'] = Load_5 array['load_15'] = Load_15 array['memory_total'] = MemoryTotal array['memory_used'] = MemoryUsed array['swap_total'] = SwapTotal array['swap_used'] = SwapTotal - SwapFree array['hdd_total'] = HDDTotal array['hdd_used'] = HDDUsed array['cpu'] = CPU array['network_rx'] = netSpeed.get("netrx") array['network_tx'] = netSpeed.get("nettx") array['network_in'] = NET_IN array['network_out'] = NET_OUT # todo:兼容旧版本,下个版本删除ip_status array['ip_status'] = True array['ping_10010'] = lostRate.get('10010') * 100 array['ping_189'] = lostRate.get('189') * 100 array['ping_10086'] = lostRate.get('10086') * 100 array['time_10010'] = pingTime.get('10010') array['time_189'] = pingTime.get('189') array['time_10086'] = pingTime.get('10086') array['tcp'], array['udp'], array['process'], array['thread'] = tupd() array['io_read'] = diskIO.get("read") array['io_write'] = diskIO.get("write") s.send(byte_str("update " + json.dumps(array) + "\n")) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except socket.error: print("Disconnected...") if 's' in locals().keys(): del s time.sleep(3) except Exception as e: print("Caught Exception:", e) if 's' in locals().keys(): del s time.sleep(3)