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| VCF_dat = VariantAnnotation::readVcf('~/upload/GWAS/IEU/ieu-a-2.vcf.gz') exp_dat = gwasglue::gwasvcf_to_TwoSampleMR(vcf = VCF_dat) saveRDS(file = 'ieu-a-2.exp_dat', exp_dat) exp_dat = subset(exp_dat, pval.exposure < 5e-08)
fix_ld_clump_local = function (dat, tempfile, clump_kb, clump_r2, clump_p, bfile, plink_bin) { shell <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "cmd", "sh") write.table(data.frame(SNP = dat[["rsid"]], P = dat[["pval"]]), file = tempfile, row.names = F, col.names = T, quote = F) fun2 <- paste0(shQuote(plink_bin, type = shell), " --bfile ", shQuote(bfile, type = shell), " --clump ", shQuote(tempfile, type = shell), " --clump-p1 ", clump_p, " --clump-r2 ", clump_r2, " --clump-kb ", clump_kb, " --out ", shQuote(tempfile, type = shell)) print(fun2) system(fun2) res <- read.table(paste(tempfile, ".clumped", sep = ""), header = T) unlink(paste(tempfile, "*", sep = "")) y <- subset(dat, !dat[["rsid"]] %in% res[["SNP"]]) if (nrow(y) > 0) { message("Removing ", length(y[["rsid"]]), " of ", nrow(dat), " variants due to LD with other variants or absence from LD reference panel") } return(subset(dat, dat[["rsid"]] %in% res[["SNP"]])) } fuck = fix_ld_clump_local( dat = dplyr::tibble(rsid=exp_dat$SNP, pval=exp_dat$pval.exposure), tempfile = file.path(getwd(),'tmp.ld_clump.exp_dat'), clump_kb = 10000, clump_r2 = 0.001, clump_p = 1, plink_bin = '/opt/conda/envs/MR/bin/plink', bfile = "/home/jovyan/upload/GWAS/ld/EUR" ) exp_dat_clumped = exp_dat[exp_dat$SNP %in% fuck$rsid,] saveRDS(file = 'ieu-a-2.exp_gwas', exp_dat_clumped)