datetime模块练习.md 913 B

title: datetime模块练习 tags:

  • datetime
  • MotherDay
  • Python id: '120' categories:
    • Python练习

      date: 2020-05-06 16:40:04

      import datetime
      oneday = datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
      def sunday(date):
      while date.weekday() != 6:
      date += oneday
      return date
      def MotherDay(year):
      mday = datetime.datetime(year, 5, 1)
      if mday.weekday() != 6:
      mday = sunday(mday + oneday)
      return  sunday(mday + oneday)
      def IntervalstoMday(today):
      mday = MotherDay(today.year)
      if today.strftime('%Y%m%d') == mday.strftime('%Y%m%d'):
      print("Today is Mother's Day")
      elif today < mday:
      Intervals = mday - today
      print(f"Intervals to Mother's Day is {Intervals.total_seconds()/3600:.2f}h")
      Intervals = MotherDay(today.year + 1) - today
      print(f"Intervals to Mother's Day is {Intervals.total_seconds()/3600:.2f}h")