#! /bin/bash VERSION=`grep AC_INIT < configure.ac | awk -F',' '{print $2}'` FIRST=`echo $VERSION | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` SECOND=`echo $VERSION | awk -F'.' '{print $2}'` THIRD=`echo $VERSION | awk -F'.' '{print $3}'` NEXTTHIRD=`expr ${THIRD} + 1` export DEBEMAIL=germant@miltenyibiotec.de export DEBFULLNAME="German Tischler-Höhle" function cleanup { if [ ! -z "${COMMITFILE}" ] ; then if [ -f "${COMMITFILE}" ] ; then rm -f "${COMMITFILE}" fi fi } COMMITFILE=commit_msg_$$.txt trap cleanup EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM # make sure we have the latest version git checkout experimental git pull # create commit log message joe "${COMMITFILE}" if [ ! -s "${COMMITFILE}" ] ; then echo "Empty commit log, aborting" exit 1 fi # update to next minor version awk -v first=${FIRST} -v second=${SECOND} -v third=${THIRD} '/^AC_INIT/ {gsub(first"."second"."third,first"."second"."third+1);print} ; !/^AC_INIT/{print}' < configure.ac > configure.ac.tmp mv configure.ac.tmp configure.ac # update change log CHANGELOG=ChangeLog dch --distribution unstable -v ${FIRST}.${SECOND}.${NEXTTHIRD}-1 # commit file git add configure.ac ChangeLog git commit -F "${COMMITFILE}" git push TAG=biobambam2_experimental_${FIRST}_${SECOND}_${NEXTTHIRD} git tag -a ${TAG} -m "biobambam2 experimental version ${FIRST}_${SECOND}_${NEXTTHIRD}" git push origin ${TAG} exit 0