_config.fluid.yml 39 KB

  1. #---------------------------
  2. # Hexo Theme Fluid
  3. # Author: Fluid-dev
  4. # Github: https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid
  5. #
  6. # 配置指南: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/guide/
  7. # 你可以从指南中获得更详细的说明
  8. #
  9. # Guide: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/guide/
  10. # You can get more detailed help from the guide
  11. #---------------------------
  12. #---------------------------
  13. # 全局
  14. # Global
  15. #---------------------------
  16. # 用于浏览器标签的图标
  17. # Icon for browser tab
  18. favicon: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee07361815a.webp
  19. # 用于苹果设备的图标
  20. # Icon for Apple touch
  21. apple_touch_icon: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee07361815a.webp
  22. # 浏览器标签页中的标题分隔符,效果: 文章名 - 站点名
  23. # Title separator in browser tab, eg: article - site
  24. tab_title_separator: " - "
  25. # 强制所有链接升级为 HTTPS(适用于图片等资源出现 HTTP 混入报错)
  26. # Force all links to be HTTPS (applicable to HTTP mixed error)
  27. force_https: false
  28. # 代码块的增强配置
  29. # Enhancements to code blocks
  30. code:
  31. # 是否开启复制代码的按钮
  32. # Enable copy code button
  33. copy_btn: true
  34. # 代码语言
  35. # Code language
  36. language:
  37. enable: true
  38. default: "TEXT"
  39. # 代码高亮
  40. # Code highlight
  41. highlight:
  42. enable: true
  43. # 代码块是否显示行号
  44. # If true, the code block display line numbers
  45. line_number: true
  46. # 实现高亮的库,对应下面的设置
  47. # Highlight library
  48. # Options: highlightjs | prismjs
  49. lib: "highlightjs"
  50. highlightjs:
  51. # 在链接中挑选 style 填入
  52. # Select a style in the link
  53. # See: https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/
  54. style: "github gist"
  55. style_dark: "dark"
  56. prismjs:
  57. # 在下方链接页面右侧的圆形按钮挑选 style 填入,也可以直接填入 css 链接
  58. # Select the style button on the right side of the link page, you can also set the CSS link
  59. # See: https://prismjs.com/
  60. style: "default"
  61. style_dark: "tomorrow night"
  62. # 设为 true 高亮将本地静态生成(但只支持部分 prismjs 插件),设为 false 高亮将在浏览器通过 js 生成
  63. # If true, it will be generated locally (but some prismjs plugins are not supported). If false, it will be generated via JS in the browser
  64. preprocess: true
  65. # 一些好玩的功能
  66. # Some fun features
  67. fun_features:
  68. # 为 subtitle 添加打字机效果
  69. # Typing animation for subtitle
  70. typing:
  71. enable: false
  72. # 打印速度,数字越大越慢
  73. # Typing speed, the larger the number, the slower
  74. typeSpeed: 70
  75. # 游标字符
  76. # Cursor character
  77. cursorChar: "_"
  78. # 是否循环播放效果
  79. # If true, loop animation
  80. loop: false
  81. # 在指定页面开启,不填则在所有页面开启
  82. # Enable in specified page, all pages by default
  83. # Options: home | post | tag | category | about | links | page | 404
  84. scope: []
  85. # 为文章内容中的标题添加锚图标
  86. # Add an anchor icon to the title on the post page
  87. anchorjs:
  88. enable: true
  89. element: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
  90. # Options: left | right
  91. placement: left
  92. # Options: hover | always | touch
  93. visible: hover
  94. # Options: § | # | ❡
  95. icon: "§"
  96. # 加载进度条
  97. # Progress bar when loading
  98. progressbar:
  99. enable: true
  100. height_px: 3
  101. color: "#29d"
  102. # See: https://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress
  103. options: { showSpinner: false, trickleSpeed: 100 }
  104. # 主题暗色模式,开启后菜单中会出现切换按钮,用户浏览器会存储切换选项,并且会遵循 prefers-color-scheme 自动切换
  105. # Theme dark mode. If enable, a switch button will appear on the menu, each of the visitor's browser will store his switch option
  106. dark_mode:
  107. enable: true
  108. # 默认的选项(当用户手动切换后则不再按照默认模式),选择 `auto` 会优先遵循 prefers-color-scheme,其次按用户本地时间 18 点到次日 6 点之间进入暗色模式
  109. # Default option (when the visitor switches manually, the default mode is no longer followed), choosing `auto` will give priority to prefers-color-scheme, and then enter the dark mode from 18:00 to 6:00 in the visitor’s local time
  110. # Options: auto | light | dark
  111. default: auto
  112. # 主题颜色配置,其他不生效的地方请使用自定义 css 解决,配色可以在下方链接中获得启发
  113. # Theme color, please use custom CSS to solve other colors, color schema can be inspired by the links below
  114. # See: https://www.webdesignrankings.com/resources/lolcolors/
  115. color:
  116. # body 背景色
  117. # Color of body background
  118. body_bg_color: "#eee"
  119. # 暗色模式下的 body 背景色,下同
  120. # Color in dark mode, the same below
  121. body_bg_color_dark: "#181c27"
  122. # 顶部菜单背景色
  123. # Color of navigation bar background
  124. navbar_bg_color: "#2f4154"
  125. navbar_bg_color_dark: "#1f3144"
  126. # 顶部菜单字体色
  127. # Color of navigation bar text
  128. navbar_text_color: "#fff"
  129. navbar_text_color_dark: "#d0d0d0"
  130. # 副标题字体色
  131. # Color of navigation bar text
  132. subtitle_color: "#fff"
  133. subtitle_color_dark: "#d0d0d0"
  134. # 全局字体色
  135. # Color of global text
  136. text_color: "#3c4858"
  137. text_color_dark: "#c4c6c9"
  138. # 全局次级字体色(摘要、简介等位置)
  139. # Color of global secondary text (excerpt, introduction, etc.)
  140. sec_text_color: "#718096"
  141. sec_text_color_dark: "#a7a9ad"
  142. # 主面板背景色
  143. # Color of main board
  144. board_color: "#fff"
  145. board_color_dark: "#252d38"
  146. # 文章正文字体色
  147. # Color of post text
  148. post_text_color: "#2c3e50"
  149. post_text_color_dark: "#c4c6c9"
  150. # 文章正文字体色(h1 h2 h3...)
  151. # Color of Article heading (h1 h2 h3...)
  152. post_heading_color: "#1a202c"
  153. post_heading_color_dark: "#c4c6c9"
  154. # 文章超链接字体色
  155. # Color of post link
  156. post_link_color: "#0366d6"
  157. post_link_color_dark: "#1589e9"
  158. # 超链接悬浮时字体色
  159. # Color of link when hovering
  160. link_hover_color: "#30a9de"
  161. link_hover_color_dark: "#30a9de"
  162. # 超链接悬浮背景色
  163. # Color of link background when hovering
  164. link_hover_bg_color: "#f8f9fa"
  165. link_hover_bg_color_dark: "#364151"
  166. # 分隔线和表格边线的颜色
  167. # Color of horizontal rule and table border
  168. line_color: "#eaecef"
  169. line_color_dark: "#435266"
  170. # 滚动条颜色
  171. # Color of scrollbar
  172. scrollbar_color: "#c4c6c9"
  173. scrollbar_color_dark: "#687582"
  174. # 滚动条悬浮颜色
  175. # Color of scrollbar when hovering
  176. scrollbar_hover_color: "#a6a6a6"
  177. scrollbar_hover_color_dark: "#9da8b3"
  178. # 按钮背景色
  179. # Color of button
  180. button_bg_color: "transparent"
  181. button_bg_color_dark: "transparent"
  182. # 按钮悬浮背景色
  183. # Color of button when hovering
  184. button_hover_bg_color: "#f2f3f5"
  185. button_hover_bg_color_dark: "#46647e"
  186. # 主题字体配置
  187. # Font
  188. font:
  189. font_size: 16px
  190. font_family:
  191. letter_spacing: 0.02em
  192. code_font_size: 85%
  193. # 指定自定义 .js 文件路径,支持列表;路径是相对 source 目录,如 /js/custom.js 对应存放目录 source/js/custom.js
  194. # Specify the path of your custom js file, support list. The path is relative to the source directory, such as `/js/custom.js` corresponding to the directory `source/js/custom.js`
  195. custom_js:
  196. # 指定自定义 .css 文件路径,用法和 custom_js 相同
  197. # The usage is the same as custom_js
  198. custom_css:
  199. - /theme-inject/custom.css
  200. - /theme-inject/iconfont.css
  201. # 网页访问统计
  202. # Analysis of website visitors
  203. web_analytics: # 网页访问统计
  204. enable: false
  205. # 遵循访客浏览器"请勿追踪"的设置,如果开启则不统计其访问
  206. # Follow the "Do Not Track" setting of the visitor's browser
  207. # See: https://www.w3.org/TR/tracking-dnt/
  208. follow_dnt: true
  209. # 百度统计的 Key,值需要获取下方链接中 `hm.js?` 后边的字符串
  210. # Baidu analytics, get the string behind `hm.js?`
  211. # See: https://tongji.baidu.com/sc-web/10000033910/home/site/getjs?siteId=13751376
  212. baidu:
  213. # Google Analytics 4 的媒体资源 ID
  214. # Google Analytics 4 MEASUREMENT_ID
  215. # See: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9744165#zippy=%2Cin-this-article
  216. google:
  217. measurement_id:
  218. # 腾讯统计的 H5 App ID,开启高级功能才有cid
  219. # Tencent analytics, set APP ID
  220. # See: https://mta.qq.com/h5/manage/ctr_app_manage
  221. tencent:
  222. sid:
  223. cid:
  224. # 51.la 站点统计 ID
  225. # 51.la analytics
  226. # See: https://www.51.la/user/site/index
  227. woyaola: # 51.la 站点统计 ID,参见
  228. # 友盟/cnzz 站点统计 web_id
  229. # cnzz analytics
  230. # See: https://web.umeng.com/main.php?c=site&a=show
  231. cnzz:
  232. # LeanCloud 计数统计,可用于 PV UV 展示,如果 `web_analytics: enable` 没有开启,PV UV 展示只会查询不会增加
  233. # LeanCloud count statistics, which can be used for PV UV display. If `web_analytics: enable` is false, PV UV display will only query and not increase
  234. leancloud:
  235. app_id:
  236. app_key:
  237. # REST API 服务器地址,国际版不填
  238. # Only the Chinese mainland users need to set
  239. server_url:
  240. # 统计页面时获取路径的属性
  241. # Get the attribute of the page path during statistics
  242. path: window.location.pathname
  243. # 开启后不统计本地路径( localhost 与 )
  244. # If true, ignore localhost &
  245. ignore_local: false
  246. # 对页面中的图片和评论插件进行懒加载处理,可见范围外的元素不会提前加载
  247. # Lazy loading of images and comment plugin on the page
  248. lazyload:
  249. enable: true
  250. # 加载时的占位图片
  251. # The placeholder image when loading
  252. loading_img: https://jscdn.limour.top/gh/Limour-dev/Sakurairo_Vision/load_svg/inload.svg
  253. # 开启后懒加载仅在文章页生效,如果自定义页面需要使用,可以在 Front-matter 里指定 `lazyload: true`
  254. # If true, only enable lazyload on the post page. For custom pages, you can set 'lazyload: true' in front-matter
  255. onlypost: false
  256. # 触发加载的偏移倍数,基数是视窗高度,可根据部署环境的请求速度调节
  257. # The factor of viewport height that triggers loading
  258. offset_factor: 2
  259. # 图标库,包含了大量社交类图标,主题依赖的不包含在内,因此可自行修改,详见 https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/icon/
  260. # Icon library, which includes many social icons, does not include those theme dependent, so your can modify link by yourself. See: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/icon/
  261. iconfont: //at.alicdn.com/t/font_1736178_lbnruvf0jn.css
  262. #---------------------------
  263. # 页头
  264. # Header
  265. #---------------------------
  266. # 导航栏的相关配置
  267. # Navigation bar
  268. navbar:
  269. # 导航栏左侧的标题,为空则按 hexo config 中 `title` 显示
  270. # The title on the left side of the navigation bar. If empty, it is based on `title` in hexo config
  271. blog_title: "Limour's Blog"
  272. # 导航栏毛玻璃特效,实验性功能,可能会造成页面滚动掉帧和抖动,部分浏览器不支持会自动不生效
  273. # Navigation bar frosted glass special animation. It is an experimental feature
  274. ground_glass:
  275. enable: false
  276. # 模糊像素,只能为数字,数字越大模糊度越高
  277. # Number of blurred pixel. the larger the number, the higher the blur
  278. px: 3
  279. # 不透明度,数字越大透明度越低,注意透明过度可能看不清菜单字体
  280. # Ratio of opacity, 1.0 is completely opaque
  281. # available: 0 - 1.0
  282. alpha: 0.7
  283. # 导航栏菜单,可自行增减,key 用来关联 languages/*.yml,如不存在关联则显示 key 本身的值;icon 是 css class,可以省略;增加 name 可以强制显示指定名称
  284. # Navigation bar menu. `key` is used to associate languages/*.yml. If there is no association, the value of `key` itself will be displayed; if `icon` is a css class, it can be omitted; adding `name` can force the display of the specified name
  285. menu:
  286. - { key: "Home", link: "/", icon: "iconfont icon-home-fill" }
  287. - { key: "Archive1", link: "/archives/", icon: "iconfont icon-archive-fill" }
  288. - { key: "Archive2", link: "https://occdn.limour.top/archives/", icon: "iconfont icon-archive-fill" }
  289. - { key: "Archive3", link: "https://b.limour.top/archives/", icon: "iconfont icon-archive-fill" }
  290. - { key: "Alist", link: "https://od.limour.top/", icon: "iconfont icon-onedrive" }
  291. - { key: "Orcid", link: "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8897-1685", icon: "iconfont icon-orcid" }
  292. - { key: "Links", link: "/links/", icon: "iconfont icon-link-fill" }
  293. # 搜索功能,基于 hexo-generator-search 插件,若已安装其他搜索插件请关闭此功能,以避免生成多余的索引文件
  294. # Search feature, based on hexo-generator-search. If you have installed other search plugins, please disable this feature to avoid generating redundant index files
  295. search:
  296. enable: true
  297. # 搜索索引文件的路径,可以是相对路径或外站的绝对路径
  298. # Path for search index file, it can be a relative path or an absolute path
  299. path: /local-search.xml
  300. # 文件生成在本地的位置,必须是相对路径
  301. # The location where the index file is generated locally, it must be a relative location
  302. generate_path: /local-search.xml
  303. # 搜索的范围
  304. # Search field
  305. # Options: post | page | all
  306. field: post
  307. # 搜索是否扫描正文
  308. # If true, search will scan the post content
  309. content: true
  310. # 首屏图片的相关配置
  311. # Config of the big image on the first screen
  312. banner:
  313. # 视差滚动,图片与板块会随着屏幕滚动产生视差效果
  314. # Scrolling parallax
  315. parallax: true
  316. # 图片最小的宽高比,以免图片两边被过度裁剪,适用于移动端竖屏时,如需关闭设为 0
  317. # Minimum ratio of width to height, applicable to the vertical screen of mobile device, if you need to close it, set it to 0
  318. width_height_ratio: 1.0
  319. # 向下滚动的箭头
  320. # Scroll down arrow
  321. scroll_down_arrow:
  322. enable: true
  323. # 头图高度不小于指定比例,才显示箭头
  324. # Only the height of the banner image is greater than the ratio, the arrow is displayed
  325. # Available: 0 - 100
  326. banner_height_limit: 80
  327. # 翻页后自动滚动
  328. # Auto scroll after page turning
  329. scroll_after_turning_page: true
  330. # 向顶部滚动的箭头
  331. # Scroll top arrow
  332. scroll_top_arrow:
  333. enable: true
  334. # Open Graph metadata
  335. # See: https://hexo.io/docs/helpers.html#open-graph
  336. open_graph:
  337. enable: false
  338. twitter_card: summary_large_image
  339. twitter_id:
  340. twitter_site:
  341. google_plus:
  342. fb_admins:
  343. fb_app_id:
  344. #---------------------------
  345. # 页脚
  346. # Footer
  347. #---------------------------
  348. footer:
  349. # 页脚第一行文字的 HTML,建议保留 Fluid 的链接,用于向更多人推广本主题
  350. # HTML of the first line of the footer, it is recommended to keep the Fluid link to promote this theme to more people
  351. content: '
  352. <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="http://www.beian.gov.cn/portal/registerSystemInfo?recordcode=43130202000203"><img src="https://img.limour.top/2023/08/27/64eadeb81d6a0.webp">湘公网安备43130202000203号 </a>
  353. <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://beian.miit.gov.cn/">湘ICP备20008299号 </a>
  354. <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://icp.gov.moe/?keyword=20210128">萌ICP备20210128号</a>
  355. <br>
  356. <a href="https://www.foreverblog.cn/" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.foreverblog.cn/logo_en_default.png" alt="" style="width:auto;height:24px"> </a>
  357. <br>
  358. <a href="https://hexo.io" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><span>Hexo</span></a>
  359. <i class="iconfont icon-love"></i>
  360. <a href="https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><span>Fluid</span></a>
  361. <i class="iconfont icon-love"></i>
  362. <a href="https://github.com/limour-blog/limour-blog.github.io" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><span>SRC</span></a>
  363. <i class="iconfont icon-love"></i>
  364. <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20231130095837/https://effectiveacceleration.tech/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><span>e/Acc</span></a>
  365. '
  366. # 展示网站的 PV、UV 统计数
  367. # Display website PV and UV statistics
  368. statistics:
  369. enable: false
  370. # 统计数据来源,使用 leancloud 需要设置 `web_analytics: leancloud` 中的参数;使用 busuanzi 不需要额外设置,但是有时不稳定,另外本地运行时 busuanzi 显示统计数据很大属于正常现象,部署后会正常
  371. # Data source. If use leancloud, you need to set the parameter in `web_analytics: leancloud`
  372. # Options: busuanzi | leancloud
  373. source: "busuanzi"
  374. # 国内大陆服务器的备案信息
  375. # For Chinese mainland website policy, other areas keep disable
  376. beian:
  377. enable: false
  378. # ICP证号
  379. icp_text: 京ICP证123456号
  380. # 公安备案号,不填则只显示ICP
  381. police_text: 京公网安备12345678号
  382. # 公安备案的编号,用于URL跳转查询
  383. police_code: 12345678
  384. # 公安备案的图片. 为空时不显示备案图片
  385. police_icon: /img/police_beian.png
  386. #---------------------------
  387. # 首页
  388. # Home Page
  389. #---------------------------
  390. index:
  391. # 首页 Banner 头图,可以是相对路径或绝对路径,以下相同
  392. # Path of Banner image, can be a relative path or an absolute path, the same on other pages
  393. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  394. # 头图高度,屏幕百分比
  395. # Height ratio of banner image
  396. # Available: 0 - 100
  397. banner_img_height: 100
  398. # 头图黑色蒙版的不透明度,available: 0 - 1.0, 1 是完全不透明
  399. # Opacity of the banner mask, 1.0 is completely opaque
  400. # Available: 0 - 1.0
  401. banner_mask_alpha: 0.01
  402. # 首页副标题的独立设置
  403. # Independent config of home page subtitle
  404. slogan:
  405. enable: true
  406. # 为空则按 hexo config.subtitle 显示
  407. # If empty, text based on `subtitle` in hexo config
  408. text: "一沙一世界,一花一天堂。君掌盛无边,刹那成永恒。"
  409. # 通过 API 接口作为首页副标题的内容,必须返回的是 JSON 格式,如果请求失败则按 text 字段显示,该功能必须先开启 typing 打字机功能
  410. # Subtitle of the homepage through the API, must be returned a JSON. If the request fails, it will be displayed in `text` value. This feature must first enable the typing animation
  411. api:
  412. enable: false
  413. # 请求地址
  414. # Request url
  415. url: ""
  416. # 请求方法
  417. # Request method
  418. # Available: GET | POST | PUT
  419. method: "GET"
  420. # 请求头
  421. # Request headers
  422. headers: {}
  423. # 从请求结果获取字符串的取值字段,最终必须是一个字符串,例如返回结果为 {"data": {"author": "fluid", "content": "An elegant theme"}}, 则取值字段为 ['data', 'content'];如果返回是列表则自动选择第一项
  424. # The value field of the string obtained from the response. For example, the response content is {"data": {"author": "fluid", "content": "An elegant theme"}}, the expected `keys: ['data','content']`; if the return is a list, the first item is automatically selected
  425. keys: []
  426. # 自动截取文章摘要
  427. # Auto extract post
  428. auto_excerpt:
  429. enable: true
  430. # 打开文章的标签方式
  431. # The browser tag to open the post
  432. # Available: _blank | _self
  433. post_url_target: _self
  434. # 是否显示文章信息(时间、分类、标签)
  435. # Meta information of post
  436. post_meta:
  437. date: true
  438. category: true
  439. tag: true
  440. # 文章通过 sticky 排序后,在首页文章标题前显示图标
  441. # If the posts are sorted by `sticky`, an icon is displayed in front of the post title
  442. post_sticky:
  443. enable: true
  444. icon: "iconfont icon-top"
  445. #---------------------------
  446. # 文章页
  447. # Post Page
  448. #---------------------------
  449. post:
  450. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  451. banner_img_height: 70
  452. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  453. # 文章在首页的默认封面图,当没有指定 index_img 时会使用该图片,若两者都为空则不显示任何图片
  454. # Path of the default post cover when `index_img` is not set. If both are empty, no image will be displayed
  455. default_index_img:
  456. # 文章标题下方的元信息
  457. # Meta information below title
  458. meta:
  459. # 作者,优先根据 front-matter 里 author 字段,其次是 hexo 配置中 author 值
  460. # Author, based on `author` field in front-matter, if not set, based on `author` value in hexo config
  461. author:
  462. enable: true
  463. # 文章日期,优先根据 front-matter 里 date 字段,其次是 md 文件日期
  464. # Post date, based on `date` field in front-matter, if not set, based on create date of .md file
  465. date:
  466. enable: true
  467. # 格式参照 ISO-8601 日期格式化
  468. # ISO-8601 date format
  469. # See: http://momentjs.cn/docs/#/parsing/string-format/
  470. format: "LL a"
  471. # 字数统计
  472. # Word count
  473. wordcount:
  474. enable: true
  475. # 估计阅读全文需要的时长
  476. # Estimated reading time
  477. min2read:
  478. enable: true
  479. # 每个字词的长度,建议:中文≈2,英文≈5,中英混合可自行调节
  480. # Average word length (chars count in word), ZH ≈ 2, EN ≈ 5
  481. awl: 2
  482. # 每分钟阅读字数,如果大部分是技术文章可适度调低
  483. # Words per minute
  484. wpm: 60
  485. # 浏览量计数
  486. # Number of visits
  488. enable: false
  489. # 统计数据来源
  490. # Data Source
  491. # Options: busuanzi | leancloud
  492. source: "busuanzi"
  493. # 在文章开头显示文章更新时间,该时间默认是 md 文件更新时间,可通过 front-matter 中 `updated` 手动指定(和 date 一样格式)
  494. # Update date is displayed at the beginning of the post. The default date is the update date of the md file, which can be manually specified by `updated` in front-matter (same format as date)
  495. updated:
  496. enable: true
  497. # 格式参照 ISO-8601 日期格式化
  498. # ISO-8601 date format
  499. # See: http://momentjs.cn/docs/#/parsing/string-format/
  500. date_format: "LL a"
  501. # 是否使用相对时间表示,比如:"3 天前"
  502. # If true, it will be a relative time, such as: "3 days ago"
  503. relative: false
  504. # 提示标签类型
  505. # Note class
  506. # Options: default | primary | info | success | warning | danger | light
  507. note_class: info
  508. # 侧边栏展示当前分类下的文章
  509. # Sidebar of category
  510. category_bar:
  511. enable: true
  512. # 开启后,只有在文章 Front-matter 里指定 `category_bar: true` 才会展示分类,也可以通过 `category_bar: ["分类A"]` 来指定分类
  513. # If true, only set `category_bar: true` in Front-matter will enable sidebar of category, also set `category_bar: ["CategoryA"]` to specify categories
  514. specific: true
  515. # 置于板块的左侧或右侧
  516. # place in the board
  517. # Options: left | right
  518. placement: left
  519. # 文章的排序字段,前面带减号是倒序,不带减号是正序
  520. # Sort field for posts, with a minus sign is reverse order
  521. # Options: date | title | or other field of front-matter
  522. post_order_by: "title"
  523. # 单个分类中折叠展示文章数的最大值,超过限制会显示 More,0 则不限制
  524. # The maximum number of posts in a single category. If the limit is exceeded, it will be displayed More. If 0 no limit
  525. post_limit: 0
  526. # 侧边栏展示文章目录
  527. # Table of contents (TOC) in the sidebar
  528. toc:
  529. enable: true
  530. # 置于板块的左侧或右侧
  531. # place in the board
  532. # Options: left | right
  533. placement: right
  534. # 目录会选择这些节点作为标题
  535. # TOC will select these nodes as headings
  536. headingSelector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6"
  537. # 层级的折叠深度,0 是全部折叠,大于 0 后如果存在下级标题则默认展开
  538. # Collapse depth. If 0, all headings collapsed. If greater than 0, it will be expanded by default if there are sub headings
  539. collapseDepth: 0
  540. # 版权声明,会显示在每篇文章的结尾
  541. # Copyright, will be displayed at the end of each post
  542. copyright:
  543. enable: true
  544. # CreativeCommons license
  545. # Options: BY | BY-SA | BY-ND | BY-NC | BY-NC-SA | BY-NC-ND
  546. license: 'BY-NC-SA'
  547. # 显示作者
  548. author:
  549. enable: true
  550. # 显示发布日期
  551. # Show post date
  552. post_date:
  553. enable: true
  554. format: "LL"
  555. # 显示更新日期
  556. # Show update date
  557. update_date:
  558. enable: true
  559. format: "LL"
  560. # 文章底部上一篇下一篇功能
  561. # Link to previous/next post
  562. prev_next:
  563. enable: true
  564. # 文章图片标题
  565. # Image caption
  566. image_caption:
  567. enable: true
  568. # 文章图片可点击放大
  569. # Zoom feature of images
  570. image_zoom:
  571. enable: false
  572. # 放大后图片链接替换规则,可用于将压缩图片链接替换为原图片链接,如 ['-slim', ''] 是将链接中 `-slim` 移除;如果想使用正则请使用 `re:` 前缀,如 ['re:\\d{3,4}\\/\\d{3,4}\\/', '']
  573. # The image url replacement when zooming, the feature can be used to replace the compressed image to the original image, eg: ['-slim', ''] removes `-slim` from the image url when zooming; if you want to use regular, use prefix `re:`, eg: ['re:\\d{3,4}\\/\\d{3,4}\\/','']
  574. img_url_replace: ['', '']
  575. # 脚注语法,会在文章底部生成脚注,如果 Markdown 渲染器本身支持,则建议关闭,否则可能会冲突
  576. # Support footnote syntax, footnotes will be generated at the bottom of the post page. If the Markdown renderer itself supports it, please disable it, otherwise it may conflict
  577. footnote:
  578. enable: true
  579. # 脚注的节标题,也可以在 front-matter 中通过 `footnote: <h2>Reference</h2>` 这种形式修改单独页面的 header
  580. # The section title of the footnote, you can also modify the header of a single page in the form of `footnote: <h2>Reference</h2>` in front-matter
  581. header: ''
  582. # 数学公式,开启之前需要更换 Markdown 渲染器,否则复杂公式会有兼容问题,具体请见:https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/guide/##latex-数学公式
  583. # Mathematical formula. If enable, you need to change the Markdown renderer, see: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/guide/#math
  584. math:
  585. # 开启后文章默认可用,自定义页面如需使用,需在 Front-matter 中指定 `math: true`
  586. # If you want to use math on the custom page, you need to set `math: true` in Front-matter
  587. enable: true
  588. # 开启后,只有在文章 Front-matter 里指定 `math: true` 才会在文章页启动公式转换,以便在页面不包含公式时提高加载速度
  589. # If true, only set `math: true` in Front-matter will enable math, to load faster when the page does not contain math
  590. specific: true
  591. # Options: mathjax | katex
  592. engine: katex
  593. # 流程图,基于 mermaid-js,具体请见:https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/guide/#mermaid-流程图
  594. # Flow chart, based on mermaid-js, see: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/guide/#mermaid
  595. mermaid:
  596. # 开启后文章默认可用,自定义页面如需使用,需在 Front-matter 中指定 `mermaid: true`
  597. # If you want to use mermaid on the custom page, you need to set `mermaid: true` in Front-matter
  598. enable: false
  599. # 开启后,只有在文章 Front-matter 里指定 `mermaid: true` 才会在文章页启动公式转换,以便在页面不包含公式时提高加载速度
  600. # If true, only set `mermaid: true` in Front-matter will enable mermaid, to load faster when the page does not contain mermaid
  601. specific: false
  602. # See: http://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/
  603. options: { theme: 'default' }
  604. # 评论插件
  605. # Comment plugin
  607. enable: true
  608. # 指定的插件,需要同时设置对应插件的必要参数
  609. # The specified plugin needs to set the necessary parameters at the same time
  610. # Options: utterances | disqus | gitalk | valine | waline | changyan | livere | remark42 | twikoo | cusdis | giscus | discuss
  611. type: waline
  612. #---------------------------
  613. # 评论插件
  614. # Comment plugins
  615. #
  616. # 开启评论需要先设置上方 `post: comments: enable: true`,然后根据 `type` 设置下方对应的评论插件参数
  617. # Enable comments need to be set `post: comments: enable: true`, then set the corresponding comment plugin parameters below according to `type`
  618. #---------------------------
  619. # Utterances
  620. # 基于 GitHub Issues
  621. # Based on GitHub Issues
  622. # See: https://utteranc.es
  623. utterances:
  624. repo:
  625. issue_term: pathname
  626. label: utterances
  627. theme: github-light
  628. theme_dark: github-dark
  629. # Disqus
  630. # 基于第三方的服务,国内用户直接使用容易被墙,建议配合 Disqusjs
  631. # Based on third-party service
  632. # See: https://disqus.com
  633. disqus:
  634. shortname:
  635. # 以下为 Disqusjs 支持, 国内用户如果想使用 Disqus 建议配合使用
  636. # The following are Disqusjs configurations, please ignore if DisqusJS is not required
  637. # See: https://github.com/SukkaW/DisqusJS
  638. disqusjs: false
  639. apikey:
  640. # Gitalk
  641. # 基于 GitHub Issues
  642. # Based on GitHub Issues
  643. # See: https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk#options
  644. gitalk:
  645. clientID:
  646. clientSecret:
  647. repo:
  648. owner:
  649. admin: ['name']
  650. language: zh-CN
  651. labels: ['Gitalk']
  652. perPage: 10
  653. pagerDirection: last
  654. distractionFreeMode: false
  655. createIssueManually: true
  656. # 默认 proxy 可能会失效,解决方法请见下方链接
  657. # The default proxy may be invalid, refer to the links for solutions
  658. # https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk/issues/429
  659. # https://github.com/Zibri/cloudflare-cors-anywhere
  660. proxy: https://cors-anywhere.azm.workers.dev/https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
  661. # Valine
  662. # 基于 LeanCloud
  663. # Based on LeanCloud
  664. # See: https://valine.js.org/
  665. valine:
  666. appId:
  667. appKey:
  668. path: window.location.pathname
  669. placeholder:
  670. avatar: 'retro'
  671. meta: ['nick', 'mail', 'link']
  672. requiredFields: []
  673. pageSize: 10
  674. lang: 'zh-CN'
  675. highlight: false
  676. recordIP: false
  677. serverURLs: ''
  678. emojiCDN:
  679. emojiMaps:
  680. enableQQ: false
  681. # Waline
  682. # 从 Valine 衍生而来,额外增加了服务端和多种功能
  683. # Derived from Valine, with self-hosted service and new features
  684. # See: https://waline.js.org/
  685. waline:
  686. serverURL: 'https://comments.limour.top'
  687. path: window.location.pathname
  688. meta: ['nick', 'mail', 'link']
  689. requiredMeta: ['nick']
  690. lang: 'zh-CN'
  691. emoji: ['https://jscdn.limour.top/gh/walinejs/emojis/weibo']
  692. dark: 'html[data-user-color-scheme="dark"]'
  693. wordLimit: 0
  694. pageSize: 10
  695. # 畅言 Changyan
  696. # 基于第三方的服务
  697. # Based on third-party service, insufficient support for regions outside China
  698. # http://changyan.kuaizhan.com
  699. changyan:
  700. appid: ''
  701. appkey: ''
  702. # 来必力 Livere
  703. # 基于第三方的服务
  704. # Based on third-party service
  705. # See: https://www.livere.com
  706. livere:
  707. uid: ''
  708. # Remark42
  709. # 需要自托管服务端
  710. # Based on self-hosted service
  711. # See: https://remark42.com
  712. remark42:
  713. host:
  714. site_id:
  715. max_shown_comments: 10
  716. locale: zh
  717. components: ['embed']
  718. # Twikoo
  719. # 支持腾讯云、Vercel、Railway 等多种平台部署
  720. # Based on Tencent CloudBase
  721. # See: https://twikoo.js.org
  722. twikoo:
  723. envId:
  724. region: ap-shanghai
  725. path: window.location.pathname
  726. # Cusdis
  727. # 基于第三方服务或自托管服务
  728. # Based on third-party or self-hosted service
  729. # See https://cusdis.com
  730. cusdis:
  731. host:
  732. app_id:
  733. lang: zh-cn
  734. # Giscus
  735. # 基于 GitHub Discussions,类似于 Utterances
  736. # Based on GitHub Discussions, similar to Utterances
  737. # See: https://giscus.app/
  738. giscus:
  739. repo:
  740. repo-id:
  741. category:
  742. category-id:
  743. theme-light: light
  744. theme-dark: dark
  745. mapping: pathname
  746. reactions-enabled: 1
  747. emit-metadata: 0
  748. input-position: top
  749. lang: zh-CN
  750. # Discuss
  751. # 多平台、多数据库、自托管、免费开源评论系统
  752. # Self-hosted, small size, multi-platform, multi-database, free and open source commenting system
  753. # See: https://discuss.js.org
  754. discuss:
  755. serverURLs:
  756. path: window.location.pathname
  757. #---------------------------
  758. # 归档页
  759. # Archive Page
  760. #---------------------------
  761. archive:
  762. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  763. banner_img_height: 60
  764. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  765. #---------------------------
  766. # 分类页
  767. # Category Page
  768. #---------------------------
  769. category:
  770. enable: true
  771. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  772. banner_img_height: 60
  773. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  774. # 分类的排序字段,前面带减号是倒序,不带减号是正序
  775. # Sort field for categories, with a minus sign is reverse order
  776. # Options: length | name
  777. order_by: "-length"
  778. # 层级的折叠深度,0 是全部折叠,大于 0 后如果存在子分类则默认展开
  779. # Collapse depth. If 0, all posts collapsed. If greater than 0, it will be expanded by default if there are subcategories
  780. collapse_depth: 0
  781. # 文章的排序字段,前面带减号是倒序,不带减号是正序
  782. # Sort field for posts, with a minus sign is reverse order
  783. # Options: date | title | or other field of front-matter
  784. post_order_by: "-date"
  785. # 单个分类中折叠展示文章数的最大值,超过限制会显示 More,0 则不限制
  786. # The maximum number of posts in a single category. If the limit is exceeded, it will be displayed More. If 0 no limit
  787. post_limit: 10
  788. #---------------------------
  789. # 标签页
  790. # Tag Page
  791. #---------------------------
  792. tag:
  793. enable: true
  794. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  795. banner_img_height: 80
  796. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  797. tagcloud:
  798. min_font: 15
  799. max_font: 30
  800. unit: px
  801. start_color: "#BBBBEE"
  802. end_color: "#337ab7"
  803. #---------------------------
  804. # 关于页
  805. # About Page
  806. #---------------------------
  807. about:
  808. enable: false
  809. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  810. banner_img_height: 60
  811. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  812. avatar: /img/avatar.png
  813. name: "Fluid"
  814. intro: "An elegant theme for Hexo"
  815. # 更多图标可从 https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/icon/ 查找,`class` 代表图标的 css class,添加 `qrcode` 后,图标不再是链接而是悬浮二维码
  816. # More icons can be found from https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/icon/ `class` is the css class of the icon. If adding `qrcode`, The icon is no longer a link, but a hovering QR code
  817. icons:
  818. - { class: "iconfont icon-github-fill", link: "https://github.com", tip: "GitHub" }
  819. - { class: "iconfont icon-douban-fill", link: "https://douban.com", tip: "豆瓣" }
  820. - { class: "iconfont icon-wechat-fill", qrcode: "/img/favicon.png" }
  821. #---------------------------
  822. # 自定义页
  823. # Custom Page
  824. #
  825. # 通过 hexo new page 命令创建的页面
  826. # Custom Page through `hexo new page`
  827. #---------------------------
  828. page:
  829. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  830. banner_img_height: 60
  831. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  832. #---------------------------
  833. # 404页
  834. # 404 Page
  835. #---------------------------
  836. page404:
  837. enable: true
  838. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  839. banner_img_height: 85
  840. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  841. # 重定向到首页的延迟(毫秒)
  842. # Delay in redirecting to home page (milliseconds)
  843. redirect_delay: 5000
  844. #---------------------------
  845. # 友链页
  846. # Links Page
  847. #---------------------------
  848. links:
  849. enable: true
  850. banner_img: https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee08e108638.webp
  851. banner_img_height: 60
  852. banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  853. # 友链的成员项
  854. # Member item of page
  855. items:
  856. - {
  857. title: "Fluid Blog",
  858. intro: "主题博客",
  859. link: "https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/",
  860. avatar: "/img/favicon.png"
  861. }
  862. - {
  863. title: "Fluid Docs",
  864. intro: "主题使用指南",
  865. link: "https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/",
  866. avatar: "/img/favicon.png"
  867. }
  868. - {
  869. title: "Fluid Repo",
  870. intro: "主题 GitHub 仓库",
  871. link: "https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid",
  872. avatar: "/img/favicon.png"
  873. }
  874. - {
  875. title: "生信技能树",
  876. intro: "曾老师的生信论坛",
  877. link: "https://web.archive.org/web/20230605205823/http://www.biotrainee.com/",
  878. avatar: "https://img.limour.top/2023/09/24/65104f9d6d28f.webp"
  879. }
  880. - {
  881. title: "浅秋枫影",
  882. intro: "记录生活,记录代码,给自己的网络生涯留下一笔精神财富!",
  883. link: "https://cuojue.org",
  884. avatar: "https://cuojue.org/avatar/b81741f1a25b57a016e223fe13f905b4"
  885. }
  886. - {
  887. title: "zzxのブログ",
  888. intro: "烟花易逝,人情长存",
  889. link: "https://blog.xzzzx.xyz",
  890. avatar: "https://blog.xzzzx.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/touxiang.jpg"
  891. }
  892. # 当成员头像加载失败时,替换为指定图片
  893. # When the member avatar fails to load, replace the specified image
  894. onerror_avatar: /img/avatar.png
  895. # 友链下方自定义区域,支持 HTML,可插入例如申请友链的文字
  896. # Custom content at the bottom of the links
  897. custom:
  898. enable: true
  899. content: "<hr><p>在下方留言申请加入我的友链,按如下格式提供信息:</p><ul><li>博客名:Limour's Blog</li><li>简介:互联网の自留地</li><li>链接:https://hexo.limour.top</li><li>图片:https://img.limour.top/2023/08/29/64ee0818afef0.webp</li></ul>"
  900. # 评论插件
  901. # Comment plugin
  903. enable: true
  904. # 指定的插件,需要同时设置对应插件的必要参数
  905. # The specified plugin needs to set the necessary parameters at the same time
  906. # Options: utterances | disqus | gitalk | valine | waline | changyan | livere | remark42 | twikoo | cusdis | giscus | discuss
  907. type: waline
  908. #---------------------------
  909. # 以下是配置 JS CSS 等静态资源的 URL 前缀,可以自定义成 CDN 地址,
  910. # 如果需要修改,最好使用与默认配置相同的版本,以避免潜在的问题,
  911. # ** 如果你不知道如何设置,请不要做任何改动 **
  912. #
  913. # Here is the url prefix to configure the static assets. Set CDN addresses you want to customize.
  914. # Be aware that you would better use the same version as default ones to avoid potential problems.
  916. #---------------------------
  917. static_prefix:
  918. # 内部静态
  919. # Internal static
  920. internal_js: /js
  921. internal_css: /css
  922. internal_img: /img
  923. anchor: https://jscdn.limour.top/npm/anchor-js@4.3.1/
  924. github_markdown: https://jscdn.limour.top/npm/github-markdown-css@4.0.0/
  925. jquery: https://jscdn.limour.top/npm/jquery@3.6.4/dist/
  926. bootstrap: https://jscdn.limour.top/npm/bootstrap@4.6.1/dist/
  927. prismjs: https://lib.baomitu.com/prism/1.29.0/
  928. tocbot: https://jscdn.limour.top/npm/tocbot@4.20.1/dist/
  929. typed: https://lib.baomitu.com/typed.js/2.0.12/
  930. fancybox: https://lib.baomitu.com/fancybox/3.5.7/
  931. nprogress: https://jscdn.limour.top/npm/nprogress@0.2.0/
  932. mathjax: https://lib.baomitu.com/mathjax/3.2.2/
  933. katex: https://lib.baomitu.com/KaTeX/0.16.2/
  934. busuanzi: https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/busuanzi/2.3/
  935. clipboard: https://lib.baomitu.com/clipboard.js/2.0.11/
  936. mermaid: https://lib.baomitu.com/mermaid/8.14.0/
  937. valine: https://lib.baomitu.com/valine/1.5.1/
  938. waline: https://cdn.staticfile.org/waline/2.15.5/
  939. gitalk: https://lib.baomitu.com/gitalk/1.8.0/
  940. disqusjs: https://lib.baomitu.com/disqusjs/1.3.0/
  941. twikoo: https://lib.baomitu.com/twikoo/1.6.8/
  942. discuss: https://lib.baomitu.com/discuss/1.2.1/
  943. hint: https://jscdn.limour.top/npm/hint.css@2.7.0/