zh_TW.po 120 KB

  1. msgid ""
  2. msgstr ""
  3. "Project-Id-Version: Codestar Framework Modified by Fuukei\n"
  4. "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-17 14:01+0800\n"
  5. "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-17 14:02+0800\n"
  6. "Last-Translator: \n"
  7. "Language-Team: \n"
  8. "Language: zh_TW\n"
  9. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  10. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  11. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  12. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
  13. "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n"
  14. "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
  15. "X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n"
  16. "X-Poedit-WPHeader: option-framework.php\n"
  17. "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
  18. "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;"
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  22. "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.min.js\n"
  23. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:169
  24. msgid "Error while saving the changes."
  25. msgstr "在儲存更改時發生錯誤。"
  26. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:229
  27. msgid "Settings successfully imported."
  28. msgstr "設定已成功匯入"
  29. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:241 classes/admin-options.class.php:257
  30. msgid "Default settings restored."
  31. msgstr "已還原成默認的設定"
  32. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:328
  33. msgid "Settings saved."
  34. msgstr "設定已儲存"
  35. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:509
  36. msgid "You have unsaved changes, save your changes!"
  37. msgstr "有更改尚未儲存,請記得儲存!"
  38. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:511
  39. msgid "show all settings"
  40. msgstr "顯示所有選項"
  41. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:513 fields/icon/icon.php:57
  42. #: fields/map/map.php:23
  43. msgid "Search..."
  44. msgstr "搜尋..."
  45. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:516 classes/admin-options.class.php:639
  46. msgid "Save"
  47. msgstr "儲存"
  48. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:516 classes/admin-options.class.php:639
  49. msgid "Saving..."
  50. msgstr "儲存中..."
  51. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:517 classes/admin-options.class.php:640
  52. msgid "Reset Section"
  53. msgstr "重設此部分"
  54. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:517 classes/admin-options.class.php:640
  55. msgid "Are you sure to reset this section options?"
  56. msgstr "是否要重設此部分選項為默認值?"
  57. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:518 classes/admin-options.class.php:641
  58. msgid "Reset All"
  59. msgstr "全部重設"
  60. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:518 classes/admin-options.class.php:641
  61. #: fields/backup/backup.php:31
  62. msgid "Reset"
  63. msgstr "重設"
  64. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:518 classes/admin-options.class.php:641
  65. msgid "Are you sure you want to reset all settings to default values?"
  66. msgstr "是否將所有設定恢復為默認值?"
  67. #: classes/admin-options.class.php:616 fields/button_set/button_set.php:56
  68. #: fields/checkbox/checkbox.php:82 fields/radio/radio.php:75
  69. #: fields/select/select.php:113 functions/actions.php:41
  70. msgid "No data available."
  71. msgstr "沒有可用的資料"
  72. #: classes/setup.class.php:588
  73. msgid "Are you sure?"
  74. msgstr "是否確定?"
  75. #: classes/setup.class.php:589
  76. #, php-format
  77. msgid "Please enter %s or more characters"
  78. msgstr "請輸入至少 %s 個字元"
  79. #: classes/setup.class.php:590
  80. msgid "Searching..."
  81. msgstr "搜尋中..."
  82. #: classes/setup.class.php:591
  83. msgid "No results found."
  84. msgstr "未搜尋到結果"
  85. #: classes/setup.class.php:692
  86. msgid "Oops! Not allowed."
  87. msgstr "哎呀!这是不允許的。"
  88. #: classes/setup.class.php:760 classes/setup.class.php:764
  89. msgid "Field not found!"
  90. msgstr "找不到欄位!"
  91. #: fields/background/background.php:36 fields/media/media.php:59
  92. msgid "Not selected"
  93. msgstr "未選中的"
  94. #: fields/background/background.php:72 fields/date/date.php:31
  95. #: fields/datetime/datetime.php:36
  96. msgid "From"
  97. msgstr "從"
  98. #: fields/background/background.php:90 fields/date/date.php:32
  99. #: fields/datetime/datetime.php:37
  100. msgid "To"
  101. msgstr "到"
  102. #: fields/background/background.php:108
  103. msgid "Direction"
  104. msgstr "方向"
  105. #: fields/background/background.php:114
  106. msgid "Gradient Direction"
  107. msgstr "漸層方向"
  108. #: fields/background/background.php:115
  109. msgid "⇓ top to bottom"
  110. msgstr "⇓ 從上到下"
  111. #: fields/background/background.php:116
  112. msgid "⇒ left to right"
  113. msgstr "⇒從左到右"
  114. #: fields/background/background.php:117
  115. msgid "⇘ corner top to right"
  116. msgstr "⇘ 右上角"
  117. #: fields/background/background.php:118
  118. msgid "⇙ corner top to left"
  119. msgstr "⇙ 左下角"
  120. #: fields/background/background.php:161
  121. msgid "Background Position"
  122. msgstr "背景位置"
  123. #: fields/background/background.php:162
  124. msgid "Left Top"
  125. msgstr "左上"
  126. #: fields/background/background.php:163
  127. msgid "Left Center"
  128. msgstr "左中"
  129. #: fields/background/background.php:164
  130. msgid "Left Bottom"
  131. msgstr "左下"
  132. #: fields/background/background.php:165
  133. msgid "Center Top"
  134. msgstr "中上"
  135. #: fields/background/background.php:166
  136. msgid "Center Center"
  137. msgstr "中间"
  138. #: fields/background/background.php:167
  139. msgid "Center Bottom"
  140. msgstr "中下"
  141. #: fields/background/background.php:168
  142. msgid "Right Top"
  143. msgstr "右上"
  144. #: fields/background/background.php:169
  145. msgid "Right Center"
  146. msgstr "右中"
  147. #: fields/background/background.php:170
  148. msgid "Right Bottom"
  149. msgstr "右下"
  150. #: fields/background/background.php:184
  151. msgid "Background Repeat"
  152. msgstr "重複背景"
  153. #: fields/background/background.php:185
  154. msgid "Repeat"
  155. msgstr "重複"
  156. #: fields/background/background.php:186
  157. msgid "No Repeat"
  158. msgstr "不重複"
  159. #: fields/background/background.php:187
  160. msgid "Repeat Horizontally"
  161. msgstr "水平重複"
  162. #: fields/background/background.php:188
  163. msgid "Repeat Vertically"
  164. msgstr "垂直重複"
  165. #: fields/background/background.php:202
  166. msgid "Background Attachment"
  167. msgstr "背景樣式"
  168. #: fields/background/background.php:203
  169. msgid "Scroll"
  170. msgstr "滾動"
  171. #: fields/background/background.php:204
  172. msgid "Fixed"
  173. msgstr "固定"
  174. #: fields/background/background.php:218
  175. msgid "Background Size"
  176. msgstr "背景尺寸"
  177. #: fields/background/background.php:219 options/theme-options.php:670
  178. msgid "Cover"
  179. msgstr "覆蓋"
  180. #: fields/background/background.php:220 options/theme-options.php:671
  181. msgid "Contain"
  182. msgstr "包含"
  183. #: fields/background/background.php:221 options/theme-options.php:672
  184. #: options/theme-options.php:881
  185. msgid "Auto"
  186. msgstr "自動"
  187. #: fields/background/background.php:235
  188. msgid "Background Origin"
  189. msgstr "背景定位"
  190. #: fields/background/background.php:236 fields/background/background.php:254
  191. msgid "Padding Box"
  192. msgstr "內邊距"
  193. #: fields/background/background.php:237 fields/background/background.php:253
  194. msgid "Border Box"
  195. msgstr "邊框"
  196. #: fields/background/background.php:238 fields/background/background.php:255
  197. msgid "Content Box"
  198. msgstr "內容框"
  199. #: fields/background/background.php:252
  200. msgid "Background Clip"
  201. msgstr "背景裁剪"
  202. #: fields/background/background.php:269
  203. msgid "Background Blend Mode"
  204. msgstr "背景混合模式"
  205. #: fields/background/background.php:270 fields/link_color/link_color.php:36
  206. #: fields/typography/typography.php:186
  207. msgid "Normal"
  208. msgstr "正常"
  209. #: fields/background/background.php:271
  210. msgid "Multiply"
  211. msgstr "多層"
  212. #: fields/background/background.php:272
  213. msgid "Screen"
  214. msgstr "螢幕"
  215. #: fields/background/background.php:273
  216. msgid "Overlay"
  217. msgstr "覆蓋"
  218. #: fields/background/background.php:274
  219. msgid "Darken"
  220. msgstr "變暗"
  221. #: fields/background/background.php:275
  222. msgid "Lighten"
  223. msgstr "變亮"
  224. #: fields/background/background.php:276
  225. msgid "Color Dodge"
  226. msgstr "變淡"
  227. #: fields/background/background.php:277
  228. msgid "Saturation"
  229. msgstr "飽和度"
  230. #: fields/background/background.php:278 options/theme-options.php:109
  231. msgid "Color"
  232. msgstr "顏色"
  233. #: fields/background/background.php:279
  234. msgid "Luminosity"
  235. msgstr "亮度"
  236. #: fields/backup/backup.php:26
  237. msgid "Import"
  238. msgstr "匯入"
  239. #: fields/backup/backup.php:29
  240. msgid "Export & Download"
  241. msgstr "匯出&下載"
  242. #: fields/border/border.php:25 fields/spacing/spacing.php:25
  243. msgid "top"
  244. msgstr "頂部"
  245. #: fields/border/border.php:26 fields/spacing/spacing.php:26
  246. msgid "right"
  247. msgstr "右邊"
  248. #: fields/border/border.php:27 fields/spacing/spacing.php:27
  249. msgid "bottom"
  250. msgstr "底部"
  251. #: fields/border/border.php:28 fields/spacing/spacing.php:28
  252. msgid "left"
  253. msgstr "左邊"
  254. #: fields/border/border.php:29 fields/spacing/spacing.php:29
  255. msgid "all"
  256. msgstr "所有"
  257. #: fields/border/border.php:51 fields/typography/typography.php:214
  258. msgid "Solid"
  259. msgstr "實線"
  260. #: fields/border/border.php:52 fields/typography/typography.php:217
  261. msgid "Dashed"
  262. msgstr "虛線"
  263. #: fields/border/border.php:53 fields/typography/typography.php:216
  264. msgid "Dotted"
  265. msgstr "點線"
  266. #: fields/border/border.php:54 fields/typography/typography.php:215
  267. msgid "Double"
  268. msgstr "雙線"
  269. #: fields/border/border.php:55
  270. msgid "Inset"
  271. msgstr "插入"
  272. #: fields/border/border.php:56
  273. msgid "Outset"
  274. msgstr "起點"
  275. #: fields/border/border.php:57
  276. msgid "Groove"
  277. msgstr "凹陷"
  278. #: fields/border/border.php:58
  279. msgid "ridge"
  280. msgstr "凸出"
  281. #: fields/border/border.php:59 fields/typography/typography.php:199
  282. #: fields/typography/typography.php:213
  283. msgid "None"
  284. msgstr "無"
  285. #: fields/checkbox/checkbox.php:23
  286. msgid "Check/Uncheck All"
  287. msgstr ""
  288. #: fields/dimensions/dimensions.php:22
  289. msgid "width"
  290. msgstr "寬度"
  291. #: fields/dimensions/dimensions.php:23
  292. msgid "height"
  293. msgstr "高度"
  294. #: fields/gallery/gallery.php:20
  295. msgid "Add Gallery"
  296. msgstr "添加圖庫"
  297. #: fields/gallery/gallery.php:21
  298. msgid "Edit Gallery"
  299. msgstr "編輯圖庫"
  300. #: fields/gallery/gallery.php:22
  301. msgid "Clear"
  302. msgstr "清除"
  303. #: fields/group/group.php:23
  304. msgid "Add New"
  305. msgstr "新增"
  306. #: fields/group/group.php:41 fields/repeater/repeater.php:27
  307. msgid "Error: Field ID conflict."
  308. msgstr "錯誤:欄位 ID 衝突。"
  309. #: fields/group/group.php:52 fields/group/group.php:107
  310. #: fields/repeater/repeater.php:48 fields/repeater/repeater.php:76
  311. msgid "Are you sure to delete this item?"
  312. msgstr "您確定要刪除嗎?"
  313. #: fields/group/group.php:141 fields/repeater/repeater.php:89
  314. msgid "You cannot add more."
  315. msgstr "不能再加更多惹"
  316. #: fields/group/group.php:142 fields/repeater/repeater.php:90
  317. msgid "You cannot remove more."
  318. msgstr "不能刪除更多惹"
  319. #: fields/icon/icon.php:20 fields/icon/icon.php:53
  320. msgid "Add Icon"
  321. msgstr "添加圖標"
  322. #: fields/icon/icon.php:21
  323. msgid "Remove Icon"
  324. msgstr "移除圖標"
  325. #: fields/link/link.php:20
  326. msgid "Add Link"
  327. msgstr "新增連結"
  328. #: fields/link/link.php:21
  329. msgid "Edit Link"
  330. msgstr "編輯連結"
  331. #: fields/link/link.php:22
  332. msgid "Remove Link"
  333. msgstr "移除連結"
  334. #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:37
  335. msgid "Hover"
  336. msgstr "懸停"
  337. #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:38
  338. msgid "Active"
  339. msgstr "啟用"
  340. #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:39
  341. msgid "Visited"
  342. msgstr "訪問"
  343. #: fields/link_color/link_color.php:40
  344. msgid "Focus"
  345. msgstr "焦點"
  346. #: fields/map/map.php:24
  347. msgid "Latitude"
  348. msgstr "緯度"
  349. #: fields/map/map.php:25
  350. msgid "Longitude"
  351. msgstr "經度"
  352. #: fields/media/media.php:25 fields/upload/upload.php:24
  353. msgid "Upload"
  354. msgstr "上傳"
  355. #: fields/media/media.php:26 fields/upload/upload.php:25
  356. msgid "Remove"
  357. msgstr "移除"
  358. #: fields/sorter/sorter.php:21
  359. msgid "Enabled"
  360. msgstr "啟用"
  361. #: fields/sorter/sorter.php:22
  362. msgid "Disabled"
  363. msgstr "停用"
  364. #: fields/switcher/switcher.php:20
  365. msgid "On"
  366. msgstr "開"
  367. #: fields/switcher/switcher.php:21 options/theme-options.php:832
  368. #: options/theme-options.php:879 options/theme-options.php:1110
  369. #: options/theme-options.php:1290 options/theme-options.php:2945
  370. #: options/theme-options.php:2958
  371. msgid "Off"
  372. msgstr "關"
  373. #: fields/typography/typography.php:96
  374. msgid "Font Family"
  375. msgstr "字體"
  376. #: fields/typography/typography.php:97
  377. msgid "Select a font"
  378. msgstr "選擇樣式"
  379. #: fields/typography/typography.php:105
  380. msgid "Backup Font Family"
  381. msgstr "匯出設定"
  382. #: fields/typography/typography.php:119 fields/typography/typography.php:132
  383. #: fields/typography/typography.php:145 fields/typography/typography.php:160
  384. #: fields/typography/typography.php:176 fields/typography/typography.php:189
  385. #: fields/typography/typography.php:203 fields/typography/typography.php:221
  386. #: options/theme-options.php:693
  387. msgid "Default"
  388. msgstr "默認"
  389. #: fields/typography/typography.php:130
  390. msgid "Font Style"
  391. msgstr "樣式"
  392. #: fields/typography/typography.php:144 fields/typography/typography.php:145
  393. msgid "Load Extra Styles"
  394. msgstr "載入額外樣式"
  395. #: fields/typography/typography.php:158
  396. msgid "Subset"
  397. msgstr "子集"
  398. #: fields/typography/typography.php:168
  399. msgid "Text Align"
  400. msgstr "文字對齊"
  401. #: fields/typography/typography.php:170
  402. msgid "Inherit"
  403. msgstr "繼承"
  404. #: fields/typography/typography.php:171
  405. msgid "Left"
  406. msgstr "左"
  407. #: fields/typography/typography.php:172
  408. msgid "Center"
  409. msgstr "置中"
  410. #: fields/typography/typography.php:173
  411. msgid "Right"
  412. msgstr "右"
  413. #: fields/typography/typography.php:174
  414. msgid "Justify"
  415. msgstr "左右對齊"
  416. #: fields/typography/typography.php:175
  417. msgid "Initial"
  418. msgstr "初始"
  419. #: fields/typography/typography.php:184
  420. msgid "Font Variant"
  421. msgstr "樣式"
  422. #: fields/typography/typography.php:187
  423. msgid "Small Caps"
  424. msgstr "小寫"
  425. #: fields/typography/typography.php:188
  426. msgid "All Small Caps"
  427. msgstr "全部小寫"
  428. #: fields/typography/typography.php:197
  429. msgid "Text Transform"
  430. msgstr "文字轉換"
  431. #: fields/typography/typography.php:200
  432. msgid "Capitalize"
  433. msgstr "大寫"
  434. #: fields/typography/typography.php:201
  435. msgid "Uppercase"
  436. msgstr "大寫"
  437. #: fields/typography/typography.php:202
  438. msgid "Lowercase"
  439. msgstr "小寫"
  440. #: fields/typography/typography.php:211
  441. msgid "Text Decoration"
  442. msgstr "文字裝飾"
  443. #: fields/typography/typography.php:218
  444. msgid "Wavy"
  445. msgstr "波浪"
  446. #: fields/typography/typography.php:219
  447. msgid "Overline"
  448. msgstr "上橫線"
  449. #: fields/typography/typography.php:220
  450. msgid "Line-through"
  451. msgstr "刪除線"
  452. #: fields/typography/typography.php:233
  453. msgid "Font Size"
  454. msgstr "字體大小"
  455. #: fields/typography/typography.php:245
  456. msgid "Line Height"
  457. msgstr "縱向行距"
  458. #: fields/typography/typography.php:257
  459. msgid "Letter Spacing"
  460. msgstr "橫向字距"
  461. #: fields/typography/typography.php:269
  462. msgid "Word Spacing"
  463. msgstr "文字間距"
  464. #: fields/typography/typography.php:284
  465. msgid "Font Color"
  466. msgstr "連結顏色"
  467. #: fields/typography/typography.php:295
  468. msgid "Custom Style"
  469. msgstr "自訂樣式"
  470. #: fields/typography/typography.php:362
  471. msgid "Custom Web Fonts"
  472. msgstr "自定義 Web 字體"
  473. #: fields/typography/typography.php:368
  474. msgid "Safe Web Fonts"
  475. msgstr "Web 安全字體"
  476. #: fields/typography/typography.php:388
  477. msgid "Google Web Fonts"
  478. msgstr "Google網頁字體"
  479. #: functions/actions.php:16 functions/actions.php:68 functions/actions.php:106
  480. #: functions/actions.php:141 functions/actions.php:170
  481. msgid "Error: Invalid nonce verification."
  482. msgstr "錯誤:無效nonce驗證。"
  483. #: functions/actions.php:72 functions/actions.php:110
  484. msgid "Error: Invalid key."
  485. msgstr "錯誤:無效密鑰。"
  486. #: functions/actions.php:114
  487. msgid "Error: The response is not a valid JSON response."
  488. msgstr "錯誤:無效的JSON迴應。"
  489. #: functions/actions.php:174
  490. msgid "Error: Invalid term ID."
  491. msgstr "錯誤:無效的專案ID。"
  492. #: functions/actions.php:180
  493. msgid "Error: You do not have permission to do that."
  494. msgstr "錯誤:您的權限不足。"
  495. #: functions/validate.php:14 functions/validate.php:86
  496. msgid "Please enter a valid email address."
  497. msgstr "請輸入正確的電子郵箱位址"
  498. #: functions/validate.php:32 functions/validate.php:106
  499. msgid "Please enter a valid number."
  500. msgstr "請輸入有效的數字"
  501. #: functions/validate.php:50 functions/validate.php:126
  502. msgid "This field is required."
  503. msgstr "此欄位一定要填哦"
  504. #: functions/validate.php:68 functions/validate.php:146
  505. msgid "Please enter a valid URL."
  506. msgstr "請輸入有效的URL"
  507. #: options/theme-options.php:15
  508. msgid "iro-Options"
  509. msgstr "iro 主題設定"
  510. #: options/theme-options.php:20
  511. msgid "Hello!"
  512. msgstr "哩後!"
  513. #: options/theme-options.php:26
  514. msgid "News+"
  515. msgstr "資訊+"
  516. #: options/theme-options.php:31
  517. msgid ""
  518. "<img src=\"https://news.maho.cc/sakurairo.php\" alt=\"News_Plus\" "
  519. "width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" />"
  520. msgstr ""
  521. #: options/theme-options.php:39
  522. msgid "Preliminary Options"
  523. msgstr "初步設定"
  524. #: options/theme-options.php:46
  525. msgid ""
  526. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Preliminary/"
  527. "\">here</a> to learn how to set the options on this page"
  528. msgstr ""
  529. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Preliminary/\">此處</"
  530. "a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  531. #: options/theme-options.php:52
  532. msgid "Site Name"
  533. msgstr "站點名稱"
  534. #: options/theme-options.php:53
  535. msgid "For example: Sakurairo Blog"
  536. msgstr "例如:Sakurairo Blog"
  537. #: options/theme-options.php:59
  538. msgid "Author Name"
  539. msgstr "作者名稱"
  540. #: options/theme-options.php:60
  541. msgid "For example: Fuukei"
  542. msgstr "例如:Fuukei"
  543. #: options/theme-options.php:66
  544. msgid "Personal Avatar"
  545. msgstr "個人頭貼"
  546. #: options/theme-options.php:67 options/theme-options.php:508
  547. #: options/theme-options.php:1797 options/theme-options.php:1950
  548. #: options/theme-options.php:1975
  549. msgid "The best length-width ratio of is 1:1"
  550. msgstr "最佳比例1比1"
  551. #: options/theme-options.php:74
  552. msgid "Mashiro Special Effects Text"
  553. msgstr "白貓特效文字"
  554. #: options/theme-options.php:75
  555. msgid ""
  556. "After turned on, the personal avatar will be replaced by the text as the "
  557. "home page display content"
  558. msgstr "開啟之後將替換個人頭貼作為首頁顯示內容"
  559. #: options/theme-options.php:82
  560. msgid "Mashiro Special Effects Text Options"
  561. msgstr "白貓特效文字設定"
  562. #: options/theme-options.php:88
  563. msgid "Text"
  564. msgstr "文本"
  565. #: options/theme-options.php:89
  566. msgid ""
  567. "The text content should not be too long, and the recommended length is 16 "
  568. "bytes."
  569. msgstr "文本內容建議不要過長,推薦長度為16個字節。"
  570. #: options/theme-options.php:94
  571. msgid "Font"
  572. msgstr "字體"
  573. #: options/theme-options.php:95 options/theme-options.php:474
  574. #: options/theme-options.php:657 options/theme-options.php:800
  575. #: options/theme-options.php:808 options/theme-options.php:934
  576. #: options/theme-options.php:1503 options/theme-options.php:2140
  577. #: options/theme-options.php:2760
  578. msgid "Fill in the font name. For example: Noto Serif SC"
  579. msgstr "填寫字體名稱。例如:Noto Serif SC"
  580. #: options/theme-options.php:100
  581. msgid "Size"
  582. msgstr "大小"
  583. #: options/theme-options.php:101
  584. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 70-90"
  585. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為70-90"
  586. #: options/theme-options.php:110 options/theme-options.php:1468
  587. #: options/theme-options.php:1661 options/theme-options.php:2212
  588. msgid "Customize the colors, light colors are recommended"
  589. msgstr "自定義顏色,建議使用淺色系顏色"
  590. #: options/theme-options.php:123
  591. msgid "Navigation Menu Logo"
  592. msgstr "導航菜單Logo"
  593. #: options/theme-options.php:124
  594. msgid ""
  595. "The best size is 40px, and the nav menu text logo will not be displayed "
  596. "after filling in"
  597. msgstr "最佳尺寸40px,填寫後導航菜單文字Logo不顯示"
  598. #: options/theme-options.php:131
  599. msgid "Site Icon"
  600. msgstr "站點Icon"
  601. #: options/theme-options.php:132
  602. msgid ""
  603. "Fill in the address, which decides the icon next to the title above the "
  604. "browser"
  605. msgstr "填寫地址,站點Logo即瀏覽器上方標題旁的圖標"
  606. #: options/theme-options.php:139
  607. msgid "Custom Site Keywords and Descriptions"
  608. msgstr "自定義站點關鍵字和描述"
  609. #: options/theme-options.php:140
  610. msgid "After turning on, you can customize the site keywords and descriptions"
  611. msgstr "開啟之後可自定義填充站點關鍵字和描述"
  612. #: options/theme-options.php:147
  613. msgid "Site Keywords"
  614. msgstr "站點關鍵詞"
  615. #: options/theme-options.php:149
  616. msgid ""
  617. "The keywords should be separated with half width comma \",\" and it's better "
  618. "to set within 5 keywords"
  619. msgstr "各關鍵字間用半角逗號“,”分割,數量在5個以內最佳"
  620. #: options/theme-options.php:155
  621. msgid "Site Descriptions"
  622. msgstr "站點描述"
  623. #: options/theme-options.php:157
  624. msgid ""
  625. "Use concise words to describe the site, it is recommended to write within "
  626. "120 words"
  627. msgstr "用簡潔的文字描述本站點,字數建議在120個字以內"
  628. #: options/theme-options.php:165
  629. msgid "Global Options"
  630. msgstr "全局設定"
  631. #: options/theme-options.php:171
  632. msgid "Appearance Options"
  633. msgstr "外觀設定"
  634. #: options/theme-options.php:178
  635. msgid ""
  636. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  637. "#%E5%A4%96%E8%A7%82%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the "
  638. "options on this page"
  639. msgstr ""
  640. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  641. "#%E5%A4%96%E8%A7%82%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  642. #: options/theme-options.php:183
  643. msgid "Color Schemes"
  644. msgstr "色彩設定"
  645. #: options/theme-options.php:189
  646. msgid "Theme Color"
  647. msgstr "主題色"
  648. #: options/theme-options.php:190 options/theme-options.php:198
  649. #: options/theme-options.php:211 options/theme-options.php:1081
  650. #: options/theme-options.php:1090 options/theme-options.php:2736
  651. #: options/theme-options.php:2744 options/theme-options.php:3162
  652. #: options/theme-options.php:3170 options/theme-options.php:3178
  653. #: options/theme-options.php:3186 options/theme-options.php:3194
  654. msgid "Customize the colors"
  655. msgstr "自訂顏色"
  656. #: options/theme-options.php:197
  657. msgid "Matching Color"
  658. msgstr "主題搭配顏色"
  659. #: options/theme-options.php:204
  660. msgid "Dark Mode"
  661. msgstr "深色模式"
  662. #: options/theme-options.php:210
  663. msgid "Dark Mode Theme Color"
  664. msgstr "深色模式主題顏色"
  665. #: options/theme-options.php:217
  666. msgid "Automatically Switch to Dark Mode"
  667. msgstr "深色模式自動切換"
  668. #: options/theme-options.php:218 options/theme-options.php:1402
  669. msgid "Default on"
  670. msgstr "默認開啟"
  671. #: options/theme-options.php:224
  672. msgid ""
  673. "<p><strong>Client local time:</strong>Dark mode will switch on automatically "
  674. "from 22:00 to 7:00</p><p><strong>Follow client settings:</strong>Follow "
  675. "client browser settings</p><p><strong>Always on:</strong>Always on, except "
  676. "being configured by the client</p>"
  677. msgstr ""
  678. "<p><strong>客戶當地時間:</strong>深色模式將從 22:00 自動切換到 7:00</"
  679. "p><p><strong>關注客戶端設定:</strong>關注用戶端瀏覽器設定</p><p><strong>始終"
  680. "開啟:</strong>始終打開,除非用戶端另有配置</p>"
  681. #: options/theme-options.php:233
  682. msgid "Automatic Switch Strategy of Dark Mode"
  683. msgstr "深色模式自動切換策略"
  684. #: options/theme-options.php:236
  685. msgid "Client local time"
  686. msgstr "客戶端當地時間"
  687. #: options/theme-options.php:237
  688. msgid "Follow client settings"
  689. msgstr "關注客戶端設定"
  690. #: options/theme-options.php:238
  691. msgid "Always on"
  692. msgstr "始終開啟"
  693. #: options/theme-options.php:246
  694. msgid "Dark Mode Image Brightness"
  695. msgstr "深色模式圖像亮度"
  696. #: options/theme-options.php:247 options/theme-options.php:258
  697. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 0.6-0.8"
  698. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為0.6-0.8"
  699. #: options/theme-options.php:257
  700. msgid "Dark Mode Component Transparency"
  701. msgstr "深色模式元件透明度"
  702. #: options/theme-options.php:267
  703. msgid "Dark mode Background Transparency"
  704. msgstr "深色模式背景透明度"
  705. #: options/theme-options.php:268
  706. msgid ""
  707. "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 0.6-0.8. In order to ensure "
  708. "the best appearance, please keep the display of the frontend background image"
  709. msgstr ""
  710. "滑動滑塊,建議的滑動值範圍是 0.6-0.8。以確保最佳外觀,最好保持前景背景圖像的"
  711. "顯示"
  712. #: options/theme-options.php:277
  713. msgid "Other Appearance Related"
  714. msgstr "其他外觀相關"
  715. #: options/theme-options.php:283
  716. msgid "Commemorate Mode"
  717. msgstr "紀念模式"
  718. #: options/theme-options.php:284
  719. msgid ""
  720. "After turning on, a black and white filter will be added to the global theme"
  721. msgstr "開啟後主題全局將添加黑白濾鏡"
  722. #: options/theme-options.php:291
  723. msgid "Occupying SVG while Loading Control Units"
  724. msgstr "載入控件單元佔位SVG"
  725. #: options/theme-options.php:292
  726. msgid ""
  727. "Fill in the address, which is the SVG displayed when loading control units"
  728. msgstr "填寫地址,此為載入控制項單元時占位顯示的SVG"
  729. #: options/theme-options.php:301
  730. msgid "Font Options"
  731. msgstr "字體設定"
  732. #: options/theme-options.php:308
  733. msgid ""
  734. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  735. "#%E5%AD%97%E4%BD%93%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the "
  736. "options on this page"
  737. msgstr ""
  738. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  739. "#%E5%AD%97%E4%BD%93%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  740. #: options/theme-options.php:313
  741. msgid "Global"
  742. msgstr "全局設定"
  743. #: options/theme-options.php:319
  744. msgid "Non-Emphasis Text Weight"
  745. msgstr "非強調文本字重"
  746. #: options/theme-options.php:320
  747. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 300-500"
  748. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為300-500"
  749. #: options/theme-options.php:330
  750. msgid "Text Font Size"
  751. msgstr "文本字體大小"
  752. #: options/theme-options.php:331 options/theme-options.php:1511
  753. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 15-18"
  754. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為15-18"
  755. #: options/theme-options.php:341
  756. msgid "External Fonts"
  757. msgstr "外部字體"
  758. #: options/theme-options.php:347
  759. msgid "Reference External Fonts"
  760. msgstr "引用外部字體"
  761. #: options/theme-options.php:348
  762. msgid ""
  763. "After turning on, you can use external fonts as the default font or other "
  764. "component fonts, but it may affect performance"
  765. msgstr "開啟之後可以使用外部字體作為預設字體或其他元件字體,但它可能會影響性能"
  766. #: options/theme-options.php:355
  767. msgid "External Font Options"
  768. msgstr "外部字體選項"
  769. #: options/theme-options.php:361
  770. msgid "Font 1 Name"
  771. msgstr "字體 1 名稱"
  772. #: options/theme-options.php:366
  773. msgid "Font 1 Link"
  774. msgstr "字體 1 連結"
  775. #: options/theme-options.php:371
  776. msgid "Font 2 Name"
  777. msgstr "字體 2 名稱"
  778. #: options/theme-options.php:376
  779. msgid "Font 2 Link"
  780. msgstr "字體 2 連結"
  781. #: options/theme-options.php:390
  782. msgid "Google Fonts Api Link"
  783. msgstr "Google 字型庫 API 連結"
  784. #: options/theme-options.php:397
  785. msgid "Google Fonts Name"
  786. msgstr "Google 字體 名稱"
  787. #: options/theme-options.php:398
  788. msgid ""
  789. "Please make sure that the added fonts can be referenced in Google Fonts "
  790. "library. Fill in the font names. The added fonts must be preceded by \"|\". "
  791. "If multiple fonts are referenced, use \"|\" as the separator. If the font "
  792. "name has spaces, use a plus sign instead. For example: | zcool + xiaowei| Ma "
  793. "+ Shan + Zheng"
  794. msgstr ""
  795. "請確保添加的字體可以在 Google 字型庫中引用並填寫字體名稱。添加的字體必須先於"
  796. "\"|\"。如果引用多個字體,請使用\"|\"作為分離器。如果字體名稱有空格,請改為使"
  797. "用加號。例如: | zcool + xiaowei| Ma + Shan + Zheng"
  798. #: options/theme-options.php:406
  799. msgid "Navigation Menu Options"
  800. msgstr "導航菜單設定"
  801. #: options/theme-options.php:413
  802. msgid ""
  803. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  804. "#%E5%AF%BC%E8%88%AA%E8%8F%9C%E5%8D%95%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn "
  805. "how to set the options on this page"
  806. msgstr ""
  807. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  808. "#%E5%AF%BC%E8%88%AA%E8%8F%9C%E5%8D%95%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在"
  809. "此頁面上設定選項"
  810. #: options/theme-options.php:419
  811. msgid "Nav Menu Style"
  812. msgstr "導航菜單樣式"
  813. #: options/theme-options.php:430
  814. msgid "Nav Menu Radius"
  815. msgstr "導航菜單圆角"
  816. #: options/theme-options.php:432 options/theme-options.php:527
  817. #: options/theme-options.php:628 options/theme-options.php:2224
  818. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value is 15"
  819. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為15"
  820. #: options/theme-options.php:441
  821. msgid "Nav Menu Content Display Method"
  822. msgstr "導航菜單內容顯示"
  823. #: options/theme-options.php:442
  824. msgid "You can choose to unfold or fold the nav menu contents"
  825. msgstr "您可以選擇展開或折疊導航功能表"
  826. #: options/theme-options.php:444
  827. msgid "Unfold"
  828. msgstr "展開"
  829. #: options/theme-options.php:445
  830. msgid "Fold"
  831. msgstr "折疊"
  832. #: options/theme-options.php:453
  833. msgid "Nav Menu Animation Effects"
  834. msgstr "導航菜單動畫"
  835. #: options/theme-options.php:454
  836. msgid ""
  837. "It is on by default. If it is off, the nav menu content will be displayed "
  838. "directly without effects"
  839. msgstr "默認打開。如果關閉,導航內容將直接顯示"
  840. #: options/theme-options.php:461
  841. msgid "Nav Menu Animation Time"
  842. msgstr "導航菜單動畫時間"
  843. #: options/theme-options.php:463 options/theme-options.php:1438
  844. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 1-2"
  845. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為1-2"
  846. #: options/theme-options.php:473
  847. msgid "Nav Menu Font"
  848. msgstr "導航菜單字體"
  849. #: options/theme-options.php:481
  850. msgid "Nav Menu Search"
  851. msgstr "導航菜單搜尋"
  852. #: options/theme-options.php:482
  853. msgid "It is on by default. Click to enter the search area"
  854. msgstr "默認開啟,點擊進入搜尋區域"
  855. #: options/theme-options.php:489
  856. msgid "Search Area Background Image"
  857. msgstr "搜尋區域背景圖像"
  858. #: options/theme-options.php:490
  859. msgid ""
  860. "Set the background image of your search area. Leave this option blank to "
  861. "display a white background"
  862. msgstr "設定搜尋區域的背景圖像。將此選項留空則顯示白色背景"
  863. #: options/theme-options.php:498
  864. msgid "Nav Menu User Avatar"
  865. msgstr "導航菜單用戶頭貼"
  866. #: options/theme-options.php:499
  867. msgid "It is on by default. Click to enter the login interface"
  868. msgstr "默認開啟,點擊將進入登入介面"
  869. #: options/theme-options.php:506
  870. msgid "Nav Menu Unlisted User Avatar"
  871. msgstr "導航菜單未登入用戶頭貼"
  872. #: options/theme-options.php:516
  873. msgid "Secondary Menu Prompt Arrow"
  874. msgstr "二级菜單提示箭頭"
  875. #: options/theme-options.php:517
  876. msgid ""
  877. "After turning on, the menu prompt arrow will appear in the secondary menu of "
  878. "the navigation menu"
  879. msgstr "開啟後菜單提示箭頭將顯示在二级菜單"
  880. #: options/theme-options.php:525
  881. msgid "Secondary Menu Radius"
  882. msgstr "二级菜單圆角"
  883. #: options/theme-options.php:536
  884. msgid "Mashiro Logo Style"
  885. msgstr "白貓樣式Logo"
  886. #: options/theme-options.php:537
  887. msgid ""
  888. "After turning on, the Mashiro Logo will appear and replace the navigation "
  889. "menu logo position"
  890. msgstr "開啟後白貓樣式Logo將出現並替換導航菜單Logo位置"
  891. #: options/theme-options.php:544
  892. msgid "Nav Menu Text Logo Options"
  893. msgstr "導航菜單文字Logo選項"
  894. #: options/theme-options.php:549
  895. msgid "Text A"
  896. msgstr "文本A"
  897. #: options/theme-options.php:554
  898. msgid "Text B"
  899. msgstr "文本B"
  900. #: options/theme-options.php:559
  901. msgid "Text C"
  902. msgstr "文本C"
  903. #: options/theme-options.php:564
  904. msgid "Secondary Text"
  905. msgstr "次要文字"
  906. #: options/theme-options.php:570
  907. msgid "Font Name"
  908. msgstr "字體名稱"
  909. #: options/theme-options.php:587
  910. msgid "Style Menu and Frontend Background Related Options"
  911. msgstr "樣式菜單和前台背景相關設定"
  912. #: options/theme-options.php:594
  913. msgid ""
  914. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  915. "#%E6%A0%B7%E5%BC%8F%E8%8F%9C%E5%8D%95%E5%92%8C%E5%89%8D%E5%8F%B0%E8%83%8C%E6%99%AF%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</"
  916. "a> to learn how to set the options on this page"
  917. msgstr ""
  918. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  919. "#%E6%A0%B7%E5%BC%8F%E8%8F%9C%E5%8D%95%E5%92%8C%E5%89%8D%E5%8F%B0%E8%83%8C%E6%99%AF%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">"
  920. "此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  921. #: options/theme-options.php:599
  922. msgid "Style Menu"
  923. msgstr "樣式菜單"
  924. #: options/theme-options.php:605
  925. msgid "Style Menu Display"
  926. msgstr "樣式菜單顯示"
  927. #: options/theme-options.php:606
  928. msgid ""
  929. "You can choose to display the style menu simply or in full. The full display "
  930. "will show the font toggle function and text hints"
  931. msgstr ""
  932. "您可以選擇完整顯示或簡單顯示樣式菜單,完整顯示將顯示字體切換功能和文本提示"
  933. #: options/theme-options.php:617
  934. msgid "Style Menu Button Radius"
  935. msgstr "樣式菜單按鈕圓角"
  936. #: options/theme-options.php:618
  937. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value is 10"
  938. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值為10"
  939. #: options/theme-options.php:627
  940. msgid "Style Menu Options Interface Radius"
  941. msgstr "樣式菜單選項介面圓角"
  942. #: options/theme-options.php:637
  943. msgid "Frontend Background Area Title"
  944. msgstr "前台背景區域標題"
  945. #: options/theme-options.php:639
  946. msgid ""
  947. "Default is \"Style\", you can change it to anything else, but of course it "
  948. "CANNOT be used as an ad! Not allowed!!!"
  949. msgstr "默認為“Style”,你可以修改為其他,當然不能當廣告用!不允許!!"
  950. #: options/theme-options.php:646
  951. msgid "Font Area Title"
  952. msgstr "字體區域標題"
  953. #: options/theme-options.php:648
  954. msgid ""
  955. "Default is \"Fonts\", you can change it to anything else, but of course it "
  956. "CANNOT be used as an ad! Not allowed!!!"
  957. msgstr "默認為“Fonts”,你可以修改為其他,當然不能當廣告用!不允許!!"
  958. #: options/theme-options.php:655
  959. msgid "Style Menu Font"
  960. msgstr "樣式菜單字體"
  961. #: options/theme-options.php:663
  962. msgid "Frontend Background"
  963. msgstr "前台背景"
  964. #: options/theme-options.php:674
  965. msgid "Frontend Background Scaling Method"
  966. msgstr "前台背景縮放方式"
  967. #: options/theme-options.php:675
  968. msgid ""
  969. "You can choose two ways to scale the frontend background, the default is "
  970. "auto-scaling"
  971. msgstr "你可以選擇兩種方式縮放前台背景,默認自動縮放"
  972. #: options/theme-options.php:682
  973. msgid "Background Transparency Blur"
  974. msgstr "前台背景模糊"
  975. #: options/theme-options.php:683
  976. msgid "After opening Background Transparency Blur"
  977. msgstr "開啟之後前台背景模糊"
  978. #: options/theme-options.php:690
  979. msgid "Frontend Background Options"
  980. msgstr "前台背景設定"
  981. #: options/theme-options.php:699 options/theme-options.php:715
  982. #: options/theme-options.php:731 options/theme-options.php:747
  983. #: options/theme-options.php:763
  984. msgid "Image"
  985. msgstr "圖像"
  986. #: options/theme-options.php:704
  987. msgid "Heart Shaped"
  988. msgstr "心形形狀"
  989. #: options/theme-options.php:710 options/theme-options.php:726
  990. #: options/theme-options.php:742 options/theme-options.php:758
  991. msgid "Switch"
  992. msgstr "開關"
  993. #: options/theme-options.php:720
  994. msgid "Star Shaped"
  995. msgstr "星形形狀"
  996. #: options/theme-options.php:736
  997. msgid "Square Shaped"
  998. msgstr "方形形狀"
  999. #: options/theme-options.php:752
  1000. msgid "Lemon Shaped"
  1001. msgstr "檸檬形形狀"
  1002. #: options/theme-options.php:783
  1003. msgid "Background Transparency in the Frontend"
  1004. msgstr "前台背景透明度"
  1005. #: options/theme-options.php:784
  1006. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended sliding value range is 0.6-0.8"
  1007. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為0.6-0.8"
  1008. #: options/theme-options.php:793
  1009. msgid "Font Area"
  1010. msgstr "字體區域"
  1011. #: options/theme-options.php:799
  1012. msgid "Global Default Font/Style Menu Font A"
  1013. msgstr "默認字體/樣式菜單字體A"
  1014. #: options/theme-options.php:806
  1015. msgid "Style Menu Font B"
  1016. msgstr "樣式菜單字體B"
  1017. #: options/theme-options.php:816
  1018. msgid "Footer Options"
  1019. msgstr "頁尾設定"
  1020. #: options/theme-options.php:823
  1021. msgid ""
  1022. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  1023. "#%E9%A1%B5%E5%B0%BE%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the "
  1024. "options on this page"
  1025. msgstr ""
  1026. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  1027. "#%E9%A1%B5%E5%B0%BE%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  1028. #: options/theme-options.php:829
  1029. msgid "Footer Online Music Player"
  1030. msgstr "頁尾線上音樂播放器"
  1031. #: options/theme-options.php:830
  1032. msgid ""
  1033. "A button will appear at the bottom left corner of the footer after turning "
  1034. "on, click it and the footer online player will be displayed"
  1035. msgstr "開啟之後頁尾左下角將出現按鈕,點擊按鈕後頁尾線上播放器將顯示"
  1036. #: options/theme-options.php:833
  1037. msgid "Netease Cloud Music"
  1038. msgstr "網易云音樂"
  1039. #: options/theme-options.php:834
  1040. msgid "Kugou Music(may not be available)"
  1041. msgstr "酷狗音樂(可能無法使用)"
  1042. #: options/theme-options.php:835
  1043. msgid "Baidu Music(not available on servers overseas)"
  1044. msgstr "千千音樂(海外伺服器無法使用)"
  1045. #: options/theme-options.php:836
  1046. msgid "QQ Music(may not be available)"
  1047. msgstr "QQ音樂(可能無法使用)"
  1048. #: options/theme-options.php:844
  1049. msgid "Footer Online Music Player Proxy"
  1050. msgstr "頁尾線上音樂播放器代理"
  1051. #: options/theme-options.php:846
  1052. msgid ""
  1053. "Ex. Reference: https://curl.se/libcurl/c/"
  1054. "CURLOPT_PROXY.html"
  1055. msgstr ""
  1056. "例: 參考:https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_PROXY.html"
  1057. #: options/theme-options.php:853
  1058. msgid "Footer Online Music Player Songlist ID"
  1059. msgstr "頁尾線上播放器歌單ID"
  1060. #: options/theme-options.php:855
  1061. msgid ""
  1062. "Fill in the song ID, e.g. https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=5380675133 "
  1063. "SongID:5380675133"
  1064. msgstr ""
  1065. "填寫歌單ID,例如:https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=5380675133的歌單ID是"
  1066. "5380675133"
  1067. #: options/theme-options.php:862
  1068. msgid "Footer Online Music Player Mode"
  1069. msgstr "尾頁線上音樂播放器模式"
  1070. #: options/theme-options.php:864
  1071. msgid "Select music player mode"
  1072. msgstr "設定音樂播放器模式"
  1073. #: options/theme-options.php:866
  1074. msgid "List"
  1075. msgstr "列表播放"
  1076. #: options/theme-options.php:867
  1077. msgid "Random"
  1078. msgstr "隨機播放"
  1079. #: options/theme-options.php:875
  1080. msgid "Footer Online Music Player Preload"
  1081. msgstr "尾頁線上音樂播放器預載入"
  1082. #: options/theme-options.php:877
  1083. msgid "Whether to preload songs"
  1084. msgstr "選擇是否預載入歌曲"
  1085. #: options/theme-options.php:880
  1086. msgid "Preload Metadata"
  1087. msgstr "預載入元資料"
  1088. #: options/theme-options.php:889
  1089. msgid "Default Volume of Footer Online Music Player"
  1090. msgstr "頁尾線上播放器默認音量"
  1091. #: options/theme-options.php:891
  1092. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended sliding value range is 0.4-0.6"
  1093. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為0.4-0.6"
  1094. #: options/theme-options.php:900
  1095. msgid "Netease Cloud Music Cookies"
  1096. msgstr "網易云音樂Cookies"
  1097. #: options/theme-options.php:902
  1098. msgid ""
  1099. "If you want to play VIP music on Netease Cloud Music Platform, please fill "
  1100. "in your account cookies in this option."
  1101. msgstr "如果你想播放網易云音樂會員專享音樂,請在此選項填入你的帳號Cookies。"
  1102. #: options/theme-options.php:908
  1103. msgid "Footer Widget Area"
  1104. msgstr "頁尾小部件區"
  1105. #: options/theme-options.php:909
  1106. msgid ""
  1107. "After turning it on, a button will appear in the bottom of the left corner "
  1108. "of the footer, when you click the button the footer widget area will be "
  1109. "displayed, if you have the footer online player turned on it will be "
  1110. "displayed together"
  1111. msgstr ""
  1112. "開啟之後頁尾左下角將出現按鈕,點擊按鈕後頁尾小部件區將顯示,如果你開啟了頁尾"
  1113. "在線播放器,則會一起顯示"
  1114. #: options/theme-options.php:916
  1115. msgid "Footer Widget Area Background"
  1116. msgstr "頁尾小部件區背景"
  1117. #: options/theme-options.php:918
  1118. msgid "The best picture size is 400px × 460px"
  1119. msgstr "最佳寬度400px,最佳高度460px"
  1120. #: options/theme-options.php:925
  1121. msgid "Footer Info"
  1122. msgstr "頁尾資訊"
  1123. #: options/theme-options.php:926
  1124. msgid "Footer description text, supports HTML code"
  1125. msgstr "頁尾說明文字,支持HTML代碼"
  1126. #: options/theme-options.php:933
  1127. msgid "Footer Text Font"
  1128. msgstr "頁尾文字字體"
  1129. #: options/theme-options.php:941
  1130. msgid "Footer Load Occupancy Query"
  1131. msgstr "頁尾負載佔用查詢"
  1132. #: options/theme-options.php:942
  1133. msgid ""
  1134. "Load occupancy information will appear at the end of the page after turning "
  1135. "it on. Not recommended in production environment."
  1136. msgstr "開啟佔用資訊之後,該資訊將顯示在頁面末尾。不建議在生產環境中使用。"
  1137. #: options/theme-options.php:949
  1138. msgid "Footer Upyun League Logo"
  1139. msgstr "頁尾Upyun League Logo"
  1140. #: options/theme-options.php:950
  1141. msgid "Upyun Logo will appear at the end of the page after turning it on"
  1142. msgstr "開啟之後Upyun Logo將出現在頁面末尾"
  1143. #: options/theme-options.php:958
  1144. msgid "Footer Addition"
  1145. msgstr "尾頁附加程式碼"
  1146. #: options/theme-options.php:959
  1147. msgid ""
  1148. "Add HTML code at the end of the page. Useful for adding customize JavaScript."
  1149. msgstr "在尾頁添加HTML程式碼。可用於添加 JavaScript "
  1150. #: options/theme-options.php:964
  1151. msgid "Hitokoto"
  1152. msgstr "一言"
  1153. #: options/theme-options.php:970
  1154. msgid "Footer Hitokoto"
  1155. msgstr "尾頁一言"
  1156. #: options/theme-options.php:971
  1157. msgid "Hitokoto will appear at the end of the page after turning it on"
  1158. msgstr "開啟之後頁尾將出現一言"
  1159. #: options/theme-options.php:978
  1160. msgid ""
  1161. "<h4>Hitokoto API Setup Instructions</h4> <p>Fill in as the example:<code> "
  1162. "[\"https://api.nmxc.ltd/yiyan/\", \"https://v1.hitokoto.cn/\"]</code>, where "
  1163. "the first API will be used first and the next ones will be the backup. </p> "
  1164. "<p><strong>Official API:</strong> See the <a href=\"https://developer."
  1165. "hitokoto.cn/sentence/\"> documentation</a> for how to use it, and the "
  1166. "parameter \"return code\" should not be anything except JSON. <a "
  1167. "href=\"https://v1.hitokoto.cn/\">https://v1.hitokoto.cn/</a></p> "
  1168. "<p><strong>Maho API:</strong> An reverse proxy mirror of the official API. "
  1169. "<a href=\"https://api.nmxc.ltd/yiyan/\">https://api.nmxc.ltd/yiyan/</a></p>"
  1170. msgstr ""
  1171. "<h4>一言API設定說明</h4>\n"
  1172. "<p>填寫示例:<code> [\"https://api.nmxc.ltd/yiyan/\",\"https://v1.hitokoto.cn/"
  1173. "\"]</code>,此時會優先使用第一項API,以後一項為後備。</p>\n"
  1174. "<p><strong>官方API:</strong>使用方法請查閱<a href=\"https://developer."
  1175. "hitokoto.cn/sentence/\">文檔</a>,參數\"返回編碼\"不應設定為JSON以外的其他"
  1176. "值。<a href=\"https://v1.hitokoto.cn/\">https://v1.hitokoto.cn/</a></p>\n"
  1177. "<p><strong>Maho API:</strong>官方API的反代鏡像。<a href=\"https://api.nmxc."
  1178. "ltd/yiyan/\">https://api.nmxc.ltd/yiyan/</a></p>"
  1179. #: options/theme-options.php:987
  1180. msgid "Hitokoto API address"
  1181. msgstr "一言API地址"
  1182. #: options/theme-options.php:989
  1183. msgid "Fill in the address in JavaScript array format"
  1184. msgstr "填寫地址,格式為JavaScript陣列"
  1185. #: options/theme-options.php:998
  1186. msgid "Cursor Options"
  1187. msgstr "滑鼠光標設定"
  1188. #: options/theme-options.php:1005
  1189. msgid ""
  1190. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  1191. "#%E5%85%89%E6%A0%87%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the "
  1192. "options on this page"
  1193. msgstr ""
  1194. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  1195. "#%E5%85%89%E6%A0%87%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  1196. #: options/theme-options.php:1011
  1197. msgid "Standard Cursor Style"
  1198. msgstr "標準光標樣式"
  1199. #: options/theme-options.php:1012
  1200. msgid "Apply to global, fill in \".cur\" mouse file link"
  1201. msgstr "應用於全局,填寫Cur滑鼠檔案連結"
  1202. #: options/theme-options.php:1019
  1203. msgid "Selected Cursor Style"
  1204. msgstr "選定光標樣式"
  1205. #: options/theme-options.php:1020
  1206. msgid "Apply to multiple styles, fill in \".cur\" file link"
  1207. msgstr "應用於多種樣式,填寫Cur滑鼠檔案連結"
  1208. #: options/theme-options.php:1027
  1209. msgid "Selected Control Unit Cursor Style"
  1210. msgstr "選中控件單元滑鼠樣式"
  1211. #: options/theme-options.php:1028
  1212. msgid "Apply to selected control unit, fill in \".cur\" file link"
  1213. msgstr "應用於選中某個控件單元,填寫Cur滑鼠檔案連結"
  1214. #: options/theme-options.php:1035
  1215. msgid "Selected Text Cursor Style"
  1216. msgstr "選中文本光標樣式"
  1217. #: options/theme-options.php:1036
  1218. msgid "Apply to selected text, fill in \".cur\" file link"
  1219. msgstr "應用於選中文本,填寫Cur滑鼠檔案連結"
  1220. #: options/theme-options.php:1043
  1221. msgid "Work Status Cursor Style"
  1222. msgstr "工作狀態滑鼠樣式"
  1223. #: options/theme-options.php:1044
  1224. msgid "Apply to load control unit, fill in \".cur\" file link"
  1225. msgstr "應用於載入控件單元,填寫Cur滑鼠檔案連結"
  1226. #: options/theme-options.php:1053
  1227. msgid "Additional Options"
  1228. msgstr "額外設定"
  1229. #: options/theme-options.php:1060
  1230. msgid ""
  1231. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  1232. "#%E9%A2%9D%E5%A4%96%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the "
  1233. "options on this page"
  1234. msgstr ""
  1235. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Global/"
  1236. "#%E9%A2%9D%E5%A4%96%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  1237. #: options/theme-options.php:1065
  1238. msgid "Effects&Animations"
  1239. msgstr "特效及動畫"
  1240. #: options/theme-options.php:1071
  1241. msgid "Preload Animation"
  1242. msgstr "預載入動畫"
  1243. #: options/theme-options.php:1072
  1244. msgid ""
  1245. "Preload animation before new pages load; To enable this option, ensure your "
  1246. "page resources can load properly."
  1247. msgstr "開啟之後新頁面載入前會有預載入動畫,此選項需確保你的頁面資源正常載入。"
  1248. #: options/theme-options.php:1079
  1249. msgid "Preload Animation Color A"
  1250. msgstr "預載入動畫顏色A"
  1251. #: options/theme-options.php:1088
  1252. msgid "Preload Animation Color B"
  1253. msgstr "預載入動畫顏色B"
  1254. #: options/theme-options.php:1096
  1255. msgid "Preload Animation Blur Transition Effect"
  1256. msgstr "預載入模糊過度效果"
  1257. #: options/theme-options.php:1098
  1258. msgid "Blur transition duration in milliseconds ms, off when set to 0."
  1259. msgstr "模糊過渡持續時間,單位毫秒ms,為0時關閉"
  1260. #: options/theme-options.php:1108
  1261. msgid "Sakura Falling Effects"
  1262. msgstr "櫻花飄落特效"
  1263. #: options/theme-options.php:1111
  1264. msgid "Native Quantity"
  1265. msgstr "原生數量"
  1266. #: options/theme-options.php:1112
  1267. msgid "Quarter Quantity"
  1268. msgstr "四分之一數量"
  1269. #: options/theme-options.php:1113
  1270. msgid "Half Quantity"
  1271. msgstr "二分之一數量"
  1272. #: options/theme-options.php:1114
  1273. msgid "Less Quantity"
  1274. msgstr "較少數量"
  1275. #: options/theme-options.php:1122
  1276. msgid "Particles Effects"
  1277. msgstr "粒子效應"
  1278. #: options/theme-options.php:1124
  1279. msgid ""
  1280. "Particles effects will appear in the global background. Please open the "
  1281. "Cover-and-Frontend-Background-Integration Options to get the best experience"
  1282. msgstr ""
  1283. "粒子效應將出現在全局背景下。請打開封面和正面背景集成選項,以獲得最佳體驗"
  1284. #: options/theme-options.php:1132
  1285. msgid "Particles JSON"
  1286. msgstr "粒子效應 JSON"
  1287. #: options/theme-options.php:1134
  1288. msgid ""
  1289. "You can go to the <a href=\"https://vincentgarreau.com/particles.js/"
  1290. "\">Project Address</a> to generate your unique Particles Effects"
  1291. msgstr ""
  1292. "您可以前往 <a href=\"https://vincentgarreau.com/particles.js/\">項目位址</a> "
  1293. "以產生您獨特的粒子效應"
  1294. #: options/theme-options.php:1251
  1295. msgid "Note Touch Effects"
  1296. msgstr "音符觸動特效"
  1297. #: options/theme-options.php:1252
  1298. msgid ""
  1299. "After turning on, there will be a note sound alert when the back to top "
  1300. "button and Mashiro style logo touch"
  1301. msgstr "開啟之後返回頂部按鈕和白貓樣式Logo觸碰時將有音符聲音提示"
  1302. #: options/theme-options.php:1258
  1303. msgid "Feature"
  1304. msgstr "功能"
  1305. #: options/theme-options.php:1264
  1306. msgid "PJAX Partial Refresh"
  1307. msgstr "PJAX局部重新載入"
  1308. #: options/theme-options.php:1265
  1309. msgid "Enabled by default, clicking to a new page will not require reloading"
  1310. msgstr "默認開啟,點擊新內容將不需要重新載入"
  1311. #: options/theme-options.php:1272
  1312. msgid "NProgress Loading Progress Bar"
  1313. msgstr "NProgress加载进度条"
  1314. #: options/theme-options.php:1273
  1315. msgid ""
  1316. "Enabled by default, when loading page there will be a progress bar alert"
  1317. msgstr "默认開啟,加載頁面將有進度條提示"
  1318. #: options/theme-options.php:1280
  1319. msgid "Global Smooth Scroll"
  1320. msgstr "全局平滑滾動"
  1321. #: options/theme-options.php:1281
  1322. msgid "Enabled by default, page scrolling will be smoother"
  1323. msgstr "默認開啟,頁面滾動將更加平滑"
  1324. #: options/theme-options.php:1288
  1325. msgid "Captcha Selection"
  1326. msgstr "驗證碼選項"
  1327. #: options/theme-options.php:1291
  1328. msgid "Theme Built in Captcha"
  1329. msgstr "主題內建驗證碼"
  1330. #: options/theme-options.php:1292
  1331. msgid "Vaptcha"
  1332. msgstr ""
  1333. #: options/theme-options.php:1300
  1334. msgid "Vaptcha VID"
  1335. msgstr ""
  1336. #: options/theme-options.php:1302
  1337. msgid "Fill in your Vaptcha VID"
  1338. msgstr "填寫你的Vaptcha VID"
  1339. #: options/theme-options.php:1308
  1340. msgid "Vaptcha KEY"
  1341. msgstr ""
  1342. #: options/theme-options.php:1310
  1343. msgid "Fill in your Vaptcha KEY"
  1344. msgstr "填寫你的Vaptcha KEY"
  1345. #: options/theme-options.php:1316
  1346. msgid "Vaptcha Scene"
  1347. msgstr "Vaptcha場景"
  1348. #: options/theme-options.php:1332
  1349. msgid "Pagination Mode"
  1350. msgstr "分頁模式"
  1351. #: options/theme-options.php:1334
  1352. msgid "Ajax Load"
  1353. msgstr "Ajax載入"
  1354. #: options/theme-options.php:1335
  1355. msgid "Page Up/Down"
  1356. msgstr "上下頁"
  1357. #: options/theme-options.php:1343
  1358. msgid "Next Page Auto Load"
  1359. msgstr "下一頁自動載入"
  1360. #: options/theme-options.php:1346
  1361. msgid "do not autoload"
  1362. msgstr "不自動載入"
  1363. #: options/theme-options.php:1347
  1364. msgid "0 Sec"
  1365. msgstr "0秒"
  1366. #: options/theme-options.php:1348
  1367. msgid "1 Sec"
  1368. msgstr "1秒"
  1369. #: options/theme-options.php:1349
  1370. msgid "2 Sec"
  1371. msgstr "2秒"
  1372. #: options/theme-options.php:1350
  1373. msgid "3 Sec"
  1374. msgstr "3秒"
  1375. #: options/theme-options.php:1351
  1376. msgid "4 Sec"
  1377. msgstr "4秒"
  1378. #: options/theme-options.php:1352
  1379. msgid "5 Sec"
  1380. msgstr "5秒"
  1381. #: options/theme-options.php:1353
  1382. msgid "6 Sec"
  1383. msgstr "6秒"
  1384. #: options/theme-options.php:1354
  1385. msgid "7 Sec"
  1386. msgstr "7秒"
  1387. #: options/theme-options.php:1355
  1388. msgid "8 Sec"
  1389. msgstr "8秒"
  1390. #: options/theme-options.php:1356
  1391. msgid "9 Sec"
  1392. msgstr "9秒"
  1393. #: options/theme-options.php:1357
  1394. msgid "10 Sec"
  1395. msgstr "10秒"
  1396. #: options/theme-options.php:1365
  1397. msgid "Placeholder SVG when loading the next page"
  1398. msgstr "載入下一頁佔位SVG"
  1399. #: options/theme-options.php:1366
  1400. msgid ""
  1401. "Fill in the address, this is the SVG that will be displayed as a placeholder "
  1402. "when the next page is loading"
  1403. msgstr "填寫地址,此為載入下一頁時佔位顯示的SVG"
  1404. #: options/theme-options.php:1374
  1405. msgid "HomePage Options"
  1406. msgstr "主頁設定"
  1407. #: options/theme-options.php:1380
  1408. msgid "Cover Options"
  1409. msgstr "封面設定"
  1410. #: options/theme-options.php:1387
  1411. msgid ""
  1412. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1413. "#%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the "
  1414. "options on this page"
  1415. msgstr ""
  1416. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1417. "#%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  1418. #: options/theme-options.php:1393
  1419. msgid "Cover Switch"
  1420. msgstr "封面開關"
  1421. #: options/theme-options.php:1394
  1422. msgid "On by default, if off, all options below will be disabled"
  1423. msgstr "默認開啟,如果關閉,則下文所有選項均將失效"
  1424. #: options/theme-options.php:1401
  1425. msgid "Cover Full Screen"
  1426. msgstr "封面全屏顯示"
  1427. #: options/theme-options.php:1410
  1428. msgid "Cover Arc Occlusion (Below)"
  1429. msgstr "封面弧形遮擋(下方)"
  1430. #: options/theme-options.php:1411
  1431. msgid "An arc occlusion will appear below the cover when turned on"
  1432. msgstr "開啟之後封面下方將出現弧形遮擋"
  1433. #: options/theme-options.php:1418
  1434. msgid "Cover Radius"
  1435. msgstr "封面圓角"
  1436. #: options/theme-options.php:1419
  1437. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 15-20"
  1438. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為15-20"
  1439. #: options/theme-options.php:1428
  1440. msgid "Cover Animation"
  1441. msgstr "封面動畫"
  1442. #: options/theme-options.php:1429
  1443. msgid "On by default, if off, the cover will be displayed directly"
  1444. msgstr "默認開啟,如果關閉,則封面將直接顯示"
  1445. #: options/theme-options.php:1436
  1446. msgid "Cover Animation Time"
  1447. msgstr "封面動畫時間"
  1448. #: options/theme-options.php:1448
  1449. msgid "Cover Info Bar"
  1450. msgstr "封面資訊欄"
  1451. #: options/theme-options.php:1449
  1452. msgid ""
  1453. "Enabled by default, show avatar, Mashiro effects text, signature bar, "
  1454. "shuoshuo bar, social area"
  1455. msgstr "默認開啟,顯示頭貼、白貓特效文字、簽名欄、说说欄、社交區域"
  1456. #: options/theme-options.php:1456
  1457. msgid "Cover Info Bar Style"
  1458. msgstr "封面資訊欄樣式"
  1459. #: options/theme-options.php:1467
  1460. msgid "Cover Info Bar Background Color"
  1461. msgstr "封面資訊欄背景顏色"
  1462. #: options/theme-options.php:1475
  1463. msgid "Cover Info Bar Avatar Radius"
  1464. msgstr "封面資訊欄頭貼圓角"
  1465. #: options/theme-options.php:1476
  1466. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value is 100"
  1467. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值為100"
  1468. #: options/theme-options.php:1484
  1469. msgid "Cover Info Bar Rounded"
  1470. msgstr "封面資訊欄圓角"
  1471. #: options/theme-options.php:1485
  1472. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range 10-20"
  1473. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為10-20"
  1474. #: options/theme-options.php:1494
  1475. msgid "Cover Signature Field Text"
  1476. msgstr "封面簽名欄文本"
  1477. #: options/theme-options.php:1495 options/theme-options.php:2676
  1478. msgid "A self-descriptive quote"
  1479. msgstr "一段自我描述的話"
  1480. #: options/theme-options.php:1502
  1481. msgid "Cover Signature Field Text Font"
  1482. msgstr "封面簽名欄文本字體"
  1483. #: options/theme-options.php:1510
  1484. msgid "Cover Signature Field Text Font Size"
  1485. msgstr "封面簽名欄文本字體大小"
  1486. #: options/theme-options.php:1521
  1487. msgid "Cover Signature Bar Typing Effects"
  1488. msgstr "封面簽名欄打字特效"
  1489. #: options/theme-options.php:1522
  1490. msgid ""
  1491. "When turned on, the signature bar text will have an additional paragraph of "
  1492. "text and will be rendered with typing effects"
  1493. msgstr "開啟之後簽名欄文本將增加一段文本並呈現打字特效"
  1494. #: options/theme-options.php:1529
  1495. msgid "Cover Signature Field Typing Effects Double Quotes"
  1496. msgstr "封面簽名欄打字特效雙引號"
  1497. #: options/theme-options.php:1531
  1498. msgid "Typing effects will be appended with double quotes when turned on"
  1499. msgstr "開啟之後打字特效將追加雙引號"
  1500. #: options/theme-options.php:1538
  1501. msgid "Cover Signature Field Typing Effects Placeholder"
  1502. msgstr "封面簽名欄打字特效占位語句"
  1503. #: options/theme-options.php:1547
  1504. msgid "Typed.js initial option"
  1505. msgstr "Typed.js初始化選項"
  1506. #: options/theme-options.php:1555
  1507. msgid "Cover Shuoshuo Bar"
  1508. msgstr "封面说说欄"
  1509. #: options/theme-options.php:1556
  1510. msgid ""
  1511. "When turned on, the Latest Shuoshuo text will be Cyclic displayed with info "
  1512. "bar "
  1513. msgstr "開啟之後最新说说文本將与簽名欄循环顯示"
  1514. #: options/theme-options.php:1563
  1515. msgid "Cover Random Image Options"
  1516. msgstr "封面隨機圖像設定"
  1517. #: options/theme-options.php:1565
  1518. msgid "External API"
  1519. msgstr "外部API"
  1520. #: options/theme-options.php:1566
  1521. msgid "Webp optimized"
  1522. msgstr "Webp優化"
  1523. #: options/theme-options.php:1567
  1524. msgid "Local"
  1525. msgstr "本地隨機圖像"
  1526. #: options/theme-options.php:1575
  1527. msgid "Cover Random Image Multi-terminal Separation"
  1528. msgstr "封面隨機圖像多終端分離"
  1529. #: options/theme-options.php:1576
  1530. msgid ""
  1531. "Enabled by default, desktop and mobile devices will use separate random "
  1532. "image addresses"
  1533. msgstr "默認開啟,桌面端和行動端會分別使用不同的隨機圖像地址"
  1534. #: options/theme-options.php:1583
  1535. msgid "Webp Optimization/External API Desktop Side Random Graphics Address"
  1536. msgstr "Webp優化/外部API桌面端隨機圖像地址"
  1537. #: options/theme-options.php:1584 options/theme-options.php:1595
  1538. msgid "Fill in an URL"
  1539. msgstr "填寫URL"
  1540. #: options/theme-options.php:1593
  1541. msgid "External API Mobile Devices Random Image Address"
  1542. msgstr "外部API行動端隨機圖像地址"
  1543. #: options/theme-options.php:1604
  1544. msgid "Cover Random Background Image Cache"
  1545. msgstr "封面隨機背景圖像快取"
  1546. #: options/theme-options.php:1605
  1547. msgid ""
  1548. "Enabled by default, this feature will cache a cover image locally, which can "
  1549. "improve the loading speed of the first cover after entering the homepage. "
  1550. "Note: This feature needs the cover APIs that accept cross-domain requests."
  1551. msgstr ""
  1552. "默認開啟,此功能會在本地快取一份封面圖像,可提升進入主頁後第一張封面的載入速"
  1553. "度。注意:此功能需要封面API能接受跨來源資源共享。"
  1554. #: options/theme-options.php:1612
  1555. msgid "Cover and Frontend Background Integration"
  1556. msgstr "封面與前台背景一體化"
  1557. #: options/theme-options.php:1613
  1558. msgid ""
  1559. "When enabled, the background of the cover will be set to transparent, while "
  1560. "the frontend background will use the cover's random image API"
  1561. msgstr "開啟之後,封面的背景將設定為透明,同時前台背景將使用封面的隨機圖像API"
  1562. #: options/theme-options.php:1620
  1563. msgid "Cover Random Images Filter"
  1564. msgstr "封面隨機圖像濾鏡"
  1565. #: options/theme-options.php:1622
  1566. msgid "No filter"
  1567. msgstr "無濾鏡"
  1568. #: options/theme-options.php:1623
  1569. msgid "Light filter"
  1570. msgstr "淺色濾鏡"
  1571. #: options/theme-options.php:1624
  1572. msgid "Dimmed filter"
  1573. msgstr "暗淡濾鏡"
  1574. #: options/theme-options.php:1625
  1575. msgid "Grid filter"
  1576. msgstr "網格濾鏡"
  1577. #: options/theme-options.php:1626
  1578. msgid "Dot filter"
  1579. msgstr "點狀濾鏡"
  1580. #: options/theme-options.php:1634
  1581. msgid "Cover Wave Effects"
  1582. msgstr "封面波浪特效"
  1583. #: options/theme-options.php:1635
  1584. msgid ""
  1585. "Wave effect will appear at the bottom of the cover of the home page after "
  1586. "turning on, and it will be forced off in the dark mode"
  1587. msgstr "開啟之後首頁封面底部將出現波浪特效,深色模式下將強制關閉"
  1588. #: options/theme-options.php:1642
  1589. msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow"
  1590. msgstr "封面下拉箭頭"
  1591. #: options/theme-options.php:1643
  1592. msgid "Enabled by default, show a dropdown arrow at bottom of home cover"
  1593. msgstr "默認開啟,首頁封面底部顯示下拉箭頭"
  1594. #: options/theme-options.php:1650
  1595. msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow Display on Mobile Devices"
  1596. msgstr "封面下拉箭頭行動端顯示"
  1597. #: options/theme-options.php:1652
  1598. msgid ""
  1599. "Drop down arrow will appear at the bottom of the mobile devices' home cover "
  1600. "after turning it on"
  1601. msgstr "開啟之後行動端首頁封面底部將出現下拉箭頭"
  1602. #: options/theme-options.php:1659
  1603. msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow Color"
  1604. msgstr "封面下拉箭頭顏色"
  1605. #: options/theme-options.php:1668
  1606. msgid "Cover Dropdown Arrow Color (Dark Mode)"
  1607. msgstr "封面下拉箭頭顏色(深色模式)"
  1608. #: options/theme-options.php:1670
  1609. msgid "Customize the colors, dark colors are recommended"
  1610. msgstr "自定義顏色,建議使用深色系顏色"
  1611. #: options/theme-options.php:1677
  1612. msgid "Cover Video"
  1613. msgstr "封面影片"
  1614. #: options/theme-options.php:1678
  1615. msgid "Use a video instead of the images as the cover"
  1616. msgstr "開啟之後將替代隨機圖像作為封面顯示"
  1617. #: options/theme-options.php:1685
  1618. msgid "Cover Video Loop"
  1619. msgstr "封面影片循環"
  1620. #: options/theme-options.php:1687
  1621. msgid "Video will loop automatically when enabled."
  1622. msgstr "開啟之後影片將自動循環"
  1623. #: options/theme-options.php:1694
  1624. msgid "Cover Video Auto Resume"
  1625. msgstr "封面影片自動恢復"
  1626. #: options/theme-options.php:1696
  1627. msgid ""
  1628. "Cover Video will resume automatically when coming back to homepage while "
  1629. "Pjax enabled."
  1630. msgstr "開啟之後返回首頁時視頻將恢復播放,需要開啟Pjax功能"
  1631. #: options/theme-options.php:1703
  1632. msgid "Cover Video URL Base Path"
  1633. msgstr "封面影片URL連結路徑"
  1634. #: options/theme-options.php:1706
  1635. msgid ""
  1636. "Fill in the base path your video located at. For example: https://localhost. "
  1637. "Your site's URL is used as default. Please pay attention to the protocol "
  1638. "name of the URL."
  1639. msgstr ""
  1640. "填寫影片所在的根路徑。例如:https://localhost. 你站點的URL將作為默認URL。請注"
  1641. "意URL的協議名稱。"
  1642. #: options/theme-options.php:1712
  1643. msgid "Cover Video File Name"
  1644. msgstr "封面影片檔案名稱"
  1645. #: options/theme-options.php:1714
  1646. msgid ""
  1647. "For example: abc.mp4. Multiple videos should be separated by English commas "
  1648. "like \"abc.mp4,efg.mp4,\" Random play is on by default."
  1649. msgstr ""
  1650. "例如:abc.mp4,多個影片請用英文逗號隔開,如:abc.mp4,efg.mp4。默認隨機播放。"
  1651. #: options/theme-options.php:1722
  1652. msgid "Cover Social Area Options"
  1653. msgstr "封面社交區域設定"
  1654. #: options/theme-options.php:1729
  1655. msgid ""
  1656. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1657. "#%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2%E7%A4%BE%E4%BA%A4%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</"
  1658. "a> to learn how to set the options on this page"
  1659. msgstr ""
  1660. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1661. "#%E5%B0%81%E9%9D%A2%E7%A4%BE%E4%BA%A4%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">"
  1662. "此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  1663. #: options/theme-options.php:1734
  1664. msgid "Related Options"
  1665. msgstr "相关設定"
  1666. #: options/theme-options.php:1740
  1667. msgid "Cover Social Area"
  1668. msgstr "封面社交區域"
  1669. #: options/theme-options.php:1741
  1670. msgid ""
  1671. "Enabled by default, show cover random image toggle button and social network "
  1672. "icons"
  1673. msgstr "默認開啟,顯示封面隨機圖像切換按鈕和社交網絡圖標"
  1674. #: options/theme-options.php:1748
  1675. msgid "Social Icon"
  1676. msgstr "社交網絡圖標"
  1677. #: options/theme-options.php:1749
  1678. msgid ""
  1679. "Select your favorite icon pack. Icon pack references are detailed in the "
  1680. "\"About Theme\" section"
  1681. msgstr "選擇你喜歡的圖標包。圖標包引用資訊詳見關於主題"
  1682. #: options/theme-options.php:1770
  1683. msgid "Cover Social Area Rounded Corners"
  1684. msgstr "封面社交區域圓角"
  1685. #: options/theme-options.php:1772
  1686. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 10-20"
  1687. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為10-20"
  1688. #: options/theme-options.php:1781
  1689. msgid "Switch Button of Random Images"
  1690. msgstr "封面隨機圖像切換按鈕"
  1691. #: options/theme-options.php:1783
  1692. msgid "Enabled by default, show cover random image toggle button"
  1693. msgstr "默認開啟,顯示封面隨機圖切換按鈕"
  1694. #: options/theme-options.php:1789
  1695. msgid "Social Network"
  1696. msgstr "社交網絡"
  1697. #: options/theme-options.php:1795
  1698. msgid "Wechat"
  1699. msgstr "微信"
  1700. #: options/theme-options.php:1804
  1701. msgid "QQ"
  1702. msgstr "QQ"
  1703. #: options/theme-options.php:1806
  1704. msgid ""
  1705. "Please note the format of filling out the form, e.g. tencent://message/?"
  1706. "uin=123456"
  1707. msgstr "請注意填寫格式,例如:tencent://message/?uin=123456"
  1708. #: options/theme-options.php:1812
  1709. msgid "Bilibili"
  1710. msgstr "嗶哩嗶哩"
  1711. #: options/theme-options.php:1814 options/theme-options.php:1822
  1712. #: options/theme-options.php:1830 options/theme-options.php:1838
  1713. #: options/theme-options.php:1846 options/theme-options.php:1854
  1714. #: options/theme-options.php:1862 options/theme-options.php:1870
  1715. #: options/theme-options.php:1878 options/theme-options.php:1886
  1716. #: options/theme-options.php:1894 options/theme-options.php:1902
  1717. #: options/theme-options.php:1910 options/theme-options.php:1918
  1718. #: options/theme-options.php:1926 options/theme-options.php:1934
  1719. #: options/theme-options.php:1959 options/theme-options.php:2256
  1720. #: options/theme-options.php:2282 options/theme-options.php:2308
  1721. #: options/theme-options.php:2416
  1722. msgid "add URL"
  1723. msgstr "填寫地址"
  1724. #: options/theme-options.php:1820
  1725. msgid "NetEase Music"
  1726. msgstr "網易云音樂"
  1727. #: options/theme-options.php:1828
  1728. msgid "Weibo"
  1729. msgstr "新浪微博"
  1730. #: options/theme-options.php:1836
  1731. msgid "Github"
  1732. msgstr "Github"
  1733. #: options/theme-options.php:1844
  1734. msgid "Telegram"
  1735. msgstr "Telegram"
  1736. #: options/theme-options.php:1852
  1737. msgid "Steam"
  1738. msgstr "Steam"
  1739. #: options/theme-options.php:1860
  1740. msgid "ZhiHu"
  1741. msgstr "知乎"
  1742. #: options/theme-options.php:1868
  1743. msgid "QZone"
  1744. msgstr "QQ空間"
  1745. #: options/theme-options.php:1876
  1746. msgid "Lofter"
  1747. msgstr "乐乎"
  1748. #: options/theme-options.php:1884
  1749. msgid "Youku"
  1750. msgstr "優酷"
  1751. #: options/theme-options.php:1892
  1752. msgid "Linkedin"
  1753. msgstr "領英"
  1754. #: options/theme-options.php:1900
  1755. msgid "Twitter"
  1756. msgstr "Twitter"
  1757. #: options/theme-options.php:1908
  1758. msgid "Facebook"
  1759. msgstr "Facebook"
  1760. #: options/theme-options.php:1916
  1761. msgid "CSDN"
  1762. msgstr "CSDN"
  1763. #: options/theme-options.php:1924
  1764. msgid "JianShu"
  1765. msgstr "簡書"
  1766. #: options/theme-options.php:1932
  1767. msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅰ"
  1768. msgstr "自定義社交網絡Ⅰ"
  1769. #: options/theme-options.php:1940
  1770. msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅰ Title"
  1771. msgstr "自定義社交網絡Ⅰ 標題"
  1772. #: options/theme-options.php:1948
  1773. msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅰ icon"
  1774. msgstr "自定義社交網絡Ⅰ 圖標"
  1775. #: options/theme-options.php:1957
  1776. msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅱ"
  1777. msgstr "自定義社交網絡Ⅱ"
  1778. #: options/theme-options.php:1965
  1779. msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅱ Title"
  1780. msgstr "自定義社交網絡Ⅱ 標題"
  1781. #: options/theme-options.php:1973
  1782. msgid "Customized Social Network Ⅱ icon"
  1783. msgstr "自定義社交網絡Ⅱ 圖標"
  1784. #: options/theme-options.php:1982
  1785. msgid "Email Username"
  1786. msgstr "電子郵箱用戶名"
  1787. #: options/theme-options.php:1984
  1788. msgid ""
  1789. "name@domain.com fo name, the full address can be known only when there is a "
  1790. "js runtime in the frontend, you can fill in with confidence"
  1791. msgstr ""
  1792. "name@domain.com的name部分,前端僅具有 js 運行環境時才能獲取完整地址,可放心填"
  1793. "寫"
  1794. #: options/theme-options.php:1990
  1795. msgid "Email Domain"
  1796. msgstr "電子郵箱域"
  1797. #: options/theme-options.php:1992
  1798. msgid "name@domain.com fo domain.com"
  1799. msgstr "name@domain.com的domain.com部分"
  1800. #: options/theme-options.php:2000
  1801. msgid "Bulletin Board and Area Title Options"
  1802. msgstr "公告欄和區域標題設定"
  1803. #: options/theme-options.php:2007
  1804. msgid ""
  1805. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1806. "#%E5%85%AC%E5%91%8A%E6%A0%8F%E5%92%8C%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E6%A0%87%E9%A2%98%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</"
  1807. "a> to learn how to set the options on this page"
  1808. msgstr ""
  1809. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1810. "#%E5%85%AC%E5%91%8A%E6%A0%8F%E5%92%8C%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E6%A0%87%E9%A2%98%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">"
  1811. "此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  1812. #: options/theme-options.php:2012 options/theme-options.php:2018
  1813. msgid "Bulletin Board"
  1814. msgstr "公告欄"
  1815. #: options/theme-options.php:2019
  1816. msgid "When enabled the bulletin board will be displayed below the front cover"
  1817. msgstr "開啟之後公告欄將在首頁封面下方顯示"
  1818. #: options/theme-options.php:2026
  1819. msgid "Bulletin Board Style"
  1820. msgstr "公告欄樣式"
  1821. #: options/theme-options.php:2029
  1822. msgid "Picture Background"
  1823. msgstr "圖像背景"
  1824. #: options/theme-options.php:2030
  1825. msgid "Color Background"
  1826. msgstr "純色背景"
  1827. #: options/theme-options.php:2038
  1828. msgid "Bulletin Board \"Notice\" Icon"
  1829. msgstr "公告欄“公告”圖標"
  1830. #: options/theme-options.php:2040
  1831. msgid ""
  1832. "The \"Notice\" icon will be displayed on the left side of the announcement "
  1833. "bar"
  1834. msgstr "“公告”圖標將顯示在公告欄的左側"
  1835. #: options/theme-options.php:2047
  1836. msgid "Bulletin Board Background"
  1837. msgstr "公告欄背景"
  1838. #: options/theme-options.php:2052
  1839. msgid "Best width 820px, best height 67px"
  1840. msgstr "最佳寬度820px,最佳高度67px"
  1841. #: options/theme-options.php:2060
  1842. msgid "Bulletin Board Border Color"
  1843. msgstr "公告欄邊框顏色"
  1844. #: options/theme-options.php:2065
  1845. msgid ""
  1846. "Customize the colors, it is recommended to use a light color that "
  1847. "corresponds with the theme color"
  1848. msgstr "自定義顏色,建議使用與主題色相同色系且屬於淺色系的顏色"
  1849. #: options/theme-options.php:2072
  1850. msgid "Bulletin Board Text"
  1851. msgstr "公告文本"
  1852. #: options/theme-options.php:2074
  1853. msgid "Fill in the announcement text, the text beyond 142 bytes will be hidden"
  1854. msgstr "填寫公告文本,文本超出142個字節將會被隱藏"
  1855. #: options/theme-options.php:2080
  1856. msgid "Bulletin Board Alignment"
  1857. msgstr "公告板對齊方向"
  1858. #: options/theme-options.php:2093
  1859. msgid "Bulletin Board Text Color"
  1860. msgstr "公告板文本顏色"
  1861. #: options/theme-options.php:2095 options/theme-options.php:2183
  1862. #: options/theme-options.php:2369 options/theme-options.php:2829
  1863. #: options/theme-options.php:2837 options/theme-options.php:2880
  1864. #: options/theme-options.php:2888
  1865. msgid ""
  1866. "Customize the colors, suggest using a corresponding color with the "
  1867. "background color"
  1868. msgstr "自定義顏色,建議根據背景顏色搭配合適的顏色"
  1869. #: options/theme-options.php:2101
  1870. msgid "Area Title"
  1871. msgstr "區域標題"
  1872. #: options/theme-options.php:2107
  1873. msgid "Display Area Icon"
  1874. msgstr "展示區域圖標"
  1875. #: options/theme-options.php:2108
  1876. msgid ""
  1877. "Default is \"fa-solid fa-laptop\", You can check the <a href=\"https://"
  1878. "fontawesome.com/search?o=r&m=free\">FontAwesome Website</a> to see the icons "
  1879. "that can be filled in"
  1880. msgstr ""
  1881. "默認為“fa-solid fa-laptop”,可以前往 <a href=\"https://fontawesome.com/"
  1882. "search?o=r&m=free\">FontAwesome網站</a> 查看可以填寫的圖示"
  1883. #: options/theme-options.php:2115
  1884. msgid "Display Area Title"
  1885. msgstr "展示區域標題"
  1886. #: options/theme-options.php:2116
  1887. msgid ""
  1888. "Default is \"Display\", you can change it to anything else, but of course it "
  1889. "CANNOT be used as an ad! Not allowed!!!"
  1890. msgstr "默認為“Display”,你可以修改為其他,當然不能當廣告用!不允許!!"
  1891. #: options/theme-options.php:2123
  1892. msgid "Post Area Icon"
  1893. msgstr "文章區域圖標"
  1894. #: options/theme-options.php:2124
  1895. msgid ""
  1896. "Default is \"fa-regular fa-bookmark\", You can check the <a href=\"https://"
  1897. "fontawesome.com/search?o=r&m=free\">FontAwesome Website</a> to see the icons "
  1898. "that can be filled in"
  1899. msgstr ""
  1900. "默認為“fa-regular fa-bookmark”,可以前往 <a href=\"https://fontawesome.com/"
  1901. "search?o=r&m=free\">FontAwesome網站</a> 查看可以填寫的圖示"
  1902. #: options/theme-options.php:2131
  1903. msgid "Post Area Title"
  1904. msgstr "文章區域標題"
  1905. #: options/theme-options.php:2132
  1906. msgid ""
  1907. "Default is \"Article\", you can change it to anything else, but of course it "
  1908. "CANNOT be used as an ad! Not allowed!!!"
  1909. msgstr "默認為“文章”,你可以修改為其他,當然不能當廣告用!不允許!!"
  1910. #: options/theme-options.php:2139
  1911. msgid "Area Title Font"
  1912. msgstr "區域標題字"
  1913. #: options/theme-options.php:2147
  1914. msgid "Area Title Alignment"
  1915. msgstr "區域標題對齊方向"
  1916. #: options/theme-options.php:2161 options/theme-options.php:2232
  1917. msgid "Display Area Options"
  1918. msgstr "展示區域設定"
  1919. #: options/theme-options.php:2168
  1920. msgid ""
  1921. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1922. "#%E5%B1%95%E7%A4%BA%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn "
  1923. "how to set the options on this page"
  1924. msgstr ""
  1925. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1926. "#%E5%B1%95%E7%A4%BA%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在"
  1927. "此頁面上設定選項"
  1928. #: options/theme-options.php:2174
  1929. msgid "Display Area"
  1930. msgstr "展示區域"
  1931. #: options/theme-options.php:2175
  1932. msgid "Enabled by default, display area is above article area"
  1933. msgstr "默認開啟,展示區域顯示在文章區域上方"
  1934. #: options/theme-options.php:2182
  1935. msgid "Display Area Matching Color"
  1936. msgstr "展示區域匹配顏色"
  1937. #: options/theme-options.php:2190
  1938. msgid "Display Area Style"
  1939. msgstr "展示區域樣式"
  1940. #: options/theme-options.php:2201
  1941. msgid "Display Area Compatibility Mode"
  1942. msgstr "展示區域兼容模式"
  1943. #: options/theme-options.php:2203
  1944. msgid ""
  1945. "Enabled by default, this option avoids the problem of misaligned display "
  1946. "areas"
  1947. msgstr "默認開啟,此選項避免了展示區域錯位的問題"
  1948. #: options/theme-options.php:2210
  1949. msgid "Display Area Background Color"
  1950. msgstr "展示區域背景顏色"
  1951. #: options/theme-options.php:2219
  1952. msgid "Display Area Rounded Corners"
  1953. msgstr "展示區域圓角"
  1954. #: options/theme-options.php:2235
  1955. msgid "First Display Area"
  1956. msgstr "第一展示區域"
  1957. #: options/theme-options.php:2240 options/theme-options.php:2266
  1958. #: options/theme-options.php:2292
  1959. msgid "image"
  1960. msgstr "圖像"
  1961. #: options/theme-options.php:2241 options/theme-options.php:2267
  1962. #: options/theme-options.php:2293
  1963. msgid "best width 260px, best height 160px"
  1964. msgstr "最佳寬度260px,最佳高度160px"
  1965. #: options/theme-options.php:2246 options/theme-options.php:2272
  1966. #: options/theme-options.php:2298
  1967. msgid "title"
  1968. msgstr "標題"
  1969. #: options/theme-options.php:2251 options/theme-options.php:2277
  1970. #: options/theme-options.php:2303
  1971. msgid "description"
  1972. msgstr "描述"
  1973. #: options/theme-options.php:2261
  1974. msgid "Second Display Area"
  1975. msgstr "第二展示區域"
  1976. #: options/theme-options.php:2287
  1977. msgid "Third Display Area"
  1978. msgstr "第三展示區域"
  1979. #: options/theme-options.php:2334
  1980. msgid "Article Area Options"
  1981. msgstr "文章區域設定"
  1982. #: options/theme-options.php:2341
  1983. msgid ""
  1984. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1985. "#%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn "
  1986. "how to set the options on this page"
  1987. msgstr ""
  1988. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Homepage/"
  1989. "#%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在"
  1990. "此頁面上設定選項"
  1991. #: options/theme-options.php:2347
  1992. msgid "Article Area Display Style"
  1993. msgstr "文章區域展示樣式"
  1994. #: options/theme-options.php:2358
  1995. msgid "Article Area Matching Color"
  1996. msgstr "文章區域匹配顏色"
  1997. #: options/theme-options.php:2360
  1998. msgid ""
  1999. "Customize the colors, This option only supports filling in hexadecimal "
  2000. "colors, suggest the same as the matching color"
  2001. msgstr "自定義顏色,此選項僅支援填充十六進位顏色,建議與匹配顏色相同"
  2002. #: options/theme-options.php:2367
  2003. msgid "Article Area Border Shadow Color"
  2004. msgstr "文章區域邊框陰影顏色"
  2005. #: options/theme-options.php:2376
  2006. msgid "Article Area Featured Image Display Shapes"
  2007. msgstr "文章區域裝飾特色圖像展示形狀"
  2008. #: options/theme-options.php:2378
  2009. msgid ""
  2010. "You can choose a circular or a rectangular display of the featured image"
  2011. msgstr "你可以選擇圓形展示或者矩形展示文章區域裝飾特色圖像"
  2012. #: options/theme-options.php:2389
  2013. msgid "Article Area Featured Image Alignment"
  2014. msgstr "文章區域裝飾特色圖像對齊方向"
  2015. #: options/theme-options.php:2391
  2016. msgid "You can choose different directions to display the featured images"
  2017. msgstr "你可以選擇不同方向展示文章區域裝飾特色圖像"
  2018. #: options/theme-options.php:2403
  2019. msgid "Article Area Featured Image Options"
  2020. msgstr "文章區域裝飾特色圖像選項"
  2021. #: options/theme-options.php:2405
  2022. msgid "Cover Random Image"
  2023. msgstr "封面隨機圖像"
  2024. #: options/theme-options.php:2406
  2025. msgid "External API Random Image"
  2026. msgstr "外部API隨機圖像"
  2027. #: options/theme-options.php:2414
  2028. msgid "Article Area Featured Image External API Random Image Address"
  2029. msgstr "文章區域裝飾特色圖像外部API隨機圖像地址"
  2030. #: options/theme-options.php:2424
  2031. msgid "Article Area Title Font Size"
  2032. msgstr "文章區域標題字體大小"
  2033. #: options/theme-options.php:2425
  2034. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended value range is 16-20"
  2035. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為16-20"
  2036. #: options/theme-options.php:2437
  2037. msgid "Article Area Time Display Area Font Size"
  2038. msgstr "文章區域時間提示區域字體大小"
  2039. #: options/theme-options.php:2439
  2040. msgid "Slide to adjust, the recommended values range is 10-14"
  2041. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為10-14"
  2042. #: options/theme-options.php:2450
  2043. msgid "Article Area Author Info"
  2044. msgstr "文章區域“作者資訊”"
  2045. #: options/theme-options.php:2451
  2046. msgid ""
  2047. "When turned on, author information will be added to the article metadata "
  2048. "section."
  2049. msgstr "開啟之後,文章元資料部分將增加作者資訊。"
  2050. #: options/theme-options.php:2460
  2051. msgid "Page Options"
  2052. msgstr "頁面設定"
  2053. #: options/theme-options.php:2466
  2054. msgid "Common Options"
  2055. msgstr "綜合設定"
  2056. #: options/theme-options.php:2473
  2057. msgid ""
  2058. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2059. "#%E7%BB%BC%E5%90%88%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the "
  2060. "options on this page"
  2061. msgstr ""
  2062. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2063. "#%E7%BB%BC%E5%90%88%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  2064. #: options/theme-options.php:2479
  2065. msgid "Page Style"
  2066. msgstr "頁面樣式"
  2067. #: options/theme-options.php:2490
  2068. msgid "Page Layout Style"
  2069. msgstr "頁面排版樣式"
  2070. #: options/theme-options.php:2492
  2071. msgid "Default Style"
  2072. msgstr "默認樣式"
  2073. #: options/theme-options.php:2493
  2074. msgid "Github Style"
  2075. msgstr "Github樣式"
  2076. #: options/theme-options.php:2501
  2077. msgid "Page Decoration Image"
  2078. msgstr "頁面裝飾圖像"
  2079. #: options/theme-options.php:2502
  2080. msgid ""
  2081. "Enabled by default, show on article pages, standalone pages and category "
  2082. "pages"
  2083. msgstr "默認開啟,顯示在文章頁面,獨立頁面和分類頁"
  2084. #: options/theme-options.php:2509
  2085. msgid "Page Title Animation"
  2086. msgstr "頁面標題動畫"
  2087. #: options/theme-options.php:2510
  2088. msgid "Page title will have float-in animation when turned on"
  2089. msgstr "開啟之後頁面標題將有浮入動畫"
  2090. #: options/theme-options.php:2517
  2091. msgid "Page Title Animation Time"
  2092. msgstr "頁面標題動畫時間"
  2093. #: options/theme-options.php:2519
  2094. msgid "Slide to adjust, recommended value range is 1-2"
  2095. msgstr "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為1-2"
  2096. #: options/theme-options.php:2529
  2097. msgid "Page Clipboard Copyright Notice"
  2098. msgstr "頁面剪切板版權提示"
  2099. #: options/theme-options.php:2530
  2100. msgid ""
  2101. "Enabled by default, users will have copyright notice text when copying text "
  2102. "content over 30 bytes"
  2103. msgstr "默認開啟,用戶在復製文字內容超過30字節時,會有版權提示文本"
  2104. #: options/theme-options.php:2537
  2105. msgid "Page LazyLoad"
  2106. msgstr "頁面LazyLoad"
  2107. #: options/theme-options.php:2538
  2108. msgid ""
  2109. "LazyLoad effect for page images, WordPress block editor already comes with "
  2110. "similar effect, not recommended to turn on"
  2111. msgstr ""
  2112. "開啟之後頁面圖像會有LazyLoad載入效果,WordPress區塊編輯器已經自帶相似效果,不"
  2113. "建議開啟"
  2114. #: options/theme-options.php:2545
  2115. msgid "Page LazyLoad Placeholder SVG"
  2116. msgstr "頁面LazyLoad載入佔位SVG"
  2117. #: options/theme-options.php:2547
  2118. msgid ""
  2119. "Fill in the address, this is the placeholder image that will be displayed "
  2120. "when the page LazyLoad is being loaded"
  2121. msgstr "填寫地址,此為頁面LazyLoad載入時會顯示的佔位圖"
  2122. #: options/theme-options.php:2554
  2123. msgid "Page Image Placeholder SVG"
  2124. msgstr "頁面圖像載入佔位SVG"
  2125. #: options/theme-options.php:2555
  2126. msgid ""
  2127. "Fill address, this is the SVG that will be displayed as a placeholder when "
  2128. "the page image is being loaded"
  2129. msgstr "填寫地址,此為載入頁面圖像時佔位顯示的SVG"
  2130. #: options/theme-options.php:2564
  2131. msgid "Article Page Options"
  2132. msgstr "文章頁面設定"
  2133. #: options/theme-options.php:2571
  2134. msgid ""
  2135. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2136. "#%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn "
  2137. "how to set the options on this page"
  2138. msgstr ""
  2139. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2140. "#%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在"
  2141. "此頁面上設定選項"
  2142. #: options/theme-options.php:2577
  2143. msgid "Article Page Title Font Size"
  2144. msgstr "文章頁面標題字體大小"
  2145. #: options/theme-options.php:2578
  2146. msgid ""
  2147. "Slide to adjust, recommended value range is 28-36. This option is only "
  2148. "available for article pages that have a featured image set"
  2149. msgstr ""
  2150. "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為28-36。此選項僅對已經設定了特色圖像的文章頁面生效"
  2151. #: options/theme-options.php:2588
  2152. msgid "Article Page Title Underline Animation"
  2153. msgstr "文章頁面標題下劃線動畫"
  2154. #: options/theme-options.php:2589
  2155. msgid ""
  2156. "Article title will have underline animation when this is enabled and article "
  2157. "has a featured image set"
  2158. msgstr "開啟且文章設定了特色圖像之後,文章標題將有下劃線動"
  2159. #: options/theme-options.php:2596
  2160. msgid "Article Page Auto Show Menu"
  2161. msgstr "文章頁面自動顯示菜單"
  2162. #: options/theme-options.php:2597
  2163. msgid "Enabled by default, the article page will automatically show the menu"
  2164. msgstr "默認開啟,文章頁面會自動顯示菜單"
  2165. #: options/theme-options.php:2603
  2166. msgid "Article Expansion Area"
  2167. msgstr "文章擴展區"
  2168. #: options/theme-options.php:2609
  2169. msgid "Article Page Function Bar"
  2170. msgstr "文章頁面功能列"
  2171. #: options/theme-options.php:2610
  2172. msgid ""
  2173. "Enabled by default, will be displayed on the article page with the features "
  2174. "enabled below"
  2175. msgstr "默認啟用,將在文章頁顯示下方開啟的功能"
  2176. #: options/theme-options.php:2617
  2177. msgid "Article Lincenses"
  2178. msgstr "文章知識共享協定"
  2179. #: options/theme-options.php:2619
  2180. msgid "Enabled by default, Article lincenses will appear on the function bar"
  2181. msgstr "默認啟用,文章行將顯示在功能欄上"
  2182. #: options/theme-options.php:2626
  2183. msgid "Article Page Appreciation Function (Alipay QR Code)"
  2184. msgstr "文章頁面讚賞功能(支付寶二維碼)"
  2185. #: options/theme-options.php:2628
  2186. msgid "Upload Alipay Receipt QR Code Image"
  2187. msgstr "上傳支付寶收款碼圖像"
  2188. #: options/theme-options.php:2635
  2189. msgid "Article Page Appreciation Function (Wechat QR Code)"
  2190. msgstr "文章頁面讚賞功能(微信QR碼)"
  2191. #: options/theme-options.php:2637
  2192. msgid "Upload WeChat Receipt QR Code Image"
  2193. msgstr "上傳微信收款碼圖像"
  2194. #: options/theme-options.php:2644
  2195. msgid "Article Page Author Avatar"
  2196. msgstr "文章頁面作者頭像"
  2197. #: options/theme-options.php:2646
  2198. msgid "Enabled by default, Author avatar will appear on the function bar"
  2199. msgstr "默認啟用,作者頭像將出現在功能欄上"
  2200. #: options/theme-options.php:2653
  2201. msgid "Article Page Author Name"
  2202. msgstr "文章頁面作者姓名"
  2203. #: options/theme-options.php:2655
  2204. msgid "Author name will appear on the function bar when enabled"
  2205. msgstr "啟用后,作者姓名將顯示在功能欄上"
  2206. #: options/theme-options.php:2662
  2207. msgid "Article Page Author Signature"
  2208. msgstr "文章頁面作者簽名"
  2209. #: options/theme-options.php:2664
  2210. msgid "Enabled by default, Author signature will appear on the function bar"
  2211. msgstr "默認啟用,作者簽名將顯示在功能列上"
  2212. #: options/theme-options.php:2671
  2213. msgid "Article Page Author Info Signature Text"
  2214. msgstr "文章頁面 作者資訊 簽名文本"
  2215. #: options/theme-options.php:2683
  2216. msgid "Article Last Update Time"
  2217. msgstr "文章最後更新時間"
  2218. #: options/theme-options.php:2685
  2219. msgid "Article last update time will appear on the function bar when enabled"
  2220. msgstr "啟用后,文章上次更新時間將顯示在功能列上"
  2221. #: options/theme-options.php:2692
  2222. msgid "Article Tag"
  2223. msgstr "文章標籤"
  2224. #: options/theme-options.php:2694
  2225. msgid "Enabled by default, Article tag will appear on the function bar"
  2226. msgstr "默認啟用,文章標籤將顯示在功能欄上"
  2227. #: options/theme-options.php:2701
  2228. msgid "Article Page Prev/Next Article Switcher"
  2229. msgstr "文章頁面上下文章切換"
  2230. #: options/theme-options.php:2702
  2231. msgid ""
  2232. "Enabled by default, the previous and next article switch will appear on the "
  2233. "article pages"
  2234. msgstr "默認啟用,上一篇文章和下一篇文章開關將顯示在文章頁面上"
  2235. #: options/theme-options.php:2711
  2236. msgid "Template Page Options"
  2237. msgstr "模板頁面設定"
  2238. #: options/theme-options.php:2718
  2239. msgid ""
  2240. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2241. "#%E6%A8%A1%E6%9D%BF%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn "
  2242. "how to set the options on this page"
  2243. msgstr ""
  2244. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2245. "#%E6%A8%A1%E6%9D%BF%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在"
  2246. "此頁面上設定選項"
  2247. #: options/theme-options.php:2724
  2248. msgid "Template Page Title Font Size"
  2249. msgstr "模板頁面標題字體大小"
  2250. #: options/theme-options.php:2725
  2251. msgid ""
  2252. "Slide to adjust, recommended value range is 36-48. This option is only "
  2253. "available for template pages with featured images already set"
  2254. msgstr ""
  2255. "滑動滑塊,推薦數值範圍為36-48。此選項僅對已經設定了特色圖像的模板頁面生效"
  2256. #: options/theme-options.php:2735
  2257. msgid "Ideas Template Background ColorⅠ"
  2258. msgstr "推文模板推文背景顏色Ⅰ"
  2259. #: options/theme-options.php:2743
  2260. msgid "Ideas Template Background Color II"
  2261. msgstr "推文模板推文背景顏色Ⅱ"
  2262. #: options/theme-options.php:2751
  2263. msgid "Ideas Template Tip Arrow"
  2264. msgstr "推文模板推文提示箭頭"
  2265. #: options/theme-options.php:2752
  2266. msgid ""
  2267. "After turning on the alert arrow will appear on the left side of the comment"
  2268. msgstr "開啟之後提示箭頭將出現在推文左側上方"
  2269. #: options/theme-options.php:2759
  2270. msgid "Ideas Template Font"
  2271. msgstr "推文模板推文字體"
  2272. #: options/theme-options.php:2767
  2273. msgid "Bangumi Template Source"
  2274. msgstr "動漫模板源"
  2275. #: options/theme-options.php:2778
  2276. msgid "My Anime List Username"
  2277. msgstr "我的動漫清單使用者名"
  2278. #: options/theme-options.php:2780
  2279. msgid "Username on https://myanimelist.net/"
  2280. msgstr "https://myanimelist.net/ 上的使用者名"
  2281. #: options/theme-options.php:2787
  2282. msgid "My Anime List Sort"
  2283. msgstr "我的動漫清單顺序"
  2284. #: options/theme-options.php:2790
  2285. msgid "Status and Last Updated"
  2286. msgstr "狀態和上次更新時間"
  2287. #: options/theme-options.php:2791
  2288. msgid "Last Updated"
  2289. msgstr "最後更新"
  2290. #: options/theme-options.php:2792
  2291. msgid "Status"
  2292. msgstr "狀態"
  2293. #: options/theme-options.php:2800
  2294. msgid "Bilibili Account UID"
  2295. msgstr "嗶哩嗶哩帳戶UID"
  2296. #: options/theme-options.php:2801
  2297. msgid ""
  2298. "Fill in your account ID, e.g. https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/, just the "
  2299. "number part \"13972644\""
  2300. msgstr ""
  2301. "填寫你的帳號ID,例如:https://space.bilibili.com/13972644/,只需填寫數"
  2302. "字“13972644”部分"
  2303. #: options/theme-options.php:2808
  2304. msgid "Bilibili Account Cookies"
  2305. msgstr "嗶哩嗶哩帳戶Cookies"
  2306. #: options/theme-options.php:2809
  2307. msgid ""
  2308. "Fill in your account cookies, F12 to open your browser web panel, go to your "
  2309. "bilibili homepage to get cookies. If left empty, it will not show the "
  2310. "progress of catching up bangumis"
  2311. msgstr ""
  2312. "填寫你的帳號Cookies,F12打開瀏覽器網路面板,前往你的B站主頁獲取Cookies。如果"
  2313. "留空,將不會顯示追番進度"
  2314. #: options/theme-options.php:2816
  2315. msgid "Friend Link Template Unit Alignment"
  2316. msgstr "友情連結模板單元對齊方向"
  2317. #: options/theme-options.php:2828
  2318. msgid "Friend Link Template Unit Matching Color"
  2319. msgstr "友情連結模板單元匹配顏色"
  2320. #: options/theme-options.php:2836
  2321. msgid "Friend Link Template Unit Border Shadow Color"
  2322. msgstr "友情連結模板單元邊框陰影顏色"
  2323. #: options/theme-options.php:2844
  2324. msgid "Login Template Registration Function"
  2325. msgstr "登入模板註冊功能"
  2326. #: options/theme-options.php:2845
  2327. msgid "Login template will allow registration when enabled"
  2328. msgstr "開啟之後登入模板將允許註冊"
  2329. #: options/theme-options.php:2854
  2330. msgid "Comment-related Options"
  2331. msgstr "留言相關設定"
  2332. #: options/theme-options.php:2861
  2333. msgid ""
  2334. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2335. "#%E8%AF%84%E8%AE%BA%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn "
  2336. "how to set the options on this page"
  2337. msgstr ""
  2338. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Pages/"
  2339. "#%E8%AF%84%E8%AE%BA%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在"
  2340. "此頁面上設定選項"
  2341. #: options/theme-options.php:2867
  2342. msgid "Page Comment Area Display"
  2343. msgstr "頁面留言板顯示"
  2344. #: options/theme-options.php:2868
  2345. msgid "You can choose to expand or shirink the content of the comment area"
  2346. msgstr "你可以選擇展開或者摺疊留言板內容"
  2347. #: options/theme-options.php:2870
  2348. msgid "Expand"
  2349. msgstr "展開"
  2350. #: options/theme-options.php:2871
  2351. msgid "Shrink"
  2352. msgstr "摺疊"
  2353. #: options/theme-options.php:2879
  2354. msgid "Page Comment Area Matching Color"
  2355. msgstr "頁面留言板域匹配顏色"
  2356. #: options/theme-options.php:2887
  2357. msgid "Page Comment Area Shadow Color"
  2358. msgstr "頁面留言板域陰影顏色"
  2359. #: options/theme-options.php:2895
  2360. msgid "Page Comment Area Bilibili Emoji Pack"
  2361. msgstr "頁面留言板域嗶哩嗶哩表情包"
  2362. #: options/theme-options.php:2896
  2363. msgid "Default on, bilibili emotions are displayed below the comment box"
  2364. msgstr "默認開啟,嗶哩嗶哩表情包顯示在留言框的下方"
  2365. #: options/theme-options.php:2903
  2366. msgid "Page Comment Area Bottom Right Background Image"
  2367. msgstr "頁面留言板右下背景圖像"
  2368. #: options/theme-options.php:2904
  2369. msgid ""
  2370. "If this option is blank, there will be no image, no best recommendation here"
  2371. msgstr "如果此選項為空白,則沒有圖像,無最佳推薦"
  2372. #: options/theme-options.php:2911
  2373. msgid "Page Comment Area UA Info"
  2374. msgstr "頁面留言板UA資訊"
  2375. #: options/theme-options.php:2912
  2376. msgid ""
  2377. "When enabled, the page comment area will display the user’s browser, "
  2378. "operating system information"
  2379. msgstr "開啟之後頁面留言板將顯示用戶的瀏覽器,作業系統資訊"
  2380. #: options/theme-options.php:2919
  2381. msgid "Page Comment Area Location Information"
  2382. msgstr "頁面留言板位置資訊"
  2383. #: options/theme-options.php:2920
  2384. msgid ""
  2385. "When enabled, the page comment area will show the user’s location information"
  2386. msgstr "開啟之後頁面留言板將顯示用戶的位置資訊"
  2387. #: options/theme-options.php:2927
  2388. msgid "Private Comment Function"
  2389. msgstr "私人留言功能"
  2390. #: options/theme-options.php:2928
  2391. msgid ""
  2392. "When enabled, users are allowed to set their comments to be invisible to "
  2393. "others"
  2394. msgstr "開啟之後將允許用戶設定自己的留言對其他人不可見"
  2395. #: options/theme-options.php:2935
  2396. msgid "Page Comment Area Bot Verification"
  2397. msgstr "頁面留言板機器人驗證"
  2398. #: options/theme-options.php:2936
  2399. msgid "After turning on user comments need to be verified before posting"
  2400. msgstr "開啟之後用戶留言前需要經過驗證後才可發布"
  2401. #: options/theme-options.php:2943
  2402. msgid "QQ Avatar Link Encryption"
  2403. msgstr "QQ頭貼連結加密"
  2404. #: options/theme-options.php:2946
  2405. msgid "Redirect (low security)"
  2406. msgstr "重定向(低安全性)"
  2407. #: options/theme-options.php:2947
  2408. msgid "Get avatar data in the backend (medium security)"
  2409. msgstr "後端獲取頭貼數據(中安全性)"
  2410. #: options/theme-options.php:2948
  2411. msgid "Parse avatar interface in the backend (high security, slow)"
  2412. msgstr "後端解析頭貼接口(高安全性,慢速)"
  2413. #: options/theme-options.php:2956
  2414. msgid "Page Comment Area Upload Image Interface"
  2415. msgstr "頁面留言板上傳圖像接口"
  2416. #: options/theme-options.php:2970
  2417. msgid "Imgur Client ID"
  2418. msgstr "Imgur Client ID"
  2419. #: options/theme-options.php:2972
  2420. msgid ""
  2421. "Fill in Client ID here, to register please visit https://api.imgur.com/"
  2422. "oauth2/addclient"
  2423. msgstr "此處填寫Client ID,註冊請訪問 https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient"
  2424. #: options/theme-options.php:2978
  2425. msgid "Imgur Upload Proxy"
  2426. msgstr "Imgur上傳代理"
  2427. #: options/theme-options.php:2980
  2428. msgid ""
  2429. "The proxy used by the backend when uploading images to Imgur. You can refer "
  2430. "to the tutorial: https://2heng.xin/2018/06/06/javascript-upload-images-with-"
  2431. "imgur-api/"
  2432. msgstr ""
  2433. "後端上傳圖像到 Imgur 的時候使用的代理。你可以參考教程:https://2heng."
  2434. "xin/2018/06/06/javascript-upload-images-with-imgur-api/"
  2435. #: options/theme-options.php:2987
  2436. msgid "SM.MS Secret Token"
  2437. msgstr "SM.MS Secret Token"
  2438. #: options/theme-options.php:2989
  2439. msgid ""
  2440. "Fill in your Key here, to get it please visit https://sm.ms/home/apitoken"
  2441. msgstr "此處填寫Key,獲取請訪問 https://sm.ms/home/apitoken"
  2442. #: options/theme-options.php:2995
  2443. msgid "Chevereto API v1 Key"
  2444. msgstr "Chevereto API v1 Key"
  2445. #: options/theme-options.php:2997
  2446. msgid ""
  2447. "Fill in the Key here, to get please visit your Chevereto home page address/"
  2448. "dashboard/settings/api"
  2449. msgstr "此處填寫Key,獲取請訪問你的Chevereto首頁地址/dashboard/settings/api"
  2450. #: options/theme-options.php:3003
  2451. msgid "Chevereto Address"
  2452. msgstr "Chevereto地址"
  2453. #: options/theme-options.php:3005
  2454. msgid ""
  2455. "Your Chevereto home page address. Please note that there is no \"/\" at the "
  2456. "end, e.g. https://your.cherverto.com"
  2457. msgstr ""
  2458. "你的Chevereto首頁地址, 注意結尾沒有 /, 例如:https://your.cherverto.com"
  2459. #: options/theme-options.php:3011
  2460. msgid "Lsky Pro v1 Token"
  2461. msgstr "Lsky Pro v1 Token"
  2462. #: options/theme-options.php:3013
  2463. msgid ""
  2464. "Fill in the Token here, Please note that there is no \"Bearer \" at first, "
  2465. "to get please visit your Lsky Pro home page address/api"
  2466. msgstr ""
  2467. "在這裡填寫令牌,請注意,首先沒有“持有者”,要獲得請訪問您的Lsky Pro主頁位址/ "
  2468. "api"
  2469. #: options/theme-options.php:3019
  2470. msgid "Lsky Pro Address"
  2471. msgstr "Lsky Pro地址"
  2472. #: options/theme-options.php:3021
  2473. msgid ""
  2474. "Your Lsky Pro home page address. Please note that there is no \"/\" at the "
  2475. "end, e.g. https://your.lskypro.com"
  2476. msgstr "你的Lsky Pro首頁地址, 注意結尾沒有 /, 例如:https://your.lskypro.com"
  2477. #: options/theme-options.php:3027
  2478. msgid "Comment Image Proxy"
  2479. msgstr "留言圖像代理"
  2480. #: options/theme-options.php:3028
  2481. msgid "Proxy for the image displayed on the frontend"
  2482. msgstr "前端顯示的圖像的代理"
  2483. #: options/theme-options.php:3035
  2484. msgid "Mail Template Featured Image"
  2485. msgstr "郵件模板特色圖像"
  2486. #: options/theme-options.php:3036
  2487. msgid "Set the background image of your reply email"
  2488. msgstr "設定你的回復郵件上方背景圖像"
  2489. #: options/theme-options.php:3044
  2490. msgid "Mail Template Sending Address Prefix"
  2491. msgstr "郵件模板發件地址前綴"
  2492. #: options/theme-options.php:3045
  2493. msgid ""
  2494. "Used to send system mail. The sender address will be displayed in the user's "
  2495. "mailbox, don't use Non-English Characters. The default system mail address "
  2496. "is bibi@your domain"
  2497. msgstr ""
  2498. "用於發送系統郵件,在用戶的郵箱中顯示的發件人地址,不要使用中文,默認系統郵件"
  2499. "地址為 bibi@你的域名"
  2500. #: options/theme-options.php:3052
  2501. msgid "User Mail Reply Notification"
  2502. msgstr "用戶郵件回復通知"
  2503. #: options/theme-options.php:3053
  2504. msgid ""
  2505. "By default WordPress will use email notifications to notify users when their "
  2506. "comments receive a reply. After turning it on users are allowed to set "
  2507. "whether to use email notifications when their comments receive a reply"
  2508. msgstr ""
  2509. "WordPress默認會使用郵件通知用戶留言收到回復,開啟之後允許用戶設定自己的留言收"
  2510. "到回復時是否使用郵件通知"
  2511. #: options/theme-options.php:3060
  2512. msgid "Admin Email Reply Notification"
  2513. msgstr "管理員郵件回復通知"
  2514. #: options/theme-options.php:3061
  2515. msgid ""
  2516. "Use email notifications when admin comments receive a reply after turning it "
  2517. "on"
  2518. msgstr "開啟之後當管理員留言收到回復時使用郵件通知"
  2519. #: options/theme-options.php:3070
  2520. msgid "Other Options"
  2521. msgstr "其他設定"
  2522. #: options/theme-options.php:3076
  2523. msgid "Login Screen and Dashboard Related Options"
  2524. msgstr "登入介面和儀錶盤相關設定"
  2525. #: options/theme-options.php:3083
  2526. msgid ""
  2527. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Others/"
  2528. "#%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95%E7%95%8C%E9%9D%A2%E5%92%8C%E4%BB%AA%E8%A1%A8%E7%9B%98%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</"
  2529. "a> to learn how to set the options on this page"
  2530. msgstr ""
  2531. "您可以按下 <a href=\"ttps://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Others/"
  2532. "#%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95%E7%95%8C%E9%9D%A2%E5%92%8C%E4%BB%AA%E8%A1%A8%E7%9B%98%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">"
  2533. "此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上設定選項"
  2534. #: options/theme-options.php:3088
  2535. msgid "Login Screen"
  2536. msgstr "登入介面"
  2537. #: options/theme-options.php:3094
  2538. msgid "Login Screen Background Image"
  2539. msgstr "登入介面背景圖像"
  2540. #: options/theme-options.php:3095
  2541. msgid ""
  2542. "Set your login screen background image, leave this option blank to show the "
  2543. "default"
  2544. msgstr "設定你的登入介面背景圖像,此選項留空則顯示默認背景"
  2545. #: options/theme-options.php:3103
  2546. msgid "Login Screen Background Blur"
  2547. msgstr "登入介面背景虛化"
  2548. #: options/theme-options.php:3104
  2549. msgid "Login screen background image will be blurred when enabled"
  2550. msgstr "開啟之後登入介面背景圖像將被虛化"
  2551. #: options/theme-options.php:3111
  2552. msgid "Login Screen Logo"
  2553. msgstr "登入介面Logo"
  2554. #: options/theme-options.php:3112
  2555. msgid "Set your login screen Logo"
  2556. msgstr "設定你的登入介面Logo"
  2557. #: options/theme-options.php:3120
  2558. msgid "Jump after login"
  2559. msgstr "登入後跳轉"
  2560. #: options/theme-options.php:3121
  2561. msgid "Jump to backend for admins and home for users after turning on."
  2562. msgstr "啟用后,跳轉到管理員的後端和使用者的主頁。"
  2563. #: options/theme-options.php:3128
  2564. msgid "Login Screen Language Option"
  2565. msgstr "登入介面語言選項"
  2566. #: options/theme-options.php:3129
  2567. msgid "Login screen language option will be display when enabled"
  2568. msgstr "開啟之後將顯示登入介面語言選項"
  2569. #: options/theme-options.php:3135
  2570. msgid "Dashboard"
  2571. msgstr "儀錶盤"
  2572. #: options/theme-options.php:3141
  2573. msgid "Dashboard Background Image"
  2574. msgstr "儀錶盤背景圖像"
  2575. #: options/theme-options.php:3142
  2576. msgid ""
  2577. "Set your dashboard background image, leave this option blank to show white "
  2578. "background"
  2579. msgstr "設定你的儀錶盤背景圖像,此選項留空則顯示白色背景"
  2580. #: options/theme-options.php:3150
  2581. msgid "Dashboard Options Menu Style"
  2582. msgstr "儀錶盤選項功能表樣式"
  2583. #: options/theme-options.php:3161
  2584. msgid "Dashboard Primary Menu Color"
  2585. msgstr "儀錶盤一級菜單顏色"
  2586. #: options/theme-options.php:3169
  2587. msgid "Dashboard Secondary Menu Color"
  2588. msgstr "儀錶盤二級菜單顏色"
  2589. #: options/theme-options.php:3177
  2590. msgid "Dashboard Emphasis Color"
  2591. msgstr "儀錶盤強調顏色"
  2592. #: options/theme-options.php:3185
  2593. msgid "Dashboard Button Color"
  2594. msgstr "儀錶盤按鈕顏色"
  2595. #: options/theme-options.php:3193
  2596. msgid "Dashboard Text Color"
  2597. msgstr "儀錶盤文本顏色"
  2598. #: options/theme-options.php:3202
  2599. msgid "ChatGPT Options"
  2600. msgstr "ChatGPT設定"
  2601. #: options/theme-options.php:3209
  2602. msgid ""
  2603. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Others/"
  2604. "#ChatGPT%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to set the options on "
  2605. "this page"
  2606. msgstr ""
  2607. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Others/"
  2608. "#ChatGPT%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何設定此頁面上的選項"
  2609. #: options/theme-options.php:3215
  2610. msgid "ChatGPT Base URL"
  2611. msgstr "ChatGPT基本網址"
  2612. #: options/theme-options.php:3216
  2613. msgid "Fill in the ChatGPT Base URL, The default is http://sxy.gay/"
  2614. msgstr "填寫聊天GPT基本網址,預設為 http://sxy.gay/"
  2615. #: options/theme-options.php:3223
  2616. msgid "ChatGPT API keys"
  2617. msgstr ""
  2618. #: options/theme-options.php:3224
  2619. msgid ""
  2620. "Fill in Your ChatGPT API keys, You can go to <a href=\"https://platform."
  2621. "openai.com/account/api-keys\">OpenAI Website</a> to get your API Keys"
  2622. msgstr ""
  2623. "填寫您的 ChatGPT API Keys,您可以存取 <a href=\"https://platform.openai.com/"
  2624. "account/api-keys\">OpenAI 網站</a> 取得您的 API Keys"
  2625. #: options/theme-options.php:3230
  2626. msgid "ChatGPT Article Summarize"
  2627. msgstr "ChatGPT文章摘要"
  2628. #: options/theme-options.php:3231
  2629. msgid "After turning on ChatGPT will automatically generate article abstracts"
  2630. msgstr "開啟之後ChatGPT會自動生成文章摘要"
  2631. #: options/theme-options.php:3237
  2632. msgid ""
  2633. "Each update of your post will trigger a request to generate a summary. Due "
  2634. "to current API limitations, if your article exceeds 4097 Token, the system "
  2635. "will only send the unexceeded portion to generate a summary"
  2636. msgstr ""
  2637. "帖子的每次更新都會觸發生成摘要的請求。由於當前 API 限制,如果您的文章超過 "
  2638. "4097 Token,系統只會發送未超出的部分以生成摘要"
  2639. #: options/theme-options.php:3244
  2640. msgid "ChatGPT Article Summarize Init Prompt"
  2641. msgstr "ChatGPT文章摘要初始化提示"
  2642. #: options/theme-options.php:3246
  2643. msgid ""
  2644. "Fill in the Init Prompt, Please make changes if you know how to configure it "
  2645. "correctly. Init Prompt will be passed to ChatGPT as \"system\" role"
  2646. msgstr ""
  2647. "填寫 init 提示符,如果您知道如何正確配置,請進行更改。初始化提示符將作為「系"
  2648. "統」角色傳遞給 ChatGPT"
  2649. #: options/theme-options.php:3257
  2650. msgid "ChatGPT Article Summarize Ask Prompt"
  2651. msgstr "ChatGPT文章摘要要求提示"
  2652. #: options/theme-options.php:3259
  2653. msgid ""
  2654. "Fill in the Ask Prompt, Use preset value when option is empty, Please make "
  2655. "changes if you know how to configure it correctly"
  2656. msgstr ""
  2657. "填寫詢問提示,選項為空時使用預設值,請在您知道如何正確配置的情况下進行更改"
  2658. #: options/theme-options.php:3267
  2659. msgid "Low Use Options"
  2660. msgstr "低使用設定"
  2661. #: options/theme-options.php:3274
  2662. msgid ""
  2663. "You can click <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Others/"
  2664. "#%E4%BD%8E%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">here</a> to learn how to "
  2665. "set the options on this page"
  2666. msgstr ""
  2667. "您可以按下 <a href=\"https://docs.fuukei.org/Sakurairo/Others/"
  2668. "#%E4%BD%8E%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE\">此處</a> 瞭解如何在此頁面上"
  2669. "設定選項"
  2670. #: options/theme-options.php:3280
  2671. msgid "Statistics API"
  2672. msgstr "統計接口"
  2673. #: options/theme-options.php:3281
  2674. msgid ""
  2675. "You can choose WP-Statistics plugin statistics or theme built-in statistics "
  2676. "to display"
  2677. msgstr "你可以選擇WP-Statistics插件統計或者主題內建統計作為統計結果"
  2678. #: options/theme-options.php:3283
  2679. msgid "Theme Built in Statistics"
  2680. msgstr "主題內建統計"
  2681. #: options/theme-options.php:3284
  2682. msgid "WP-Statistics Plugin Statistics"
  2683. msgstr "WP-Statistics插件統計"
  2684. #: options/theme-options.php:3292
  2685. msgid "Statistics display format"
  2686. msgstr "統計數據顯示格式"
  2687. #: options/theme-options.php:3293
  2688. msgid "You can choose from four different data display formats"
  2689. msgstr "你可以選擇四種不同的數據顯示格式"
  2690. #: options/theme-options.php:3295
  2691. msgid "23333 Visits"
  2692. msgstr "23333次訪問"
  2693. #: options/theme-options.php:3296
  2694. msgid "23,333 Visits"
  2695. msgstr "23,333次訪問"
  2696. #: options/theme-options.php:3297
  2697. msgid "23 333 Visits"
  2698. msgstr "23 333次訪問"
  2699. #: options/theme-options.php:3298
  2700. msgid "23K Visits"
  2701. msgstr "23K次訪問"
  2702. #: options/theme-options.php:3306
  2703. msgid "Live Search"
  2704. msgstr "實時搜尋"
  2705. #: options/theme-options.php:3307
  2706. msgid ""
  2707. "After turning on the live search in the frontend, call Rest API to update "
  2708. "the cache once an hour. You can set the cache time manually in api.php"
  2709. msgstr ""
  2710. "開啟之後將在前台實現實時搜尋,調用 Rest API 每小時更新一次快取,可在 api.php "
  2711. "里手動設定快取時間"
  2712. #: options/theme-options.php:3314
  2713. msgid "Live Search Comment Support"
  2714. msgstr "實時搜尋留言支援"
  2715. #: options/theme-options.php:3316
  2716. msgid ""
  2717. "Enable to search for comments in live search (not recommended if site has "
  2718. "too many comments)"
  2719. msgstr "開啟之後將在可在實時搜尋中搜尋留言(如果網站留言數量太多不建議開啟)"
  2720. #: options/theme-options.php:3323
  2721. msgid "Google Analytics Id"
  2722. msgstr "谷歌統計ID"
  2723. #: options/theme-options.php:3324
  2724. msgid "If you already have a plugin to handle it, please keep here empty."
  2725. msgstr "如果已有類似功能挿件,請將此處留空"
  2726. #: options/theme-options.php:3330
  2727. msgid "Custom CSS Styles"
  2728. msgstr "自定義CSS樣式"
  2729. #: options/theme-options.php:3331
  2730. msgid "Fill in the CSS code without writing style tag"
  2731. msgstr "填寫CSS代碼,不需要寫style標籤"
  2732. #: options/theme-options.php:3338
  2733. msgid "Code inserted in the header"
  2734. msgstr "自定義插入Header程式碼"
  2735. #: options/theme-options.php:3339
  2736. msgid "Insert HTML code right before </head>."
  2737. msgstr "在</head>前插入HTML程式碼"
  2738. #: options/theme-options.php:3345
  2739. msgid "Timezone Fix"
  2740. msgstr "時區修正"
  2741. #: options/theme-options.php:3346
  2742. msgid ""
  2743. "Slide to adjust. If the comment has a time difference problem, adjust it "
  2744. "here, fill in an integer. Calculation method: actual time = time of display "
  2745. "error - the integer you entered (in hours)"
  2746. msgstr ""
  2747. "滑動滑塊,如果留言出現時差問題在這裡調整,填入一個整數,計算方法:實際時間=顯"
  2748. "示錯誤的時間-你輸入的整數(單位:小時)"
  2749. #: options/theme-options.php:3355
  2750. msgid "Gravatar Service Proxy"
  2751. msgstr "Gravatar服務代理"
  2752. #: options/theme-options.php:3356
  2753. msgid ""
  2754. "You can select multiple proxy as the Gravatar Service Proxy. By default, "
  2755. "Geekzu is used as the Gravatar Service Proxy."
  2756. msgstr ""
  2757. "你可以選擇多種代理作為Gravatar服務代理。默認使用Geekzu作為Gravatar服務代理。"
  2758. #: options/theme-options.php:3358
  2759. msgid "Geekzu"
  2760. msgstr "極客族"
  2761. #: options/theme-options.php:3359
  2762. msgid "Cravatar Service"
  2763. msgstr "Cravatar服務"
  2764. #: options/theme-options.php:3360
  2765. msgid "Loli Net"
  2766. msgstr "Loli Net"
  2767. #: options/theme-options.php:3361
  2768. msgid "Official"
  2769. msgstr "官方"
  2770. #: options/theme-options.php:3362
  2771. msgid "Official CN"
  2772. msgstr "官方中國鏡像"
  2773. #: options/theme-options.php:3369
  2774. msgid "Lightbox"
  2775. msgstr "燈箱"
  2776. #: options/theme-options.php:3375
  2777. msgid "BaguetteBox Lightbox Effect"
  2778. msgstr "BaguetteBox燈箱效果"
  2779. #: options/theme-options.php:3376
  2780. msgid "BaguetteBox will be used as the image lightbox effect when turned on"
  2781. msgstr "開啟之後將使用BaguetteBox作為圖像燈箱效果"
  2782. #: options/theme-options.php:3383
  2783. msgid "FancyBox Lightbox Effect"
  2784. msgstr "FancyBox燈箱效果"
  2785. #: options/theme-options.php:3384
  2786. msgid ""
  2787. "FancyBox will be used as an image lightbox effect after turning on, "
  2788. "additional JQ libraries will be loaded"
  2789. msgstr "開啟之後將使用FancyBox作為圖像燈箱效果,將會額外載入JQ庫"
  2790. #: options/theme-options.php:3392
  2791. msgid "LightGallery Lightbox Effect"
  2792. msgstr "LightGallery燈箱效果"
  2793. #: options/theme-options.php:3393
  2794. msgid "LightGallery will be used as an image lightbox effect after turning on."
  2795. msgstr "開啟之後將使用LightGallery作為圖像燈箱效果"
  2796. #: options/theme-options.php:3399
  2797. msgid ""
  2798. "<strong>Attension: Please read <a href=\"https://github.com/sachinchoolur/"
  2799. "lightGallery#license\">License Instruction</a> before use.</strong><br/"
  2800. "><strong><a href=\"https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/demos/thumbnails/\">Demos</"
  2801. "a></strong> | <strong><a href=\"https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/docs/settings/"
  2802. "\">Reference</a></strong> | <strong><a href=\"https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/"
  2803. "npm/lightgallery@latest/plugins/\">Plugin List</a></strong> <br/> Please "
  2804. "write settings in JavaScript. An example has been provided as default "
  2805. "setting.<br/> It should be captiable for Most User using WordPress "
  2806. "Guttenberg Editor.<br/>Submit new discussion on Github for assistance. "
  2807. "https://github.com/mirai-mamori/Sakurairo/discussions"
  2808. msgstr ""
  2809. "<strong>內涵:使用前請閱讀 <a href=\"https://github.com/sachinchoolur/"
  2810. "lightGallery#license\">許可證說明</a> 。</strong><br/><strong><a "
  2811. "href=\"https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/demos/thumbnails/\">演示</a></strong> "
  2812. "| <strong><a href=\"https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/docs/settings/\">參考</"
  2813. "a></strong> | <strong><a href=\"https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/"
  2814. "lightgallery@latest/plugins/\">外掛程式清單</a></strong> <br/> 請在 "
  2815. "JavaScript 中寫下設置。範例已作為預設設置提供。<br/> 對於使用 WordPress 古滕"
  2816. "貝格編輯器的大多數用戶來說, 它應該是可圈可的。<br/>提交關於 Github 的新討論"
  2817. "以尋求説明。https://github.com/mirai-mamori/Sakurairo/discussions"
  2818. #: options/theme-options.php:3410
  2819. msgid ""
  2820. "Start from Sakurairo v2.4.0, plugins names in LightGallery option follow the "
  2821. "form cite in official document (eg. lgHash instead of \"hash\")"
  2822. msgstr ""
  2823. "從Sakurairo v2.4.0開始,LightGallery中的挿件名稱會與官方檔案中引用的表格保持"
  2824. "一致(例如“hash”將被表示為IgHash)"
  2825. #: options/theme-options.php:3418
  2826. msgid "LightGallery Lightbox Effect Options"
  2827. msgstr "LightGallery燈箱效果選項"
  2828. #: options/theme-options.php:3429
  2829. msgid "Code Highlighting"
  2830. msgstr "程式碼高亮"
  2831. #: options/theme-options.php:3434
  2832. msgid ""
  2833. "<p><strong>Highlight.js:</strong> Default. Automatic language recognition. </"
  2834. "p> <p><strong>Prism.js:</strong> Requires a language to be specified, see <a "
  2835. "href=\"https://prismjs.com/#basic-usage\">basic usage</a> and <a "
  2836. "href=\"https://prismjs.com/ plugins/file-highlight/\">How to code highlight "
  2837. "dynamically loaded files</a>. </p> <p><strong>Custom:</strong> For cases "
  2838. "where another configuration is available. </p>"
  2839. msgstr ""
  2840. "<p><strong>Highlight.js:</strong> 默認值,自動識別語言。</"
  2841. "p><p><strong>Prism.js:</strong> 需要指定語言,使用方法請查閱 <a "
  2842. "href=\"https://prismjs.com/#basic-usage\">基本用法</a> 和 <a href=\"https://"
  2843. "prismjs.com/ plugins/file-highlight/\">如何程式碼高亮顯示動態載入的檔案</"
  2844. "a>。 </p><p><strong>自定義:</strong> 適用於另有配置的情況。</p>"
  2845. #: options/theme-options.php:3442
  2846. msgid "Code Highlight Method"
  2847. msgstr "程式碼高亮程式"
  2848. #: options/theme-options.php:3446
  2849. msgid "Custom Program"
  2850. msgstr "自定義"
  2851. #: options/theme-options.php:3454
  2852. msgid "Prism.js: Add Line Number Display for All Code Blocks"
  2853. msgstr "Prism.js:為所有程式碼塊增加行數顯示"
  2854. #: options/theme-options.php:3458
  2855. msgid ""
  2856. "See the <a href=\"https://prismjs.com/plugins/line-numbers/\">plugin "
  2857. "description documentation</a>"
  2858. msgstr ""
  2859. "請查閱 <a href=\"https://prismjs.com/plugins/line-numbers/\">外掛描述文件</a>"
  2860. #: options/theme-options.php:3464
  2861. msgid "Prism.js: Autoload Address"
  2862. msgstr "Prism.js:自動載入地址"
  2863. #: options/theme-options.php:3468
  2864. msgid "Leave blank to use default values"
  2865. msgstr "留空以使用默認值"
  2866. #: options/theme-options.php:3475
  2867. msgid "Prism.js: Code Highlight Theme"
  2868. msgstr "Prism.js:程式碼高亮主題"
  2869. #: options/theme-options.php:3476 options/theme-options.php:3487
  2870. msgid "Relative to autoload address. Leave blank to use default values"
  2871. msgstr "相對於自動載入地址。留空以使用默認值"
  2872. #: options/theme-options.php:3486
  2873. msgid "Prism.js: Code Highlight Theme (Dark Mode)"
  2874. msgstr "Prism.js:程式碼高亮主題(深色模式)"
  2875. #: options/theme-options.php:3497
  2876. msgid ""
  2877. "The following Options are not recommended to be modified blindly, please use "
  2878. "them under the guidance of others"
  2879. msgstr "以下設定不推薦盲目進行修改,請在他人的指導下使用"
  2880. #: options/theme-options.php:3503
  2881. msgid "Image CDN"
  2882. msgstr "圖像CDN"
  2883. #: options/theme-options.php:3504
  2884. msgid ""
  2885. "Note: fill in the format https://your CDN domain/. This means that images "
  2886. "with original path http://your.domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx.png will "
  2887. "be loaded from http://your CDN domain/2018/05/xx.png"
  2888. msgstr ""
  2889. "注意:填寫格式為 http(s)://你的CDN域名/。也就是說,原路徑為 http://your."
  2890. "domain/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/xx.png 的圖像將從 http://你的CDN域"
  2891. "名/2018/05/xx.png 載入"
  2892. #: options/theme-options.php:3511
  2893. msgid "Articles Categories (Do not display)"
  2894. msgstr "文章分類(不顯示)"
  2895. #: options/theme-options.php:3512 options/theme-options.php:3519
  2896. msgid "Fill in category ID, seperate in English\" , \" when more than one"
  2897. msgstr "'填寫分類ID,多個用英文“ , ”分開"
  2898. #: options/theme-options.php:3518
  2899. msgid "Image Display Category"
  2900. msgstr "圖像展示分類"
  2901. #: options/theme-options.php:3525
  2902. msgid "Specify Login Address"
  2903. msgstr "指定登入地址"
  2904. #: options/theme-options.php:3526
  2905. msgid ""
  2906. "Force not to use the WordPress login page address to login, fill in the new "
  2907. "login page address, such as: http://www.xxx.com/login. Note that before "
  2908. "filling in the new page you can test the normal opening, so as not to cause "
  2909. "the inability to enter the background, etc."
  2910. msgstr ""
  2911. "強制不使用WordPress登入頁面地址登入,填寫新建的登入頁面地址,比如:http://"
  2912. "www.xxx.com/login。注意填寫前先測試下你新建的頁面是可以正常打開的,以免造成無"
  2913. "法進入後台等情況。"
  2914. #: options/theme-options.php:3532
  2915. msgid "Specify Registration Address"
  2916. msgstr "指定註冊地址"
  2917. #: options/theme-options.php:3533
  2918. msgid ""
  2919. "This address is used as the registration entry on the login page, if you "
  2920. "specify a login address, it is recommended to fill in"
  2921. msgstr "該地址在登入頁面作為註冊入口,如果你指定了登入地址,則建議填寫"
  2922. #: options/theme-options.php:3539
  2923. msgid "Version Control"
  2924. msgstr "版本控制"
  2925. #: options/theme-options.php:3540
  2926. msgid "Used to update front-end cookies and browser cache, can use any string"
  2927. msgstr "用於更新前端Cookie和瀏覽器快取,可使用任意字符串"
  2928. #: options/theme-options.php:3546
  2929. msgid "Backup&Recovery"
  2930. msgstr "備份恢復"
  2931. #: options/theme-options.php:3548
  2932. msgid "Backup or Recovery your theme options"
  2933. msgstr "備份或恢復你的主題設定"
  2934. #: options/theme-options.php:3559
  2935. msgid "About Theme"
  2936. msgstr "關於主題"
  2937. #: options/theme-options.php:3565
  2938. msgid "Version Info"
  2939. msgstr "版本資訊"
  2940. #: options/theme-options.php:3570
  2941. msgid ""
  2942. "<img src=\"https://s.nmxc.ltd/sakurairo_vision/@2.6/series/headlogo.webp\" "
  2943. "alt=\"Theme Information\" />"
  2944. msgstr ""
  2945. #: options/theme-options.php:3576
  2946. #, php-format
  2947. msgid ""
  2948. "Theme Sakurairo Version %s | Internal Version %s | <a href=\"https://github."
  2949. "com/mirai-mamori/Sakurairo\">Project Address</a>"
  2950. msgstr ""
  2951. "Sakurairo 主題版本 %s | 內部版本 %s | <a href=\"https://github.com/mirai-"
  2952. "mamori/Sakurairo\">項目地址</a>"
  2953. #: options/theme-options.php:3581
  2954. msgid "Update Related"
  2955. msgstr "更新相關"
  2956. #: options/theme-options.php:3587
  2957. msgid "Theme Update Source"
  2958. msgstr "主題更新源"
  2959. #: options/theme-options.php:3593
  2960. msgid ""
  2961. "If you are using a server set up in mainland China, please use the Upyun "
  2962. "source or the official theme source as your theme update source"
  2963. msgstr ""
  2964. "如果你使用的是架設在中國的伺服器,請使用 UPYUN 源或主題官方源作為你的主題更新"
  2965. "源"
  2966. #: options/theme-options.php:3600
  2967. msgid "Theme Update Test Channel Disclaimer"
  2968. msgstr "主題更新測試通道免責聲明"
  2969. #: options/theme-options.php:3606
  2970. msgid ""
  2971. "Please copy the text in quotes after <strong>ensure that you have carefully "
  2972. "understood the risks associated with participating in the test and are "
  2973. "willing to assume all consequences at your own risk</strong> (including but "
  2974. "not limited to possible data loss) into the options text box <strong> \"I "
  2975. "agree and am willing to bear all unexpected consequences\"</strong>"
  2976. msgstr ""
  2977. "請在 <strong> 確保你已經認真了解參與測試帶來的風險並且願意自行承擔一切後果 </"
  2978. "strong>(包括但不限於可能的資料丟失)之後,複製後文引號內的文本到選項文本框"
  2979. "內 <strong> \"I agree and am willing to bear all unexpected consequences\" </"
  2980. "strong>"
  2981. #: options/theme-options.php:3612
  2982. msgid "Theme Update Channel"
  2983. msgstr "主題更新頻道"
  2984. #: options/theme-options.php:3619
  2985. msgid ""
  2986. "You can toggle the update channel here to participate in the testing of the "
  2987. "new version"
  2988. msgstr "你可以在此切換更新頻道以參與到新版本的測試中"
  2989. #: options/theme-options.php:3621
  2990. msgid "Stable Channel"
  2991. msgstr "正式通道"
  2992. #: options/theme-options.php:3622
  2993. msgid "Beta Channel"
  2994. msgstr "公共測試頻道"
  2995. #: options/theme-options.php:3623
  2996. msgid "Preview Channel"
  2997. msgstr "預覽測試頻道"
  2998. #: options/theme-options.php:3630
  2999. msgid "Resource Control"
  3000. msgstr "資源控制"
  3001. #: options/theme-options.php:3636
  3002. msgid "Provide Critical Frontend Resource locally"
  3003. msgstr "在本地提供關鍵前端資源"
  3004. #: options/theme-options.php:3637
  3005. msgid ""
  3006. "Enabeld by default. Critical resources are those resources whose loading "
  3007. "performance will have a significant impact on the user experience."
  3008. msgstr "預設為 Enabeld。關鍵資源是載入性能將對用戶體驗產生重大影響的資源。"
  3009. #: options/theme-options.php:3644
  3010. msgid "Provide Other Frontend Resource locally"
  3011. msgstr "在本地提供其他前端資源"
  3012. #: options/theme-options.php:3645
  3013. msgid "Less important frontend resource in the theme's folder."
  3014. msgstr "主題資料夾中不太重要的前端資源。"
  3015. #: options/theme-options.php:3652
  3016. msgid "Provide 3rd-party library from public CDN"
  3017. msgstr "從公共 CDN 提供第三方庫"
  3018. #: options/theme-options.php:3653
  3019. msgid ""
  3020. "When disabled, 3rd-party dependencies, which have been built to bundles "
  3021. "along with themes's entry script, will be loaded from the exact same origin "
  3022. "with Critical Frontend Resource. "
  3023. msgstr ""
  3024. "禁用后,第三方依賴項(已構建為與主題入口腳本捆綁在一起)將從與關鍵前端資源完"
  3025. "全相同的源載入。"
  3026. #: options/theme-options.php:3660
  3027. msgid "Public CDN Basepath"
  3028. msgstr "公共 CDN 基本路徑"
  3029. #: options/theme-options.php:3671
  3030. msgid "Vision Resource Basepath"
  3031. msgstr "視覺資源基本路徑"
  3032. #: options/theme-options.php:3672
  3033. msgid ""
  3034. "This link directory structure needs to be consistent with the <a "
  3035. "href=\"https://github.com/Fuukei/Sakurairo_Vision\">Sakurairo Vision</a> "
  3036. "repositories officially provided by fuukei, otherwise some resources 404 may "
  3037. "appear. The image source officially provided by <a href=\"https://www.upyun."
  3038. "com/\">Upyun</a> is adopted by default."
  3039. msgstr ""
  3040. "這個鏈接目錄結構需要與fuukei官方提供的 <a href=\"https://github.com/Fuukei/"
  3041. "Sakurairo_Vision\">櫻井眼視覺</a> 存儲庫保持一致,否則可能會出現一些資源404。"
  3042. "默認採用 <a href=\"https://www.upyun.com/\">UPYUN</a> 提供的镜像源。"
  3043. #: options/theme-options.php:3678
  3044. msgid "Theme Sponsors"
  3045. msgstr "贊助資訊"
  3046. #: options/theme-options.php:3683
  3047. msgid ""
  3048. "<img src=\"https://news.maho.cc/sponsors.php\" alt=\"sponsors\" width=\"65%"
  3049. "\" height=\"65%\" />"
  3050. msgstr ""
  3051. #: options/theme-options.php:3688
  3052. msgid "Theme Contributors"
  3053. msgstr "貢獻者"
  3054. #: options/theme-options.php:3693
  3055. msgid ""
  3056. "<img src=\"https://opencollective.com/fuukei/contributors.svg\" alt=\"Theme "
  3057. "Contributors\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" />"
  3058. msgstr ""
  3059. #: options/theme-options.php:3698
  3060. msgid "Privacy information"
  3061. msgstr "隱私資訊"
  3062. #: options/theme-options.php:3703
  3063. msgid ""
  3064. "<p>The theme respects your privacy</p>\n"
  3065. " <p>However, when you use a service provider pre-populated by the "
  3066. "theme to provide relevant services in mainland China, the service provider "
  3067. "may collect data about your visitors and compile statistics</p>\n"
  3068. " <p>You can reduce the amount of information sent to third parties by "
  3069. "localising the theme-related resources, which are pre-configured with "
  3070. "options for you to modify</p>"
  3071. msgstr ""
  3072. "<p>主題尊重您的隱私</p>\n"
  3073. " <p>但是,當您使用主題預填充的服務提供者提供中國大陸相關服務時,服務提"
  3074. "供者可能會收集有關您的訪問者的數據並編製統計數據</p>\n"
  3075. " <p>您可以通過本地化與主題相關的資源來減少發送給第三方的資訊,這些資源"
  3076. "預先配置了供您修改的選項</p>"
  3077. #: options/theme-options.php:3711
  3078. msgid "Send Theme Version to Fuukei"
  3079. msgstr "發送主題版到 Fuukei 官方"
  3080. #: options/theme-options.php:3712
  3081. msgid ""
  3082. "The theme will only send time and version information to Fuukei officials "
  3083. "and the data will be cleaned regularly and used only to count version "
  3084. "updates."
  3085. msgstr ""
  3086. "該主題只會向 Fuukei 官方發送時間和版本資訊,數據將定期清理並僅用於計算版本更"
  3087. "新。"
  3088. #: options/theme-options.php:3718
  3089. msgid "Reference Information"
  3090. msgstr "引用資訊"
  3091. #: options/theme-options.php:3723
  3092. msgid ""
  3093. "<p>Fluent Design Icon Referenced by Paradox <a href=\"https://wwi.lanzous."
  3094. "com/ikyq5kgx0wb\">Fluent Icon Pack</a></p>\n"
  3095. " <p>MUH2 Design Icon Referenced by 缄默 <a href=\"https://www.coolapk."
  3096. "com/apk/com.muh2.icon\">MUH2 Icon Pack</a></p>\n"
  3097. " <p>Mashiro Style Logo References the Original Theme Author Mashiro, "
  3098. "As Provided and Referenced by Hyacm</p>"
  3099. msgstr ""
  3100. "<p>流暢設計圖標引用了由 Paradox 設計的 <a href=\"https://wwi.lanzous.com/"
  3101. "ikyq5kgx0wb\">Fluent圖標包</a></p>\n"
  3102. " <p>沐氫圖標引用了由 缄默 設計的 <a href=\"https://www.coolapk.com/"
  3103. "apk/com.muh2.icon\">沐氫圖標包</a></p>\n"
  3104. " <p>白貓樣式Logo參考原主題作者白貓,由 Hyacm 提供方案並引用</p>"
  3105. #: options/theme-options.php:3730
  3106. msgid "Dependency Information"
  3107. msgstr "依賴資訊"
  3108. #: options/theme-options.php:3735
  3109. msgid ""
  3110. "<p>Options Framework Relies on the Codestar Open Source <a href=\"https://"
  3111. "github.com/Codestar/codestar-framework\">Codestar Framework</a> Project</p>\n"
  3112. " <p>Update Function Relies on YahnisElsts Open Source <a "
  3113. "href=\"https://github.com/YahnisElsts/plugin-update-checker\">Plugin Update "
  3114. "Checker</a> Project</p>\n"
  3115. " <p>ChatGPT-related Capabilities Relies on HaoZi-Team Open Source <a "
  3116. "href=\"https://github.com/HaoZi-Team/ChatGPT-PHP\">ChatGPT PHP</a> Project</"
  3117. "p>"
  3118. msgstr ""
  3119. "<p>選項框架依賴於 Codestar 開源 <a href=\"https://github.com/Codestar/"
  3120. "codestar-framework\">Codestar Framework</a> 專案</p>\n"
  3121. " <p>更新功能依賴於 YahnisElsts 開源 <a href=\"https://github.com/"
  3122. "YahnisElsts/plugin-update-checker\">Plugin Update Checker</a> 專案</p>\n"
  3123. " <p>ChatGPT 相關能力依賴 HaoZi-Team 開源 <a href=\"https://github.com/"
  3124. "HaoZi-Team/ChatGPT-PHP\">ChatGPT PHP</a> 專案</p>"
  3125. #: options/theme-options.php:3742
  3126. msgid ""
  3127. "<img src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/mirai-mamori/Sakurairo."
  3128. "svg?style=flat-square\" alt=\"Theme latest version\" style=\"border-radius: "
  3129. "3px;\" /> <img src=\"https://img.shields.io/github/release-date/mirai-"
  3130. "mamori/Sakurairo?style=flat-square\" alt=\"Theme latest version release "
  3131. "date\" style=\"border-radius: 3px;\" /> <img src=\"https://data.jsdelivr."
  3132. "com/v1/package/gh/Fuukei/Public_Repository/badge\" alt=\"Theme CDN resource "
  3133. "access\" style=\"border-radius: 3px;\" />"
  3134. msgstr ""
  3135. #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
  3136. msgid "Sakurairo_CSF"
  3137. msgstr ""
  3138. #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
  3139. msgid "https://github.com/Fuukei/Sakurairo_CSF"
  3140. msgstr ""
  3141. #. Description of the plugin/theme
  3142. msgid "A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework for Sakurairo"
  3143. msgstr "一個簡單,輕量的WordPress設定框架,專為Sakurairo設計"
  3144. #. Author of the plugin/theme
  3145. msgid "Codestar with Fuukei"
  3146. msgstr ""
  3147. #. Author URI of the plugin/theme
  3148. msgid "https://github.com/Fuukei"
  3149. msgstr ""
  3150. #~ msgid "Cover Signature Bar Rounded"
  3151. #~ msgstr "封面簽名欄圓角"