title: Seurat绘制3D-umap tags: [] id: '1989' categories:
sample13 <- readRDS("~/upload/zl_liu/work/Prognosis/scRNA/sample13.rds")
sample13 <- RunUMAP(sample13, dims = 1:10, n.components = 3L)
plot.data <- FetchData(object = sample13, vars = c("UMAP_1", "UMAP_2", "UMAP_3", "seurat_clusters"))
plot.data$label <- paste(rownames(plot.data))
# Plot your data, in this example my Seurat object had 21 clusters (0-20)
plot_ly(data = plot.data,
x = ~UMAP_1, y = ~UMAP_2, z = ~UMAP_3,
color = ~seurat_clusters,
colors = c("lightseagreen",
type = "scatter3d",
mode = "markers",
marker = list(size = 5, width=2), # controls size of points
text=~label, #This is that extra column we made earlier for which we will use for cell ID
hoverinfo="text") #When you visualize your plotly object, hovering your mouse pointer over a point shows cell names