初次尝试docker-build.md 1.3 KB

title: 初次尝试docker build tags: [] id: '2596' categories:

    • 运维

      date: 2023-02-28 23:43:19

      # set alpine as the base image of the Dockerfile
      FROM alpine:latest
      # update the package repository and install Tor
      RUN apk update && apk --no-cache add tor
      # Copy over the torrc created above and set the owner to `tor`
      COPY torrc /etc/tor/torrc
      RUN chown -R tor /etc/tor
      # Set `tor` as the default user during the container runtime
      USER tor
      # Set `tor` as the entrypoint for the image
      ENTRYPOINT ["tor"]
      version: '3.3'
      container_name: tor
      restart: always
      image: limour/tor
      external: true
      name: sswitch
  • docker login -u username -p 'password'

  • mkdir -p ~/app/tor && cd ~/app/tor && nano Dockerfile && nano docker-compose.yml

  • echo 'SocksPort' > torrc

  • docker build -t limour/tor .

  • docker image ls grep limour/tor

  • sudo docker network create sswitch

  • sudo docker-compose up -d && sudo docker-compose logs

  • # sudo docker-compose down

  • sudo docker-compose logs tail
