--- title: 评价临床预测模型 tags: [] id: '1915' categories: - - uncategorized date: 2022-07-17 03:27:54 --- [模型来源](https://occdn.limour.top/2110.html),[参考1](https://m.iikx.com/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=17&id=10597&page=3)、[参考2](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/417683150) ## 安装补充包 * [conda activate ggsurvplot](https://occdn.limour.top/1820.html) * conda install -c conda-forge r-timeroc -y * conda install -c conda-forge r-gert -y * conda install -c conda-forge r-devtools -y * conda install -c r r-proc -y * \# conda install -c r r-nricens -y * ~/dev/xray/xray -c ~/etc/xui2.json & * wget -e "https\_proxy=" https://github.com/yikeshu0611/ggDCA/archive/refs/heads/master.zip -O ggDCA-master.zip * install.packages('nricens') * \# install.packages('ggDCA') * devtools::install\_local('ggDCA-master.zip') * install.packages('rmda') ```R library(pROC) #绘制ROC曲线 library(timeROC) library(ggDCA) #绘制DCA曲线 library(nricens) #计算NRI值 ``` ## Logistic回归的诺莫图的校准图 ```R fit <- lrm(formula(lrmf), data=df, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, maxit=1000) cal <- calibrate(fit, method="boot", B=1000) plot(cal,   xlab="Nomogram-predicted probability of nonadherence",   ylab="Actual diagnosed nonadherence (proportion)",   sub=F) ``` 其中Bias-corrected为校正曲线,而对角线Ideal为理想的曲线。校正曲线与理想曲线之间越相近,说明模型的预测能力越好。 ## COX回归的诺莫图的校准图 ```R f_cph_2 <- cph(formula(coxmf), x=T, y=T, surv=T, data=df) cal_2 <- calibrate(f_cph_2, u=5, cmethod='KM', m=15, B=200)# usually B=200 or 300, u=5表示五年 options(repr.plot.width=10, repr.plot.height=10) plot(cal_2,lwd=2,lty=1, ##设置线条宽度和线条类型 errbar.col=c(rgb(0,118,192,maxColorValue = 255)), ##设置一个颜色 xlab='Nomogram-Predicted Probability of 5 years DFS',#便签 ylab='Actual 5 years DFS(proportion)',#标签 col=c(rgb(192,98,83,maxColorValue = 255)),#设置一个颜色 xlim = c(0,1),ylim = c(0,1),##x轴和y轴范围 mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) #控制坐标轴的位置 ``` ## **计算C指数** * rcorrcens((dcf\_status==0)~predict(f2), data = df) * <0.5 模型没有任何预测能力 * 0.51-0.7 较差的准确性 * 0.71-0.9 中等的准确性 * \> 0.9 高度的准确性 ## **ROC曲线** ```R gfit <- roc((dcf_status==0)~predict(f2), data = df) options(repr.plot.width=6, repr.plot.height=6) plot(gfit,   print.auc=TRUE, #输出AUC值   print.thres=TRUE, #输出cut-off值   main = "ROC CURVE", #设置图形的标题   col= "red", #曲线颜色   print.thres.col="black", #cut-off值字体的颜色   identity.col="blue", #对角线颜色   identity.lty=1,identity.lwd=1) ``` * AUC值为 0.656 * 0.5~0.7 模型的效果较低 * 0.7~0.85 效果一般 * 0.85~0.95 效果很好 * 最佳截断值cut 2.898 * 当以2.898进行分组时,两组之间具有最佳的区分度 ![](https://img-cdn.limour.top/2022/07/17/62d373489eed0.png) ## Logistic回归的**DCA曲线** ```R library(rmda) #绘制DCA曲线 modul<- decision_curve(data= df,   formula(lrmf),   family = binomial(link ='logit'),   thresholds= seq(0,1, by = 0.01),   confidence.intervals = 0.95) plot_decision_curve(modul,   curve.names="Nonadherence prediction nomogram", #曲线名称   xlab="Threshold probability", #x轴名称   cost.benefit.axis =FALSE, col= "blue",   confidence.intervals=FALSE,   standardize = FALSE) ``` ## COX回归的**DCA曲线** ```R library(car) library(rms) library(pROC) library(timeROC) library(ggDCA) df <- readRDS('Cox_df.rds') df[,'dcf_status'] = ifelse(df[,'dcf_status']==0,1,2) dd=datadist(df) options(datadist="dd") coxmf <- paste0("Surv(dcf_time, dcf_status)~", paste(colnames(df)[1:10], collapse = '+')) coxmf f_cph_2 <- cph(formula(coxmf), x=T, y=T, surv=T, data=df) dca_training <- dca(f_cph_2, times=c(5*365, 10*365)) #五年、十年 ggplot(dca_training) ``` ## Logistic回归的**NRI指数** ```R lrmf_a <- paste0("factor(dcf_status)~", paste(colnames(df)[1:9], collapse = '+')) lrmf_b <- paste0("factor(dcf_status)~", paste(colnames(df)[1:10], collapse = '+')) fit_A <- glm(formula(lrmf_a), data = df, family = binomial(link="logit"), x=TRUE) fit_B <- glm(formula(lrmf_b), data = df, family = binomial(link="logit"), x=TRUE) gfit <- roc(factor(dcf_status)~predict(fit_A), data = df) options(repr.plot.width=10, repr.plot.height=10) plot(gfit,   print.auc=TRUE, #输出AUC值   print.thres=TRUE, #输出cut-off值   main = "ROC CURVE", #设置图形的标题   col= "red", #曲线颜色   print.thres.col="black", #cut-off值字体的颜色   identity.col="blue", #对角线颜色   identity.lty=1,identity.lwd=1) NRI <- nribin(mdl.std = fit_A, mdl.new = fit_B,   updown = 'diff',   cut = 0.05, niter = 500, alpha = 0.05) NRI <- nribin(mdl.std = fit_A, mdl.new = fit_B,   updown = 'category',   cut = 1.791, niter = 500, alpha = 0.05) ``` 根据之前模型的ROC分析确定的切点cut,之后的分析见[爱科学](https://m.iikx.com/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=17&id=10597&page=3)